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SAML 2.0 Pseudo-code Example

The pseudo-code in this section illustrates the following operations:

  1. Initialize the API.
  2. Retrieve the affiliate domain for the Service Provider.
  3. Assign metadata constants to variables.
  4. Assign values to the Service Provider metadata.
  5. Create the Service Provider.
  6. Retrieve users from the directory associated with the affiliate domain.
  7. Add the users to the Service Provider.
  8. Update the Service Provider's default skew time to 100.
  9. Save the update.
  10. Print the updated skew time.
    # 1. Initialize the API
    use Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI;
    $policyapi = Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI‑>New();
    $session = $policyapi‑>CreateSession("adminid", "adminpwd");
    # 2. Retrieve the affiliate domain for the Service Provider
    # 3. Assign metadata constants to variables
    # 4. Assign values to the Service Provider metadata
    %hsh=($SAML_NAME=>'My Service Provider',
    # 5. Create the Service Provider
    # 6. Retrieve users from the directory associated with the #    affiliate domain—in this case, users in the group HR
    # 7. Add the users to the Service Provider
    # 8. Update the Service Provider's default skewtime to 100
    # 9. Save the update
    # 10. Print the updated skewtime
    print "\n";
    print $sp‑>Property($SAML_SKEWTIME);

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