Message |
Message ID |
Description |
%1s failed for path '%2s |
'FuncFailForPath |
The policy server failed to get directory information using the custom provider. |
ADs EnumContainer failed; Error %1xl. %2s |
ADsEnumContainerFailed |
The policy server failed to enumerate container members through the ADSI interface. |
ADs Get failed for property |
ADsGetFailForProperty |
The policy server failed to get user property through the ADSI interface. |
ADs GetGroups failed; |
ADsGetGroupsFail |
The policy server failed to get user groups. |
ADs Put failed for property |
ADsPutFailForProperty |
The policy server failed to set user property through the ADSI interface. |
ADs put_Filter failed; |
ADsPutFilterFailed |
The policy server failed to create enumeration filter through the ADSI interface. |
ADs Search failed; Error |
ADsSearchFail |
The policy server failed to search through the ADSI interface. |
ADsBuildEnumerator failed; Error %1xl. %2s |
ADsBuildEnumeratorFailed |
The policy server failed to enumerate container members through the ADSI interface. |
ADsBuildVarArrayStr failed; Error %1xl. %2s |
ADsBuildVarArrayStrFailed |
The policy server failed to build a variable array through the ADSI interface. |
ADsEnumerateNext failed; |
ADsEnumerateNextFailed |
The policy server failed to enumerate container members through the ADSI interface. |
ADsGetObject failed; |
ADsGetObjectFail |
The policy server failed to get object properties through the ADSI interface. |
ADsOpenObject failed on |
ADsOpenObjectFailed |
The policy server failed to create a handle to the ADSI interface. |
Affiliate PropertyCollection |
AffiliatePropertyCollection-GroupNameMismatch |
The policy server failed to validate affiliate relationship to a policy. The affiliate property collection name does not match the specified policy name. |
Could not fetch properties |
PropertiesFetchFail |
The policy server failed to fetch object properties through the custom provider. |
Exception in SmDsObj |
SmDsObjUnknownException |
The policy server failed to lookup a DS provider. Check if the provider shared library can be loaded by the policy server process. |
Exception in SmDsObj: %1s |
SmDsObjException |
The policy server failed to lookup a DS provider. Check if the provider shared library is accessible by the policy server process. |
Failed to find an Affiliate PropertyCollections |
AffiliatePropertyCollectionsFail |
The policy server failed to fetch an affiliate domain. Check the policy store for consistency. |
Failed to find attribute |
AttributeFindFail |
The policy server failed to find the specified user attribute. |
Failed to find password |
PasswordPropertyFindFail |
The policy server failed to find password for the specified affiliate. |
Failed to find Property in PropertySection acting as Affiliate user |
AffilateUserPropertyIn-PropertySectionFindFail |
The policy server failed to fetch the specified affiliate property. |
Failed to find Property-Collection acting as Affiliate user directory |
ActingAffiliateUserDirProps-FindFail |
The policy server failed to fetch an affiliate domain. Check the policy store for consistency. |
Failed to find |
AffilateUserPropertySection-FindFail |
The policy server failed to lookup the specified affiliate. |
Failed to find |
InAffiliateUserDirPropsFindFail |
The policy server failed to fetch an affiliate from the affiliate domain. Check the policy store for consistency. |
Failed to find root object! |
RootObjFindFail |
The policy server failed to find affiliate domains. Check if affiliate objects are visible through the SiteMinder Administration UI. |
Failed to find user in Affiliate PropertyCollection |
AffiliatePropertyCollection-UserFindFail |
The policy server failed to lookup the specified affiliate. |
Failed to initialize custom directory API module '%1s |
'CustomDirAPIModInitFail |
The policy server failed to initialize the custom provider library. |
Failed to load custom |
CustormDirAPILibLoadFail |
The policy server failed to load the custom provider library. Check if the appropriate custom provider library is accessible by the policy server process. |
Failed to resolve function |
CustormDirAPILibFuncResovl-Fail |
The policy server failed to initialize the custom provider library. Check if the appropriate custom provider library is accessible by the policy server process. |
Get Disabled State not supported for namespace |
ADSIGetDisabledState-Supported |
The policy server does not support getting user disabled state through the ADSI interface. |
No function '%1s' is |
CustomDirAPILibFunctNot-Found |
The policy server failed to find one of the required methods in the custom provider library. Check if the appropriate custom provider library is accessible by the policy server process. |
Password change not |
ADSINoPasswordChange |
The policy server does not support changing user password through the ADSI interface. |
Password change not |
LanManPasswordChangeNot-Supported |
The policy server LanMan provider does not support changing user passwords. |
QueryInterface (IID_IADsContainer) failed; |
IID_IADsContainerFail |
The policy server failed to enumerate container members through the ADSI interface. |
QueryInterface (IID_IADsContainer) failed; |
QueryInterfaceIID_IADs-ContainerFail |
The policy server failed to enumerate container members through the ADSI interface. |
QueryInterface (IID_IADsUser) failed; Error %1xl. %2s |
IID_IADsUserFail |
The policy server failed to get user groups. |
QueryInterface (IID_IDirectorySearch) failed; Error %1xl. %2s |
IID_IDirectorySearchFail |
The policy server failed to search through the ADSI interface. |
Set Disabled State not supported for namespace |
ADSISetDisabledState-Supported |
The policy server does not support setting user disabled state through the ADSI interface. |
Unsupported function called: SmDirAddEntry |
UnsupportedFuncCallSmDir-AddEntry |
The SmDirAddEntry function is not supported by the affiliate provider library. |
Unsupported function called: SmDirAddMemberToGroup |
UnsupportedFuncCallSmDir-AddMemberToGroup |
The SmDirAddMemberToGroup function is not supported by the affiliate provider library. |
Unsupported function called: SmDirAddMemberToRole |
UnsupportedFuncCallSmDir-AddMemberToRole |
The SmDirAddMemberToRole function is not supported by the affiliate provider library. |
Unsupported function called: SmDirChangeUserPassword |
UnsupportedFuncCallSmDir-ChangeUserPassword |
The SmDirChangeUserPassword function is not supported by the affiliate provider library. |
Unsupported function called: SmDirGetGroupMembers |
UnsupportedFuncCallSmDir-GetGroupMembers |
The SmDirGetGroupMembers function is not supported by the affiliate provider library. |
Unsupported function called: SmDirGetRoleMembers |
UnsupportedFuncCallSmDir-GetRoleMembers |
The SmDirGetRoleMembers function is not supported by the affiliate provider library. |
Unsupported function called: SmDirGetUserAttrMulti |
UnsupportedFuncCallSmDir-GetUserAttrMulti |
The SmDirGetUserAttrMulti function is not supported by the affiliate provider library. |
Unsupported function called: SmDirGetUserClasses |
UnsupportedFuncCallSmDir-GetUserClasses |
The SmDirGetUserClasses function is not supported by the affiliate provider library. |
Unsupported function called: SmDirGetUserGroups |
UnsupportedFuncCallSmDir-GetUserGroups |
The SmDirGetUserGroups function is not supported by the affiliate provider library. |
Unsupported function called: SmDirGetUserProperties |
UnsupportedFuncCallSmDir-GetUserProperties |
The SmDirGetUserProperties function is not supported by the affiliate provider library. |
Unsupported function called: SmDirGetUserRoles |
UnsupportedFuncCallSmDir-GetUserRoles |
The SmDirGetUserRoles function is not supported by the affiliate provider library. |
Unsupported function called: SmDirLookup |
UnsupportedFuncCallSmDir-Lookup |
The SmDirLookup function is not supported by the affiliate provider library. |
Unsupported function called: SmDirRemoveEntry |
UnsupportedFuncCallSmDir-RemoveEntry |
The SmDirRemoveEntry function is not supported by the affiliate provider library. |
Unsupported function called: SmDirRemoveMemberFrom-Group |
UnsupportedFuncCallSmDir-RemoveMemberFromGroup |
The SmDirRemoveMemberFromGroup function is not supported by the affiliate provider library. |
Unsupported function called: SmDirRemoveMemberFrom-Role |
UnsupportedFuncCallSmDir-RemoveMemberFromRole |
The SmDirRemoveMemberFromRole function is not supported by the affiliate provider library. |
Unsupported function called: SmDirSearch |
UnsupportedFuncCallSmDir-Search |
The SmDirSearch function is not supported by the affiliate provider library. |
Unsupported function called: SmDirSearchCount |
UnsupportedFuncCallSmDir-SearchCount |
The SmDirSearchCount function is not supported by the affiliate provider library. |
Unsupported function called: SmDirSetUserAttr |
UnsupportedFuncCallSmDir-SetUserAttr |
The SmDirSetUserAttr function is not supported by the affiliate provider library. |
Unsupported function called: SmDirSetUserAttrMulti |
UnsupportedFuncCallSmDir-SetUserAttrMulti |
The SmDirSetUserAttrMulti function is not supported by the affiliate provider library. |
Unsupported function called: SmDirSetUserDisabledState |
UnsupportedFuncCallSmDir-SetUserDisabledState |
The SmDirSetUserDisabledState function is not supported by the affiliate provider library. |
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