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How to Replace the Certificates for your CA SiteMinder Trusted Identity Provider

CA SiteMinder trusted identity providers use the following SSL certificates to encrypt their communications with the CA SiteMinder Policy Server:

When any of the previous certificates expire, you can replace them with valid certificates.

The following illustration describes how to replace the certificates of your CA SiteMinder trusted identity provider:

SM--Replace the Certificates of your SiteMinder trusted identity provider--OTH

Follow these steps:

  1. Replace the certificates on your servers.
  2. Verify that your account has the required permissions.
  3. Open a SharePoint 2010 management shell window on your SharePoint central administration server.
  4. Identify your CA SiteMinder trusted identity provider.
  5. Create a Windows PowerShell script to update the certificates.
  6. Add the new certificates to your CA SiteMinder trusted identity provider.