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Using the Web Service Client API

This section contains the following topics:

Web Service Client API Members

How to Implement an Application Using the Web Service Client API

Sample Web Service Client API Java Application

Web Service Client API Members

This section provides a brief summary of the classes in the Java XML Agent API. Reference information on all the classes and methods, can be found in the Javadoc.

The Web Service Client API contains four classes that are contained in the package

The following table lists all four classes in the Web Service Client API.




Wrapper class that encapsulates all XML document processing methods.


Wrapper class that encapsulates all utilities that assist in key and certificate generation.


Class that provides methods to post XML documents over HTTP and obtain response message returned from a successful HTTP post.


Class that provides methods to post XML documents over HTTPS and obtain response message returned from a successful HTTPS post.

How to Implement an Application Using the Web Service Client API

Note: For a list of operating systems, Java environments, and platforms that the Web Service Client API supports, see the CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security Platform Matrix on the Technical Support site at

To implement an application the Web Service Client API

  1. Review the required software as listed in the accompanying release notes.
  2. Review the sample code.
  3. Write source code for your client application.
  4. Ensure that the XML Agent Content Helper API JAR file is available whenever you compile or run a Web service client application built using the Web Service Client API. The JAR file, soasmapi.jar, is stored in the following locations:

    Add soasmapi.jar to your CLASSPATH setting. When compiling, you can use the -classpath switch.

  5. Compile the application using javac.

    For an example, see java-build.bat or in the sample directory smjavaagentapi.

  6. Run the Web service client application.

More information:

SDK Samples

Sample Web Service Client API Java Application

CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security provides a Sample Web Server Client Application that illustrates usage of the Web Service Client APIs. The Web Server Client Application is provided (along with its source code) to give you a better understanding of the APIs. It can also be used during development to test CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security policies and web services, by allowing you to post test XML documents to your protected web servers.

Set Up and Start the Sample Web Service Client Application

The following sections describes how to set up and run the Sample Web Service Client Application.

Perform Initial Setup

Before you run the Sample Web Service Client Application for the first time:

Configure Values to be Used in the Sample Application

Optionally, you can specify values to be used to fill fields in the sample application by editing the file. This can be particularly useful when you are using the sample application for testing purposes.

The file can be found in:

Run the Sample Application

To run the sample application

Source Code Location

The sample application source code can be found in the following locations: