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Access to Office Applications with Internet Explorer 7 is Denied

Valid for Windows Vista


I cannot access Office applications in Internet Explorer 7 when Office Client Integration is enabled.


This error is the result of a known Microsoft issue. Persistent cookies are not shared between Internet Explorer 7 and Office applications in Windows Vista. Internet Explorer 7 has an isolated cache location where files saved by web pages and persistent cookies are saved.

To access Office applications, add the SharePoint site to the list of trusted sites. This change enables the Web to save persistent cookies and temporary files to the regular cache. In this location, persistent cookies and temporary files are available to Office applications.

The following procedure shows how to add the SharePoint site (http://spagent.example:port) to the list of trusted sites in Internet Explorer 7.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open Internet Explorer 7 browser.
  2. Click Internet Options in the Tools menu.

    The Tools menu opens.

  3. Click on the Security tab.

    The Security tab opens.

  4. Click on Trusted Sites.

    The Trusted Sites icon is selected and the description appears.

  5. Click on the Sites button.
  6. Type the SharePoint site http://spagent.example:port into the text box and click the Add button.
  7. (Optional) Clear the Require server verification (https://) option.

    Note: Clear the Require server verification (https://) option to add sites to the zone that do not use the https:// protocol. This setting protects your information while it is being transferred to the server that the site is hosted on.

  8. Click the Close button.

    The Trusted Sites dialog opens.

  9. Click OK.

    The Internet Options dialog opens.

Note: For more information about this issue, see the KB article 932118 on Microsoft Support site.