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Use SAML 2.0 Provider Metadata To Simplify Configuration

This section contains the following topics:

SiteMinder SAML 2.0 Metadata Tools Overview

Export Metadata Tool

Import Metadata Tool

SiteMinder SAML 2.0 Metadata Tools Overview

CA SiteMinder® provides a metadata tool to import and export SAML 2.0 metadata programmatically. Metadata lets you efficiently exchange federation configurations between a site that uses CA SiteMinder® and a partner that uses a third party or CA SiteMinder®. Programmatic use of SAML 2.0 metadata can limit how much configuration that you perform.

The two command line utilities that make up the CA SiteMinder® metadata tools are smfedexport and smfedimport.

Exporting metadata involves the following types of input:

Importing metadata involves:

Export Metadata Tool

You can use the export tool in the following situations:

The following illustration shows a metadata file that is generated only from user input.

Graphic showing an example metadata file that is generated from user input

The following illustration shows a metadata file that is generated from a combination of user input and data from an existing Service Provider object.

Graphic showing an example metadata file that is generated from a combination of user input and data from an existing Service Provider objec

Run the smfedexport Tool

The smfedexport tool lets you export SAML 2.0 metadata to an XML file.

If you enter smfedexport without any command arguments, all the command arguments and their usage are displayed.

To run the smfedexport tool

  1. At the system where you installed the Policy Server, open a command window.
  2. Enter the smfedexport command using the syntax for the task you want to complete:

    Note: Command arguments enclosed in square brackets [] are optional.

    To export a SAML 2.0 Identity Provider metadata file:

    smfedexport -type saml2idp [-entityid <entityid>] [-expiredays <num>] 
    [-fwsurl <FWS Location> [-spbase <spname>] -username <SiteMinder Admin Name>
    -password <SiteMinder Admin Password>]][-sign][-pubkey]
    [-slo <SLO Service Location> -slobinding <REDIR>] [-reqsignauthr] 
    [-sso <SSO Service Location> -ssobinding <REDIR|SOAP>]
    [-ars <Artifact Resolution Service Location>][-output <file>]

    To export a SAML 2.0 Service Provider metadata file:

    smfedexport -type saml2sp [-entityid <entityid>] [-expiredays <num>] 
    [-fwsurl <FWS Location> [-schemebase <Auth Scheme name>
    -username <SiteMinder Admin Name> -password <SiteMinder Admin Password>]]
    [-sign][-pubkey][-slo <SLO Service Location> -slobinding <REDIR>]
    [-signauthr][-acs <Assertion Consumer Service> -acsbinding <ART|POST|PAOS>
    -acsindex <num>][-acsisdef]][-output <file>]

    To sign an existing Metadata document:

    smfedexport -type (saml2sp|saml2idp) -sign -input <file> -output <file>

After you run the tool, an XML file will be produced. If the -type option is set to saml2idp, the default output file name is IDPSSODescriptor.xml. If the -type option is set to saml2sp, the default output file name is SPSSODescriptor.xml.

After smfedexport processes the initial command options, the tool prompts you for additional data that is related to the type of export file the tool is generating. Any optional arguments that you do not enter use default values.

Note: If you are creating an IdP metadata file, you must have at least one single sign-on service defined in the smfedexport command. If you are creating an SP metadata file, you must have at least one assertion consumer service defined in the smfedexport command.

Command Options for smfedexport

The smfedexport command line options are listed in the table that follows:





Assertion Consumer Service URL



Assertion Consumer Service index value



Makes the immediately preceding Assertion Consumer Service the default.



SAML protocol binding for the Assertion Consumer Service.


  • ART (artifact)
  • PAOS (Reverse SOAP - ECP)


Artifact Resolution Service



Tells the Policy Server to include the certificate (public key) in the metadata. This certificate encrypts the metadata. The SP decrypts the metadata using the corresponding private key.

alias name


Represents the ID of the SP or IDP whose metadata you are exporting.




Days until the metadata document is no longer valid.

integer; 0 is the default

A value of 0 indicates that the metadata document has no expiration. No "validUntil" elements being generated in the exported XML.


URL pointing to the FWS application.

URL in the form



Full path to an existing XML file

string, no default


Full path to an output XML file

Default values:




SiteMinder Administrator name

Requires the -username option

string, no default


Tells the Policy Server to include the certificate (public key) in the metadata. The partner site uses the certificate for signature encryption and verification. This setting is optional because the metadata does not have to be signed.

true, if present

false otherwise


Require signed AuthnRequests

true, if present

false otherwise


Points to an existing Service Provider. The settings for the profiles/bindings are taken from this provider.

Requires the following options:




authentication scheme name


Points to an existing Service Provider. The settings for the profiles/bindings are taken from this provider.

Requires the following options:




Service Provider Name


Indicates whether the Policy Server signs the metadata. This setting is optional.

true, if present

false, otherwise


Designates the signature hashing algorithm CA SiteMinder® uses to for signing assertions and assertion responses, single logout requests and responses.




Indicates whether the SP signs AuthnRequests

true, if present

false, otherwise


Specifies the alias for the key/certificate pair that signs the metadata. Store the pair in the certificate data store.

This setting is an alternative to the default alias, defaultenterpriseprivatekey. If you do not enter a value for this option, the Policy Server uses the defaultenterpriseprivatekey alias to sign the metadata.

alias name


Single Logout Service URL



HTTP binding that is used for single logout. HTTP Redirect binding is the only option.



Single sign-on service URL



SSO Service URL protocol binding

  • REDIR (web SSO)
  • SOAP (ECP)



Entity type of the export file




The CA SiteMinder® Administrator name, which

requires the -password option.

string, no default

smfedexport Tool Examples

Example: Exporting an Identity Provider

smfedexport -type saml2idp -entityid 
-expiredays 30 -sign -pubkey -slohttpredir
/affwebservices/public/saml2slo -reqsignauthr 
saml2artifactresolution -output myidpdescription.xml

Example: Exporting a Service Provider

smfedexport -type saml2sp -entityid
-expiredays 30 -sign -pubkey -slohttpredir
affwebservices/public/saml2slo -signauthr -aconsvcpost
-aconsvcpostindex 12345 -output myidpdescription.xml

Example: Modifying and Signing an Exported Data File

In this example, you are modifying and digitally signing an XML file using the smfedexport.

To modify and sign a metadata file

  1. Edit the existing XML file using an XML editor.
  2. Enter the following command:
    smfedexport -sign -input file -output file

    For example:

    smfedexport -sign -input myspdescription.xml -output newspdescription.xml

To modify an exported file that is already digitally signed

  1. Edit the existing XML file using an XML editor as need.
  2. Delete the <Signature> element from the file.
  3. Enter the following command:
    smfedexport -sign -input file -output file

    For example:

    smfedexport -sign -input myspdescription.xml -output newspdescription.xml

Import Metadata Tool

You can use the import tool for the following tasks:

Run the smfedimport Tool

The smfedimport utility can import Identity Providers and Service Providers into a CA SiteMinder® policy store and the certificate data store. If you import a Service Provider input file, the result is a new CA SiteMinder® Service Provider object within an existing affiliate domain. If you import an Identity Provider input file, the result is an authentication scheme that is based on the CA SiteMinder® SAML 2.0 Template.

When the smfedimport command line utility is run, the first and second parameters are the username and password of the CA SiteMinder® administrator. The third and final argument is the path to the input XML file.

To run the smfedimport tool

  1. At the system where you installed the Policy Server, open up a command window.
  2. Enter the command using the following syntax:

    To import a SAML2 Identity Provider metadata file into the policy store:

    smfedimport -type saml2idp -username <username>
    -password <password> -entityid <entityid> -name <name>
    [-importkeys <name>] [-silent] -input <file>

    To import a Service Provider metadata file into the policy store:

    smfedimport -type saml2sp -username <username>
    -password <password> -entityid <entityid> -domainname <name>
    -authurl <URL> -nameidformat (U|E|X|W|K|N|P|T|U)
    -nameidtype  (S | U | D) -attrname <name> -dnspec <spec>
    -name <name>[-importkeys <name>] [-silent] -input <file>

    Note: Switches in square brackets [] are optional.

After smfedimport processes the initial command options, the tool prompts you for additional data based on the type of file you are importing. Any optional arguments that you do not enter on the command line have default values.

smfedimport Tool Examples

Example: Importing Identity Provider metadata

smfedimport -type saml2idp -username Siteminder
-password siteminderpassword -entityid
-name mynewauthscheme -importkeys keyaliasname -input mypartnersidpinfo.xml

Example: Importing Service Provider metadata

smfedimport -type saml2sp -username Siteminder  -password siteminderpassword
-entityid -name mynewsaml2sp -importkeys
keyalisname -domainname myaffiliatedomain
-authurl -nameidformat U
-nameidtype S -attrname attrname  -input mypartnersspinfo.xml
Command Options for smfedimport

The command line options are listed in the following table.





Attribute name for the nameID



Authentication URL



DN specification for the name ID type only



Affiliate domain name



Entity ID

The Service Provider ID for the import or the Identity Provider ID for the import


Indicates whether the certificates in the metadata are imported into the certificate data store.

string. Enter a name that becomes an alias for the certificate in the certificate data store. If there are multiple certificates, the aliases are added as name, name1, name2.


Input file



Indicates the name of the CA SiteMinder® object, such as the Service Provider name or the SAML authentication scheme name.



Name ID format


(E)mail address

(X)509 Subject name

(W)indows domain name

(K)erberos Principal Name

E(n)tity Identifier

(P)ersistent Identifier

(T)ransient Identifier


Name ID type


(U)ser attribute

(D)N attribute


CA SiteMinder® Administrator password

string, no default



Entity type of the import file




Determines whether the tool interactively prompts the user.


With this option, the tool operates in silent mode. The tool does not interactively prompt the user for missing input. The tool also does not prompt the user to accept the import of each separate entity in the input file. The tool assumes that all entities in the input file must be imported.

true, if present

false otherwise


CA SiteMinder® Administrator name

string, no default

Processing Import Files with Multiple SAML 2.0 Providers

If multiple providers are specified in one import file, the tool imports them into the same affiliate domain. The names for each provider are based on the value you specify for the smfedimport command option -name.

For example, if there are three Service Providers in the import file and you specify:

-name mySP

The tool registers the imported providers as mysp, mysp_1, and mysp_2. The integer increases by one for each subsequent provider. If there is a mixture of Identity Providers and Service Providers in an import file, the naming convention still applies.

Processing Import Files with Multiple Certificate Aliases

If there are multiple certificates in the import file, the tool imports them into the certificate data store. The tool then assigns alias names from the value you specify with that smfedimport command option –importkeys.

For example, if there are three certificates in the import file and you specify:

 -importkeys myalias

The tool registers the imported certificates as myalias, myalias_1, and myalias_2. The integer increases by one for each subsequent certificate.