Previous Topic: Configure JBoss to Work with the SiteMinder AgentNext Topic: How to Set Log Files, and Command-line Help to Another Language

Configure SiteMinder Agent Logging

This section contains the following topics:

Logging Overview

Configure SiteMinder Agent Logging on JBoss 5.x

Configure SiteMinder Agent XML Message Processing Logging on JBoss 5.x

Configure Logging on JBoss 6.x

How to Set Log Files, and Command-line Help to Another Language

Logging Overview

The SiteMinder Agent for JBoss logger is implemented using Apache’s log4j. For more information, see

Two log files provide important information about the SiteMinder Agent:

SiteMinder Agent logging

The agent writes information about its standard operations and performance such as error and processing messages to the SiteMinder Agent log.

SiteMinder Agent XML message processing logging file

In addition to its standard logging functionality, the agent also logs information relating specifically to WSS Agent Security Interceptor XML message processing.

Note: SiteMinder Agent XML message processing logging does not start until an XML message that needs to be processed is received.

Configure SiteMinder Agent Logging on JBoss 5.x

By default, SiteMinder Agent logging is enabled and written to the XmlAgent.log file in one of the following locations:

Change SiteMinder Agent logging parameters by editing the file located in one of the following locations:

Note: These are the default values; the logging configuration file name and location can be changed by editing the log.log-config-properties JVM system property.

Available logging parameters are as follows:




Add logging information to an existing log file instead of creating a new file each time logging is invoked.

Default value: no


Specifies the pathname (relative to JBOSS_HOME/bin) of the SiteMinder Agent log file.

Default value: /soa-log/XmlAgent.log


Defines the logging level. The levels are:

  • DEBUG - all logging, most verbose
  • CONFIG - configuration information
  • INFO - information
  • WARN -warnings
  • SEVERE - errors

Default value: SEVERE


Specifies the size limit, in kilobytes Rollover a log file after it reaches the specified size.

Default value: 1000

Configure SiteMinder Agent XML Message Processing Logging on JBoss 5.x

By default, SiteMinder Agent XML message processing logging is enabled and written to the soasm_agent.log file in one of the following locations:

Change SiteMinder Agent XML message processing logging parameters by editing the log.config file, located in one of the following directions:

Configure Logging on JBoss 6.x

To configure logging on JBoss 6.x, edit the standalone.xml file that is located in one of the following locations:

In a text editor, add the following text to the logging subsystem section to configure logging with recommended default values:

<size-rotating-file-handler name="AgentFile" autoflush="true">
      <pattern-formatter pattern="%d %-5p [%c] (%t) %m%n"/>
    <file path="AGENT_HOME/log/XmlAgent.log"/>
    <rotate-size value="1000k"/>
    <max-backup-index value="5"/>
    <append value="true"/>
<periodic-rotating-file-handler name="SOASMAgentFile" autoflush="true">
          <pattern-formatter pattern="%d [%p] %c{3} %x - %m%n"/>
     <file path="AGENT_HOME/log/soasm_agent.log"/>
	   <suffix value=".yyyy-MM-dd"/>
          <append value="true"/>
  <logger category="" use-parent-handlers="false">
    <level name="INFO"/>
      <handler name="AgentFile"/>
  <logger category="" use-parent-handlers="false">
    <level name="INFO"/>
      <handler name="SOASMAgentFile"/>

You can change the values of the following configurable logging parameters:

<file path> (first instance)

Specifies the pathname of the SiteMinder Agent log file.

<rotate-size value>

Specifies the size limit, in kilobytes before the SiteMinder Agent log file rolls over.

<append value>

Specifies whether logging information is added to an existing log file instead of creating a file each time that logging is invoked. Specify one of the following values:

<file path> (second instance)

Specifies the pathname of the XML message processing log file.

<level name> (first instance)

Defines the SiteMinder Agent logging level. Specify one of the following values:

<level name> (second instance)

Defines the XML message processing logging level. Specify one of the following values: