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Define Virtual Hosts for each Web Application

Virtual hosts are required for each SharePoint web application you want to protect. Define a virtual host for each SharePoint web application on the Agent for SharePoint server. A single virtual host definition on the Agent for SharePoint server accommodates the following types of proxy rules:

Follow these steps:

  1. Use a text editor to open the following file:
  2. Locate the following line:
  3. Change the value of previous line to include a default URL to which you want to forward any requests that are not for your web applications. Any requests that are not for your web applications are forwarded to this default URL. For example, a generic SharePoint page can appear to users who do not request a specific resource.
  4. Copy the following section:
    <VirtualHost name="default">
    	# specify the block size for request and response in KBs
    	#The defaults can be overriden
    	#not only for the Virtual Host
    	#but for the WebAgent for that
    	#virtual host as well
  5. Add a new line below the </VirtualHost> tag.
  6. Copy the section from Step 4 and paste it into the new line you created in Step 5.
  7. Do the following steps:
    1. Replace the word default in the <VirtualHost name= tag with a unique name you want.
    2. Replace the URL in the <hostnames= tag with the URL of your web application.
  8. Save your changes to the file.
  9. Repeat Steps 5 through 8 until virtual hosts are defined for all your web applications.