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Duplicate Ports not Detected by Configuration Wizard


I received an error message regarding a duplicate port after running the Configuration Wizard for the Agent for SharePoint.


Do the following:

  1. To change an HTTP port, do the following steps:
    1. Open the following file:
    2. Locate the following directive:
      Listen port
    3. Change the port number to the one you want to use for HTTP.
    4. Locate the following directive:
      ServerName url:port
    5. Change the port number at the end of the URL to the same one you changed in Step c.
    6. Save your changes to the file.
  2. To change an HTTPS port, do the following steps:
    1. Open the following file:
    2. Locate the following directive:
      Listen port
    3. Change the port number to the one you want to use for HTTPS.
    4. Locate the following directive:
      ServerName url:port
    5. Change the port number at the end of the URL to the same one you changed in Step c.
    6. Locate the following directive:
      <VirtualHost url:port>
    7. Change the port number at the end of the URL to the same one you changed in Step c.
    8. Save your changes to the file.
  3. Restart the Agent for SharePoint.