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Server Log Settings

The server log settings section contains settings for enabling and disabling logging, setting logging level, and setting the output format of the log messages. This section has the following format:

# Server.conf settings:
# details of setting "log4j.rootCategory":
# For First attribute:
# Depending on the logging level needed, set the appropriate level
# Possible values : OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, ALL
# For Second attribute:
# if you want to enable log console, then add SvrConsoleAppender, else don't  add this.
# For Third attribute:
# if you want to enable logging into file, theb add SvrFileAppender, else don't add this.
log level

Specifies the log level of a message. The following list displays values in starting with the lowest priority and moving to the highest:

If the value is set to OFF, logging is disabled. If the value is set to any other value, logging is enabled.

Default: INFO

output format

Specifies how a log message is displayed. You can display a log message on a console, or can store it in a file, or both.

Default: SvrFileAppender

Example: The following command specifies the log level of INFO, and displays a log message on the console and stores it in a file:
