You can configure responses to pass attributes from a SAML assertion to a target application at the consumer site.
To configure an attribute for an assertion
The Affiliate Attribute Editor dialog opens.
If you select the DN Attribute, you can also select the Allow Nested Groups check box. Selecting this check box allows SiteMinder to return an attribute from a group that is nested in another group specified by a policy. Nested groups often occur in complex LDAP deployments.
Your selection from the Attribute drop-down list and the response attribute type you select determine the available fields in the Attribute Fields group box.
Fill in the following fields:
Enter the name for the attribute SiteMinder returns to the affiliate.
Enter the static text as the value for the name/value pair.
For example, to return the name/value pair show_content=yes, enter show_content as the variable name and yes as the variable value.
User Attribute
Fill in the following fields:
Enter the name for the attribute SiteMinder returns to the consumer.
Enter the attribute in the user directory for the name/value pair.
For example, to return the email address of a user to the consumer, enter email_address as the Variable Name, and email as the Attribute Name.
DN Attribute
Fill in the following fields:
Enter the name for the attribute SiteMinder returns to the consumer.
Enter the distinguished name of the user group from which SiteMinder retrieves the user attribute. The DN must be related to the users for whom you want to return values to the consumer. If you do not know the DN, click Lookup. Use the SiteMinder User Lookup dialog to locate the user group and select a DN.
Enter the attribute in the user directory for this attribute for the name/value pair.
Note: If you selected Affiliate-HTTP-Cookie-Variable from the Attribute menu, the Variable Name field label changes to Cookie Name.
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