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Access the Artifact Resolution Service with a Client Certificate (optional)

This procedure is only for single sign-on with the artifact binding.

You can use client certificate authentication to secure the back-channel across which the Identity Provider sends the assertion to the Service Provider when using the HTTP-artifact binding.

Note: Certificate authentication for the back-channel is optional; you can use Basic authentication instead.

The SAML 2.0 authentication scheme with artifact binding is invoked by the Assertion Consumer Service. This service collects information from the scheme to retrieve the SAML assertion from the Identity Provider. You are required to specify an authentication method for the realm that contains the Artifact Resolution Service at the Identity Provider. This tells the Assertion Consumer Service what type of credentials to provide to retrieve the assertion.

If the Artifact Resolution Service is part of a realm configured for client certificate authentication, there are some configuration tasks at the Service Provider and the Identity Provider you need to complete.

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