Previous Topic: How to Enable SSL for the Agent for SharePointNext Topic: Change the Value of the EnableWebAgent Parameter

Verify the Prerequisites

The first step in protecting the ClaimsWS service is verifying the prerequiites.

Verify the following prerequisites before protecting the Claims WS service with SSL:

Create the JCEKS Key Store and Private Key

The next step in protecting the ClaimsWS service is creating a JCEKS key store and private key.

The JCEKS key store is a repository for the certificates and their related private keys. The certificates that you create are stored in the JCEKS key store. Creating a key store also creates a server certificate. This process requires the following information:

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the system hosting your Agent for SharePoint.
  2. Open a command-line window.
  3. Navigate to the following directory:

    Indicates the directory where the CA SiteMinder Agent for SharePoint is installed.

    Default: (Windows) [32-bit] C:\Program Files\CA\Agent-for-SharePoint

    Default: (Windows) [64-bit] C:\CA\Agent-for-SharePoint
    Default: (UNIX/Linux) /opt/CA/Agent-for-SharePoint

  4. Run the following command:
    keytool -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -keystore .\ServerCert.jceks -alias Alias_Name -storetype JCEKS -storepass keystore_password

    The following table lists the prompts from the JCEKS keytool utility and sample responses:

Keytool Prompt:

Sample Response:


What is your First and Last Name?

Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the server hosting your Agent for SharePoint.

What is your Organizational Unit?


Department or group name

What is your Organization?


Name of your organization

What is your City or Locality?

Your City

City or Town

What is your State?


Two-letter state or province abbreviation

What is your Country Code?


Two-letter country code

The keytool utility displays a confirmation resembling the following example:

Is the following correct:,ou=support,o=example,l=Your City,st=YS,c=YC
  1. Enter yes.

    The keystore and private key are created.

  2. Leave the command-line window open, and continue with the next step of creating a certificate request.


Create a Certificate Signing Request and Submit It to a Certificate Authority

The next step in protecting the ClaimsWS service involves creating a certificate signing request for the server certificate in your JCEKS key store.

A signing request submits the certificate to a certificate authority. The certificate authority validates (signs) the certificate. Certificates that are signed third-party certificate authorities are considered more secure than self-signed certificates.

Self-singed certificates are acceptable for evaluation or testing environments.

To submit a certificate signing request, you need the following information:

Follow these steps:

  1. Create a certificate signing request with the following command:
    keytool -certreq -v -alias Alias_Name -sigalg MD5withRSA -file .\file_name_of_certificate_request.csr -keypass keystore_password -keystore ServerCert.jceks -storepass keystore_password -storetype JCEKS

    The keytool utility produces a certificate signing request similar to the following example:

  2. Copy the entire certificate signing request.
  3. Close the command-line window.
  4. Submit the certificate signing request to a certificate authority with the following steps:

    Note: This procedure demonstrates submitting a request to a Microsoft Active Directory Certificate Services certificate authority.

    1. Open your Web browser, and then navigate to the following URL:

      Note: An example of such a URL is

    2. Click Request a certificate.
    3. Click the advanced certificate request link.
    4. Click the Create and submit a request to this CA.
    5. An Advanced Certificate Request form appears.
    6. Complete the form by doing the following tasks:
      • Submitting a request for a PKCS # 7 file.
      • Copying your certificate signing request into the field

      Note: Under the type of certificate needed drop-down list, verify that Client Authentication Certificate appears.

    7. Click Submit.

      A confirmation dialog appears.

    8. Click Yes.

      The request is submitted. Note your request ID for future reference.

Generate the Certificates by Processing the Request at the Certificate Authority

The next step in protecting the ClaimsWS service is having a certificate authority process your request.

After the certificate authority receives your certificate signing request, they will process the request and will return the signed certificate.

Some organizations use third-party certificate authorities to sign their certificate requests. Other organizations could possibly have an internal group that operates a certificate authority.

The following procedure demonstrates the process for approving a certificate with Microsoft Active Directory Certificate services:

Follow these steps:

Certificate administrators approve or reject certificate requests. Certificate administrator privileges are separate from the Administrator privileges in the Windows operating environment. Not all users who have accounts on the computer hosting Active Directory Certificate services have sufficient privileges to approve or reject certificates.

Use this procedure if you have certificate administrator privileges. Otherwise, ask the certificate administrator in your organization to issue the certificate for you.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the web server hosting the Active Directory Certificate services using an account with Certificate administrator privileges.
  2. Click Start, Administrative Tools, Certification Authority.

    The certsrv snap-in appears.

  3. Click the name of the certification authority, and then click the pending request folder.

    A list of pending certificate requests appears.

  4. Right-click the request ID associated with the request for the client certificate.
  5. From the context menu, select All Tasks, Issue.

    The certificate is issued.

    Continue with the next step of downloading and importing the certificate.

Download and Import the Certificate Chain

The next step in protecting the ClaimsWS service is downloading and importing the certificate chain.

After your certificate has been signed, download and install the following items to the server hosting your Agent for SharePoint:

The certificate chain validates your certificate to the web browsers of your users.

This process requires the following information:

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the server hosting your Agent for SharePoint.
  2. Download the following files with the same Web browser from which sent the certificate signing request:
  3. Move the files that you downloaded in Step 2 to the following directory:
  4. Import the certificate chain into the keystore with the following command;
    keytool -importcert -v -noprompt -alias Alias_Name -file .\certnew.p7b -keypass keystore_password -keystore ServerCert.jceks -storepass keystore_password -storetype JCEKS
  5. Continue with the next step of defining the claims store and the SSL ports.

Define the KeyStore and the SSL Ports

The next step in protecting the ClaimsWS service is defining the key store and SSL ports.

After downloading and importing the certificate chain to the server hosing the Agent for SharePoint, add the following settings:

These settings are defined in the server.conf file.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the following file with a text editor:

    Locate the following section of the file:

  2. In the <localapp> section, locate the following line:
  3. Remove the # from the beginning of the previous line.
  4. Verify that the port number following the equal sign matches what you entered for the Claims WS service SSL port in the SharePoint connection wizard. If you defined port number 2525 for your connection, the edited line would match the following example:
  5. Locate the following line:
  6. Remove the # from the beginning of the previous line.
  7. Replace the tomcat.keystore with the relative path to the keystore you created for the keys and certificates that are associated with the Claims WS service. If the relative path to your keystore is ServerCert.jceks, then the edited line would match the following example:
  8. Save the file and close text editor.
  9. Continue with the next step of generating an file.

Generate an File

The next step of protecting the ClaimsWS service involves generating an file for the keystore.

Follow these steps:

  1. On the server hosting your Agent for SharePoint, open a command-line window.
  2. If you have not yet created the TrustStore, run the following command:
    GenerateSSLConfig -keystorepass keystore_password
  3. When prompted, enter the following values:

    Important! Do not enable client authentication yet.

Restart the Agent for SharePoint

Starting or stopping the Agent for SharePoint involves the following separate procedures:

  1. Changing the value of EnableWebAgent in the WebAgent.conf file.
  2. Changing the state of the related services on the computer running the Agent for SharePoint.