Error Message |
Function |
Description |
Bad security handshake attempt. Handshake error: |
SmTunnelMessage::Hand-shakeAttemptError |
The client/server security handshake failed due to the specified system error. |
Client cannot encrypt data successfully during |
SmTunnelMessage::Client-EncryptFail |
The client/server security handshake failed. The client could not properly encrypt its handshake messages. |
Exception caught during handshake attempt |
SmTunnelMessage::ExcpIn-HandshakeAttempt |
An unspecified error occurred during the client/server security handshake. |
Failed to initialize tunnel |
SmTunnelMessage::Tunnel-ServiceLibInitFail |
The requested tunnel service library failed initialization. |
Failed to load tunnel |
SmTunnelMessage::Tunnel-ServiceLibLoadFail |
The requested tunnel service library could not be loaded. |
Failed to resolve function |
SmTunnelMessage::Tunnel-ServiceLibFuncResolveFail |
The requested function could not be found in the requested tunnel service library due to a system error. |
Handshake error: Bad host-name in hello message |
SmTunnelMessage::Hand-shakeErrorBadHostname |
The client/server security handshake failed. The initial message from the client to the server contained an incorrect host name. |
Handshake error: Bad |
SmTunnelMessage::Hand-shakeErrorBadVersionNo |
The client/server security handshake failed. The initial message from the client to the server contained an incorrect version number. |
Handshake error: Failed |
SmTunnelMessage::Hand-shakeErrorToReceiveClientACK |
The client/server security handshake failed. The initial message from the server to the client was not acknowledged by the client. |
Handshake error: Failed |
SmTunnelMessage::Hand-shakeErrorClientHelloNot-Receive |
The client/server security handshake failed. The client disconnted the connection before sending the initial message. |
Handshake error: Failed to receive client hello. Socket |
SmTunnelMessage::Hand-shakeErrorSocketError |
The client/server security handshake failed. The client did not send the initial message. |
Handshake error: Failed to |
SmTunnelMessage::Hand-ShakeErrorInSendSocketError |
The client/server security handshake failed. The initial message from the server to the client couldn't be sent due to a communications failure. |
Handshake error: Shared |
SmTunnelMessage::Hand-shakeErrorSharedSecret-Incorrect |
The client/server security handshake failed. The initial message from the client to the server contained an incorrect shared secret. |
This Policy Server version |
SmTunnelMessage::Agent-VersionNotSupported |
The client/server security handshake failed. The version of the client is no longer allowed to establish a tunnel connection. |
Tunnel callers are not |
SmTunnelMessage::Tunnel-CallerExecDenied |
A Tunnel call attempted to make a request that is disallowed. |
Unexpected handshake |
SmTunnelMessage::Hand-shakeErrorUnexpected |
The client/server security handshake failed for an unexpected reason. |
Unknown Exception caught while publishing Tunnel Libs |
SmTunnelMessage::Unknown-ExcpPublishTunnelLibs |
An unknown exception occurred while a tunnel service library was describing itself through its publishing interface. |
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