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Log Rolling Based on the File Size

The Log Rolling Based on the file size section contains settings for enabling the log rolling based on a file size. This section has the following format:

# Enable the below setting only if file logging is enabled above. if not make it as an comment by adding "#" at the begging of the line.
# Enable this only if file logging is enabled above.
# set vale to "true" if messages are to be appended to the existing file. else set to "false"
#Configurations to rollover server log file based on file size
logfile path

Specifies the name and path of the log file.

Default Name: server.log

Default Path: Agent-for-SharePoint_home/secure-proxy/proxy-engine/logs/


Specifies how the CA SiteMinder Agent for SharePoint manages the log file. When this value is set to true, the CA SiteMinder Agent for SharePoint appends new log messages to the existing log file. When this value is set to false, the CA SiteMinder Agent for SharePoint rolls over the existing log file by creating a log file for new messages.

Default: true


Specifies the maximum size of the log file after which the CA SiteMinder Agent for SharePoint creates a log file.

Default: 1 MB


Specifies the maximum number of log files that the CA SiteMinder Agent for SharePoint creates. When the number of log files exceeds this number, the CA SiteMinder Agent for SharePoint deletes the oldest log file. The CA SiteMinder Agent for SharePoint creates another log file.

Default: 10