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Custom Extensions (SmAPSEx)

APS calls a library called SmAPSEx at certain points during processing. This library exists so that CA Professional Services can extend the functionality of APS without changing the base product (which would result in a completely custom APS with relevant maintenance issues).

SmAPSEx has a number of extensibility options built in. However, it poses a possible security threat to your site, in that it has access to APS internal memory and information about the user, including clear text passwords (which may be required by SmAPSEx's custom processing).

To secure this threat, there is special internal processing and handshaking that takes place between a SmAPSEx library and APS to ensure that the library is a valid one and not a "Trojan Horse". This is why the extensibility available through the SmAPSEx library is not provided directly to customers, as is SmAPSLog.

APS does not ship or install a SmAPSEx library.

Customization of APS, beyond the various forms and configuration options, can be supplied in two ways:

Please contact the Professional Services Custom Development Manager for details and pricing for each option.