Previous Topic: Access the Artifact Resolution Service with a Client Certificate (optional)

Next Topic: Protect the Artifact Resolution Service at the Identity Provider

Configuring the Client Certificate Option at the Service Provider

To set-up the client certificate authentication to secure the backchannel to the artifact resolution service, you need to

Select the Client Cert Option for Authentication

To present a client certificate as credentials

  1. In the Authentication Scheme Properties dialog for SAML 2.0 authentication, click Additional Configuration.
  2. Select the SSO tab.
  3. Select HTTP-Artifact in the Bindings group box.
  4. Select Client cert for the Authentication field.

Add a Client Certificate to the SMKeyDatabase

This procedure assumes you already have a private key and certificate from a Certificate Authority.

  1. Create an smkeydatabase, if one does not already exist. Enter the command:
    smkeytool -createDB smkeydatabase -password <password>
  2. Add a private key and client certificate to smkeydatabase by entering the following command.
    smkeytool -alias <alias> –addPrivKey - keyfile<file_path_to_key_file>


  3. Restart the Policy Server to see the changes to the smkeydatabase immediately.

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