Previous Topic: Update the DNS Tables with your Port-based Virtual HostsNext Topic: Add Public and Internal URLs on your SharePoint Server for your Port-Based Hosts

Create Proxy Rules for your Port-based Virtual Hosts

Port-based virtual hosts require different settings than the default proxy rule file used by the Agent for SharePoint. After defining virtual hosts for your web applications, create proxy rules for your port-based virtual hosts.

Follow these steps:

  1. To preserve your current proxy rules, rename your existing proxyrules.xml file in the following directory:
  2. Open the following file with a text editor:
  3. Save a copy of the previous file using the following path and file name:
  4. Locate the following line:
    <nete:proxyrules xmlns:nete="">
  5. Replace the with the name of your virtual host, as shown in the following example:
    <nete:proxyrules xmlns:nete="">
  6. Locate the following line:
    <nete:case value="">
  7. Replace the with the domain name, suffix and port number for your SharePoint web application, as shown in the following example:
  8. Add your other web applications to the proxy rules file by repeating Steps 5 through 7 in the following section:
    <!-- replace with a virtual host defined in the server.conf file -->
          <nete:case value="">
          <!-- replace with the appropriate destination server -->
  9. Duplicate the previous section and modify it until all your port-based web applications have proxy rules.
  10. Locate the following line:
  11. Replace the in the previous line with the URL of a default site you want to use for requests not matching your web applications.
  12. Save the file and close the text editor.
  13. Restart the Agent for SharePoint.