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Configure Proxy Service

The forwarding service of the CA SiteMinder® SPS forwards requests to the appropriate destination servers according to the conditions and cases in the proxy rules XML configuration file. Many of the proxy service directives manage the connection pool maintained by the CA SiteMinder® SPS. These directives help improve server performance by maintaining connections and alleviating the overhead of establishing a new connection for each request to a destination server. Additional directives define proxy filters. Proxy filters can be defined here to perform processing tasks before a request is passed to a destination server, and after the destination server returns data to the CA SiteMinder® SPS. Filter names are unique.

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Proxy Configuration, Proxy Service.
  2. Complete the following fields:
    Support Multiple Protocols

    Indicates whether the CA SiteMinder® SPS supports protocols other than HTTP. If you select this option, the CA SiteMinder® SPS supports HTTP and HTTPS protocols. If you do not select this option, the CA SiteMinder® SPS supports only the HTTP protocol. By default, this option is enabled.

    Minimum Size

    Sets the minimum number of connections to a single destination server that are available for processing user requests.

    Default: 4

    Maximum Size

    Sets the maximum number of connections between the CA SiteMinder® SPS and a destination server.

    Default: 20

    Important! Each connection established by the CA SiteMinder® SPS creates a socket. For UNIX operating systems, if the maximum size of the connection pool is large, you can increase the limit on file descriptors to accommodate the large number of sockets.

    Incremental Factor

    Sets the number of connections to a destination server that the CA SiteMinder® SPS opens when all available connections are being used to process requests.

    Default: 4

    Connection Timeout

    Defines the time and timeout unit the system waits before closing idle connections in the connection pool.

    Default: 1 and minutes

    Wait Timeout

    Defines the time, in milliseconds, that the CA SiteMinder® SPS waits for an available connection. If the value is 0, the CA SiteMinder® SPS waits for a connection until notified and invalidates the use of HTTP Connection Pool Max Attempts.

    Default: 0

    Maximum Attempts

    Indicates the number of attempts that the CA SiteMinder® SPS makes to obtain a connection. This directive is only applicable if wait timeout is not zero. If the value is 0, the CA SiteMinder® SPS makes attempts indefinitely.

    Default: 3

    Connection Time Out

    Defines the time, in milliseconds, spent on host name translation and establishing the connection with the server when creating sockets. If the value is 0, the CA SiteMinder® SPS does not enforce a limit.

    Default: 0

    Note: This timeout explicitly refers to the HTTP connection and not to the connection pool.

  3. Click Save.