Installation and Upgrade Guides › Web Agent Installation Guide for Oracle iPlanet › Uninstall a Web Agent
Uninstall a Web Agent
This section contains the following topics:
Notes About Uninstalling Web Agents
Uninstall a Web Agent from a Windows Operating Environment
Uninstall a Web Agent from a UNIX System
Notes About Uninstalling Web Agents
Be aware of the following:
- All Web Agents for all installed web servers will be uninstalled.
- The Password Services and Forms directories, (pw_default, jpw_default, samples_default) will be removed. However, the non-default copies of these directories (pw, jpw, samples) are not removed because these directories may contain customized files.
Uninstall a Web Agent from a Windows Operating Environment
Before you un–install the CA SiteMinder® Web Agent from a Windows operating environment, consider making backup copies of your registry settings and Web Agent configuration settings.
Follow these steps:
- Stop the web server.
- Choose one of the following procedures:
- To remove the Web Agent using the wizard, go to Step 3.
- To remove the Web Agent using the console-based program, go to Step 8.
- Click Start, Control Panel, Programs and Features.
A list of installed programs appears.
- Click CA CA SiteMinder® Web Agent version_number.
- Click Uninstall/Change.
The uninstallation wizard appears.
- Review the information in the Uninstall CA SiteMinder® Web Agent dialog, then click Uninstall.
The wizard removes the web agent.
- Wait for the wizard to finish, then go to Step 12.
- Open a command-line window.
- Navigate to the following directory.
- web_agent_home
Indicates the directory where the CA SiteMinder® Agent is installed on your web server.
Default (Windows 32-bit installations of CA SiteMinder® IIS Web Agents only): C:\Program Files\CA\webagent
Default (Windows 64-bit installations [CA SiteMinder® Web Agents for IIS only]): C:\Program Files\CA\webagent\win64
Default (Windows 32-bit applications operating on 64-bit systems [Wow64 with CA SiteMinder® Web Agents for IIS only]): C:\Program Files (x86)\webagent\win32
- Run the following command:
ca-wa-uninstall.cmd -i console
- Wait for the un–installation program to finish, then go to Step 12.
- Start the web server.
Important! Delete the ZeroG registry file from the following location after uninstalling the Web Agent: C:\Program Files\ZeroG Registry\com.zerog.registry.xml
Uninstall a Web Agent from a UNIX System
These instructions are for GUI and Console Mode removal.
Note: Removing a Web Agent from a 64-bit SuSE Linux 10 system requires additional preparations.
The steps for the two modes are the same, with these exceptions for Console Mode:
- Select an option by entering a corresponding number.
- Press Enter after each step to proceed through the process.
Note: Before you uninstall, you we recommend copying copies of your agent configuration settings to have as a backup.
Follow these steps:
- Stop the web server.
- Log in to the UNIX system.
- Navigate to the directory where the Web Agent is installed: web_agent_home/install_config_info/ca-wa-uninstall
- Verify that the unistallation program has execute permissions. For example, use the following command:
chmod +x ca-wa-uninstall
- From a console window, enter one of the following commands:
- GUI mode: ./ca–wa–uninstall
- Console mode: ./ca–wa–uninstall -i console
The uninstallation program starts.
- Read the information in the dialog to confirm the removal of the Web Agent, then click Uninstall. The Web Agent is removed from the system.
- Click Done to exit the uninstallation program.
- Change to your home directory (the current directory has been deleted).
- Restart the web servers.
Note: For Oracle iPlanet web servers, the obj.conf, magnus.conf, and mime.types files are restored to their original settings that existed before the agent was installed.
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