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Manage SharePoint Connections Using the SharePoint Connection Wizard

The SharePoint connection wizard takes you through the process of configuring and managing SharePoint connections with CA SiteMinder.

Before running the wizard, gather the following information:

Policy Server Name

Specifies the Policy Server name or IP address.

Example: host_name:port_number

Note: Specify the Administration port number if the port number is different from the default port number 44444.


Specifies the Policy Server administrator username.


Specifies the Policy Server administrator password.

Agent Name

Specifies the name of the 4.x-compatible Agent object on your Policy Server. The connection with the Policy Server is established using the details given in the Agent Name.

Shared Secret Key

Specifies the shared secret key that is associated with the 4.x-compatible Agent object on your Policy Server.

Select a domain

Specifies the name of the policy domain you created in the Policy Server to protect your SharePoint resources.


Specifies a name for the SharePoint connection. This name is also used as the file name of the PowerShell script that the wizard creates.

Note: Use a unique name across all Resource Partners and SharePoint connections.

Authentication URL

Specifies the port number that is associated with the predefined protected URL which the SharePoint connection wizard adds automatically. When users try accessing a protected SharePoint resource without a SiteMinder session, they are redirected to the Authentication URL.

If you are using a default port number (such as 80 for HTTP or 443 for HTTPS), delete the <port> setting from this field.

Note: We recommend using HTTPS on production environments and pages which handle user credentials, such as login pages.

SharePoint Realm

Specifies a name for a SharePoint realm that uniquely identifies this connection between SiteMinder and SharePoint. This name is used to create the trusted identity provider.

Limits: Unique value across all SharePoint servers, farms and within the SiteMinder environment. This value cannot be used with any other identity providers.

Skew Time

Specifies the number of seconds used as a time difference between the Policy Server (token producer) and the SharePoint server (token consumer). This skew time accommodates for SharePoint connections using clocks that are acting as an account partner but are not synchronized with the Policy Server.

Note: This setting also affects the frequency of the SAML autopost operation.

Limits: Positive integers.

Validity Duration

Specifies the number of seconds for which a session remains valid. If the validity duration expires, a logout message is generated. The user that is associated with the invalid session is logged out.

Note: This setting also affects the frequency of the SAML autopost operation.

Signing Alias

Specifies the alias that the key store uses to identify the private key that is associated with the certificate your Policy Server uses to sign the tokens.

Note: We recommended verifying that the private key exists in the central key store before you specify its associated alias in this field. Open the Administrative UI, and then click Infrastructure, X.509 Certificate Management, Trusted Certificates and Private Keys for a list of certificates and their aliases.

Protection Level

Specifies the protection level that is assigned to the resource partner object the connection wizard creates. This protection level setting must be equal to or lower than the protection level assigned to the authentication scheme that protects your SharePoint resources.

Limits: 1-1000 (higher numbers indicate a higher protection level).

Identifier Claim Name

Specifies name of the attribute mapping in your user directory which identifies the unique value that is associated with each user.

Example: useridentifier

Directory Attribute

Specifies the directory attribute in your directory that is associated with the specified Identifier Claim name.

Example: (LDAP directory) uid

Example: (Active directory) sAMAccountName


Specifies an attribute name for one of the following claim types:

For multi–valued attributes, prefix FMATTR:

Example: (group–based claim) smusergroups

Example: (role-based claim) userrole

Example: (multiv–alued attributes) FMATTR:LastName

Claim Type

Specifies an attribute value that is associated with the specified attribute name.

For group-based claims, use the friendly role of your groups. The people picker in SharePoint displays the description and distinguished name (DN) of the group. Permissions are tied to the DN of the group, not the friendly name.

Example: (LDAP directory group-based claim) description

Example: (LDAP directory role-based claim) employeeType

Example: (Active Directory group-based claim) name

Example: (Active Directory role-based claim) countryCode

Enabled SignOut

Indicates if the single log out feature is enabled for the associated cleanup URLs and the associated confirm URLs.

CleanUp URL

Specifies the URLs of the cleanup pages for the single log out feature.

Limits: Separate multiple URLs with a semicolon (;)

Confirm URL

Specifies the URLs of the confirmation pages for the single log out feature.

Limits: Separate multiple URLs with a semicolon (;)