Federation Security Services Guide › Identify Consumers at a SAML 1.x Producer
This section contains the following topics:
Prerequisites for Producing SAML 1.x Assertions
Configuration Checklist for 1.x Producer
Add a Consumer to an Affiliate Domain
Select Users for Which Assertions Will Be Generated
Configure SAML 1.x Assertions to Authenticate Users
Create Links to Consumer Resources for Single Sign-on
Allow Access to the Federation Web Services Application
Set Up Sessions for a SAML Affiliate Agent Consumer (optional)
Configure Attributes to Include in SAML 1.x Assertions (Optional)
Configure IP Address Restrictions for 1.x Consumers (optional)
Configure Time Restrictions for 1.x Consumers (optional)
Customize SAML 1.x Assertion Content (optional)
Protect the Authentication URL to Create a SiteMinder Session (SAML 1.x)
Protect the Assertion Retrieval Service with Client Certificate Authentication (optional)