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Add Claims Search Web Service

Add the claims search web service used in the Agent for SharePoint to specific SharePoint web applications by executing the Add-SMClaimSearchService command. The changes made by this script are reflected across the SharePoint Farm.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Start, All Programs, Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products, the SharePoint 2010 Management Shell.

    The SharePoint 2010 Management Shell command prompt appears.

  2. Navigate to the following directory:
    C:\Program Files\CA\SharePointClaimsProvider\scripts
  3. Enter the add command. This command has the following format:
    ADD-SMClaimSearchService.ps1 -WebApplication <URL_of_web_application> -claimSearchService <URL_of_claim_search_service_in_spagent>

    Specifies the URL of the web application.


    Specifies the URL of the claim search service running in Agent for SharePoint.


    .\ADD-SMClaimSearchService.ps1 -WebApplication http://myhostname:1234 -claimSearchService

    The claims search web service is added to the web.conf file of the web application.

  4. Enter the add command again, to add the claims web search service to the web.conf file of the SharePoint Central Administration.
    ADD-SMClaimSearchService.ps1 -WebApplication <Central_Administration_URL> -claimSearchService <URL_of_claim_search_service_in_spagent>

    Specifies the URL of the SharePoint Central Administration website.


    Specifies the URL of the claim search service running in the Agent for SharePoint. Add the port number you specified for the Claims WS of the Agent for SharePoint when you ran the Configuration wizard to the end of the URL.


    .\ADD-SMClaimSearchService.ps1 -WebApplication http://SharePoint_server_name:1221 -claimSearchService

    The claims search web service is added to the web.conf file of the SharePoint Central Administration.

More information:

Agent for SharePoint Configuration Wizard Information Worksheet