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Create a WebAgent.conf File

The FWS application requires the WebAgent.conf file; however, the Web Agent Option Pack does not install this file so you must create it.

  1. Copy the WebAgent.conf file from Machine 1 to the following directory on Machine 2 and Machine 5:


    where webagent_option_pack is the installed location of the Web Agent Option Pack on Machine 2 and Machine 5.

  2. Modify the WebAgent.conf file as follows:
    1. Set the EnableWebAgent parameter to YES.
    2. Modify any other configuration parameters to suit the environment for the FWS application.

    The following is a sample of a WebAgent.conf file for the FWS application:

    # WebAgent.conf - configuration file for the Federation Web Services Application
    #agentname="agent_name, IP_address"

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