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Modify the PowerShell Script for Certificates Issued by a Trusted Certificate Authority

If you are using a certificate signed by a certificate authority that is trusted by the SharePoint server, modify the PowerShell script to do the following tasks:

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the PowerShell script with any text editor.
  2. Comment the first two lines in the PowerShell script, as shown in the following example:
    #$rootcert = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2("<full path to Root certificate file>")
    #New-SPTrustedRootAuthority -Name "<Trusted root authority name>" -Certificate $rootcert
  3. Locate the following text:
    "<full path to Signing certificate file>"
  4. Replace the previous text with the full path to your Signing certificate. For example, if the full path to your certificate is C:\certificates\sharepoint\signing_certificate.cer, the updated line matches the following example:
  5. Locate the second occurrence of the following text:
    <Trusted root authority name>
  6. Replace the previous text with a friendly name for the new trusted root authority in SharePoint. For example, if the name you want is SPSigningAuth, the updated line matches the following example:
  7. Locate the following text:
    "<Name of the trusted identity provider>"
  8. Replace the previous text with the name of your SharePoint realm (the realm name follows $realm = in the PowerShell script). For example, if the name of your SharePoint realm is $realm="urn:moss2O1O-wsfed1-casm", the updated line could match the following example:
  9. Locate the following text:
    "<Description for the Trusted Identity Provider>"
  10. Replace the previous text with a description for your trusted identity provider. For example, if you want to describe the trusted identity provider as "SiteMinder Provider," the updated line could match the following example:
    "SiteMinder Provider"

    Note: The LDAP directory and Active Directory charts contain additional examples of possible names.

  11. Save your changes and close your text editor.

    The PowerShell script is modified.

  12. Create a trusted identity provider.