Previous Topic: Installation Requirements and ConsiderationsNext Topic: Deploy Federation Web Services for Federation

Install the Web Agent Option Pack

This section contains the following topics:

Installation Modes

Run the Web Agent Option Pack Installer

Move smvariable.dll file for eTelligent Rules

Next Step After Installation

Installation Modes

The Web Agent Option Pack can be installed on a Web server running ServletExec or other supported application server, such as WebLogic, WebSphere, or JBoss.

You can install the Web Agent Option Pack in one of the following modes:

Note: You must install the Web Agent Option Pack using GUI or Console mode before running an unattended installation. The initial installation creates a properties file that contains the installation settings for the unattended installation.

Run the Web Agent Option Pack Installer

The Web Agent Option Pack can be installed as a stand-alone product. The installer attempts to find an installed Web Agent, but if it cannot, it prompts you to continue or cancel. Continuing prompts you for an installation path. Then the installer installs the Option Pack in the location that you specify.

Install the Web Agent Option Pack using the method for your platform:

Follow these steps:

  1. Stop the Web or application server and exit any applications that are running.
  2. Log in to the CA Technical Support site.
  3. Click Download Center.
  4. Search the Download Center for the installation kit you need.
  5. Run the installation program according to your platform.
  6. Follow the installation dialogs and prompts to complete the installation.

To re–install the Option Pack, run the executable again.

More information:

Version Compatibility

Move smvariable.dll file for eTelligent Rules

After you install the Web Agent option pack on your web server, move the smvariable.dll files if your environment meets all of the following criteria:

Perform this procedure for each installation of your Web Agent Option pack.

Follow these steps:

  1. Move the dll file for 32-bit applications by doing the following steps:
    1. Locate the following file:
      C:\Program Files\CA\webagent\win32\bin\non_stub\smvariable.dll
    2. Move the previous file into the following directory:
      C:\Program Files\CA\webagent\win32\bin
  2. Move the dll for 64-bit applications by doing the following steps:
    1. Locate the following file:
      C:\Program Files\CA\webagent\win64\bin\non_stub\smvariable.dll
    2. Move the previous file into the following directory:
      C:\Program Files\CA\webagent\win64\bin

    The smvariable.dll files have been moved to accommodate eTelligent rules.

Next Step After Installation

After you complete the Web Agent Option pack installation, you can configure the features that you want.

eTelligent Rules

Configure eTelligent rules according to the instructions in the Policy Server Configuration Guide.


For CA SiteMinder® Federation, configure the components to establish successful federated partnerships. Most of these components are configurable using the Administrative UI.

The following flow chart highlights the general process for legacy federation and partnership federation.

Flow chart of federation configuration

See the following guides for detailed instructions on required components and configuration procedures:

Legacy and partnership federation

Federation in Your Enterprise

Legacy federation

CA SiteMinder® Federation: Legacy Federation Guide

Legacy federation refers to the product known as Federation Security Services.

Partnership federation

CA SiteMinder® Federation: Partnership Federation Guide

Partnership Federation refers to partnership model of federation, previously available only with the standalone Federation Manager product.