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Create a New Web Application with Claims based Authentication

Follow these steps:

  1. Start SharePoint 2010 Central Administration from Start, Programs, Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products.

    The Central Administration home page appears.

  2. Click Manage web applications, in the Application Management section.

    The Web Applications Management page appears with a list of available web applications.

  3. Click New, on the ribbon.

    Create New Web Application dialog appears.

  4. Select Claims Based Authentication option, in the Authentication section.
  5. Select Yes option for Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), in the Security Configuration section.
  6. Select the Trusted Identity Provider option, in the Claims Authentication Types.

    Note: This option is already selected if you have set up Trusted Identity Provider authentication in Windows PowerShell.

    Important! Verify that the options for all other authentication types in the Claims Authentication Types section are cleared.

  7. Complete the remaining appropriate sections.
  8. Click OK.

    A new web application with claims authentication is created.

Note: For information about Claims-based authentication, see