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SAML 2.0 Attribute Authority

SiteMinder supports authorization for user access to a resource by requesting the values of predetermned user attributes from a remote site and then using those values as the basis for the authorization decision. The request contains no session information, because the user is not necessarily authenticated on the remote site.

For example, imagine a customer logs on to a car rental agency site to inquire about rates. The customer is authenticated by the agency, but to provide a competitive rate, the agency uses information from the customer's prefered airline. The car rental agency puts in a request to the airline's Web site to obtain the customer's quality code, which is based on the customer's accrued frequent flier miles. The airline returns the value of the quality code, for instance, 1A, and the car agency displays the appropriate rate sheet to the customer.

In this example, the car rental agency acts as what is know as the the SAML Requester, and the airline acts as what is known as a SAML Attribute Authority. Note that the customer is not authenticated by the Attribute Authority.

The Policy Server implements this kind of authorization decision by using variables within policy expressions. In the policy expressions, Federation attribute variables associate an attribute with a remote Attribute Authority. When the policy server attempts to resolve the Federation attribute variable, it determines the Attribute Authority from which to request the value of the attribute.

The Perl Policy Management API includes the following three methods in the PolicyMgtSession object to support authorization based on user attributes:

The PolicyMgtSAMLServiceProvider‑>AddAttribute method supports the addition of an attribute to the Service Provider (the Attribute Authority) that can be requested by a SAML Requester.

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