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CLI Policy Management Methods

This section contains the following topics:

Administrator Methods

Affiliate Attribute Methods

Affiliate Domain Methods

Affiliate Object Methods

Agent Methods

Agent Configuration Methods

Agent Configuration Parameters Methods

Agent Type Methods

Authentication and Authorization Map Methods

Authentication Scheme Methods

Certificate Mapping Methods

Cluster Methods

Domain Methods

Group Methods

Host Configuration Methods

Initialization Methods

IP Configuration Methods

ODBC Query Scheme Methods

Password Policy Methods

Policy Methods

Policy Server Connectivity Methods

Realm Methods

Registration Scheme Methods

Response Methods

Response Attribute Methods

Rule Methods

SAML 2.0 Affiliation Methods

SAML 2.0 Indexed Endpoint Methods

SAML 2.0 Requester Attribute Methods

SAML 2.0 Service Provider Methods

SAML 2.0 Service Provider Attribute Methods

Session Methods

Shared Secret Rollover Methods

Trusted Host Methods

User Methods

User Directory Methods

User Password State Methods

Variable Type Methods

WS-Federation Resource Partner Methods

WS-Federation Resource Partner Attribute Methods

Administrator Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtAdmin objects:

AuthScheme Method—Sets or Retrieves an Authentication Scheme

The AuthScheme method sets or retrieves the authentication scheme for an administrator stored in an external directory.


The AuthScheme method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAdmin‑>AuthScheme( [authScheme] )


The AuthScheme method accepts the following parameter:

authScheme (PolicyMgtAuthScheme)

(Optional) Specifies the authentication scheme to set.

Return Value

The AuthScheme method returns one of the following values:

Description Method—Sets or Retrieves the Description of an Administrator

The Description method sets or retrieves the description of the administrator.


The Description method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAdmin‑>Description( [adminDesc] )


The Description method accepts the following parameter:

adminDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description of the administrator.

Return Value

The Description method returns one of the following values:

ManageAllDomains Method—Grants or Revokes Privileges to Manage Policy Server Objects

The ManageAllDomains method grants or revokes privileges to manage all system-level and domain-level Policy Server objects.


The ManageAllDomains method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAdmin‑>ManageAllDomains( [allDomFlag] )


The ManageAllDomains method accepts the following parameter:

allDomFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether system-level and domain-level privileges are enable (set to a value of 1), or disabled (set to a value of 0).

Return Value

The ManageAllDomains method returns one of the following values:


Privileges include:

Note: These objects cannot be managed through the Scripting Interface.

ManageDomainObjects Method—Grants or Revokes Privileges to Manage Domain Objects

The ManageDomainObjects method grants or revokes privileges to manage domain-level Policy Server objects.


The ManageDomainObjects method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAdmin‑>ManageDomainObjects( [domFlag] )


The ManageDomainObjects method accepts the following parameter:

domFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether domain object management privileges are granted (set to a value of 1), or revoked (set to a value of 0).

Return Value

The ManageDomainObjects method returns one of the following values:


Privileges include:

Note: These objects cannot be managed through the Scripting Interface.

ManageKeysAndPwdPolicy Method—Grants or Revokes Privileges to Manage Keys and Password Policies

The ManageKeysAndPwdPolicy method grants or revokes administrator privileges to manage keys and password policies.


The ManageKeysAndPwdPolicy method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAdmin‑>ManageKeysAndPwdPolicy( [pwdPolFlag] )


The ManageKeysAndPwdPolicy method accepts the following parameters:

pwdPolFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies granting or revoking privileges. Setting this flag to 1 has different meanings for different types of administrators:

Note: You can only create system-level administrators with the Command Line Interface. To create a domain-level administrator, use the Administrative UI.

Setting this flag to 0 revokes these privileges.

Return Value

The ManageKeysAndPwdPolicy method returns one of the following values:

ManageUsers Method—Grants or Revokes Privileges to Manage Users

The ManageUsers method grants or revokes privileges to manage users.


The ManageUsers method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAdmin‑>ManageUsers( [userFlag] )


The ManageUsers method accepts the following parameter:

userFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to grant (set value to 1) or revoke (set value to 0) user management privileges.

Return Value

The ManageUsers method returns one of the following values:

Name Method—Sets or Retrieves the Name of an Administrator

The Name method sets or retrieves the name of the administrator.


The Name method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAdmin‑>Name( [adminName] )


The Name method accepts the following parameter:

adminName (string)

(Optional) Specifies the name of the administrator.

Return Value

The Name method returns one of the following values:

Password Method—Sets or Retrieves the Administrator Password

The Password method sets or retrieves the administrator password.


The Password method has the following format:



The Password method accepts the following parameter:

adminPwd (string)

(Optional) Specifies the administrator password.

Return Value

The Password method returns one of the following values:

UserDirectory Method—Sets or Retrieves an External User Directory

The UserDirectory method sets or retrieves an external user directory for the administrator.


The UserDirectory method has the following format:



The UserDirectory method accepts the following parameter:

userDir (PolicyMgtUserDir)

(Optional) Specifies the external user directory.

Return Value

The UserDirectory method returns one of the following values:

Affiliate Attribute Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtAffiliateAttr objects:

GetAttrType Method—Retrieves the Affiliate Attribute Type

The GetAttrType method retrieves the type of the affiliate attribute.


The GetAttrType method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffiliateAttr‑>GetAttrType( )


The GetAttrType method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAttrType method returns one of the following values:

GetValue Method—Retrieves the Value of the Affiliate Attribute

The GetValue method retrieves the value of the affiliate attribute.


The GetValue method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffiliateAttr‑>GetValue( )


The GetValue method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetValue method returns one of the following values:

Affiliate Domain Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtAffDomain objects:

AddAdmin Method—Associates an Administrator with an Affiliate Domain

The AddAdmin method associates an administrator with an affiliate domain.


The AddAdmin method has the following format:



The AddAdmin method accepts the following parameter:

admin (PolicyMgtAdmin)

Specifies the administrator to associate with the affiliate domain.

Return Values

The AddAdmin method returns one of the following values:

0 on success

-1 on failure

AddUserDir Method—Associates a User Directory with an Affiliate Domain

The AddUserDir method associates a user directory with an affiliate domain.


The method has the following format:



The AddUserDir method accepts the following parameter:

userDir (PolicyMgtUserDir)

Specifies the user directory to associate with the affiliate domain.

Return Values

The AddUserDir method returns one of the following values:

0 on success

-1 on failure

CreateAffiliate Method—Creates an Affiliate Object

The CreateAffiliate method creates and configures an affiliate object within an affiliate domain.


The CreateAffiliate method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffDomain‑>CreateAffiliate( affName, password, authURL, validityDuration, skewTime [, affDesc] [, allowNotification] [, audience] [, enableFlag] [, shareSessioning] [, sessionSyncInterval] [, SAMLVersion] [, SAMLProfile] [,ConsumerURL] )


The CreateAffiliate method accepts the following parameters:

affName (string)

Specifies the name of the affiliate object. The name should be unique across all affiliate domains.

password (string)

Specifies the password that affiliates use to access SiteMinder Federation Web Services.

authURL (string)

Specifies the URL used to authenticate affiliate users.

validityDuration (long)

Specifies the number of seconds that a SiteMinder-generated SAML assertion is valid. If an affiliate receives the assertion after the specified time, the assertion is considered invalid.

skewTime (long)

Specifies the difference, in seconds, between the system clock time of the assertion producer site and the system clock time of the affiliate site. The skew time is added to validityDuration. Times are relative to GMT.

affDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description of the affiliate.

allowNotification (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to allow event notifications. Set to 1 to enable event notifications to be sent from the affiliate to SiteMinder on the assertion producer site. Set to 0 to disable the event notification service. Default is 0 (notifications disabled).

audience (string)

(Optional) Specifies the URI of the document that describes the agreement between the assertion producer and the affiliate. This value is included in the SAML assertion passed to the affiliate and can be used for validation purposes. Also, the affiliate can parse the audience document to obtain relevant information. The audience value must match the Assertion Audience setting in the AffiliateConfig.xml configuration file for the SAML Affiliate Agent.

enableFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to enable the affiliate object. Set to 1 to enable the affiliate object, or 0 to disable it. Default is 1 (object is enabled).

shareSessioning (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to share session information. Set to 1 to allow the assertion producer and the affiliate to share session information, or set to 0 to have the producer and affiliate maintain separate sessions. Default is 0 (separate sessions). With shared sessions, the sessions on both sites are terminated when the session on either site ends.

sessionSyncInterval (long)

(Optional) Specifies the frequency, in seconds, at which the affiliate contacts the producer site to validate the status of a shared session.

SAMLVersion (long)

(Optional) Specifies the SAML version. One of the following values:

Specifying a SAML version has effect only if the Policy Manager API's session version is at least v6.0 SP 1.

SAMLProfile (long)

(Optional) Specifies the type of profile used to send and receive SAML assertions. Valid profiles:

AFFILIATE_SAML_PROFILE_ARTIFACT. The SAML assertion is retrieved from a URL associated with the assertion producer. The URL is specified during configuration of the SAML Artifact authentication scheme.

AFFILIATE_SAML_PROFILE_POST. The generated SAML assertion is POSTed to the URL specified in ConsumerURL.

This profile is supported only if the Policy Management API's session version is at least v6.0 SP 2. If an earlier version is involved, the POST profile request is ignored, and an attempt is made to create an affiliate object based on the artifact profile.

ConsumerURL (string)

(Optional) Specifies the URL where the requesting user's browser must POST a generated assertion. The site associated with the URL validates the assertion and uses its contents to make access decisions.

Return Value

The CreateAffiliate method returns one of the following values:

PolicyMgtAffiliate object if successful

undef if unsuccessful


An affiliate object represents an affiliate site in a federated business network. Affiliate objects and affiliate domains are available through SiteMinder legacy federation.

CreateSAMLServiceProvider Method—Creates a SAML Service Provider

The CreateSAMLServiceProvider method creates a SAML 2.0 Service Provider object. A Service Provider object contains information that an Identity Provider needs to produce assertions for the Service Provider. The properties you can set for a SAML 2.0 Service Provider object are listed following.

To modify the properties of an existing Service Provider, call the PolicyMgtSAMLServiceProvider‑>Property method.


The CreateSAMLServiceProvider method has the following format:



The CreateSAMLServiceProvider method accepts the following parameter:

propsHash_ref (hash)

Specifies a reference to a hashtable of metadata properties to define for the SAML 2.0 Service Provider (for example: \%myhash).

Return Values

The CreateSAMLServiceProvider method returns one of the following values:


You can define the following properties for a SAML 2.0 Service Provider:

General Properties

Name ID Properties

SSO Properties

SLO Properties

IPD Properties

Attribute Service Properties

Encryption Properties

Advanced Properties

CreateWSFEDResourcePartner Method—Creates a WS-Federation Resource Partner

The CreateWSFEDResourcePartner method creates a WS-Federation Resource Partner for the affiliate domain.


The CreateWSFEDResourcePartner method has the following format:



The CreateWSFEDResourcePartner method accepts the following parameters:

propsHash_ref (hash)

Specifies a reference to a hashtable of metadata properties to define for the

WS-Federation Resource Partner, (for example, C<\%myhash>|"hashref".

Return Value

The CreateWSFEDResourcePartner method returns one of the following values:


You can define the following properties for a Resource Partner:

General Properties

NameID Properties

SSO Properties

Signout Properties

Advanced Properties

DeleteAffiliate Method—Deletes an Affiliate from a Domain

The DeleteAffiliate method deletes the specified affiliate object from the affiliate domain.


The DeleteAffiliate method has the following format:



The DeleteAffiliate method accepts the following parameters:

aff (PolicyMgtAffiliate)

Specifies the affiliate object to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteAffiliate method returns one of the following values:

DeleteSAMLServiceProvider Method—Deletes a SAML Service Provider

The DeleteSAMLServiceProvider method deletes the specified SAML 2.0 Service Provider.


The method has the following format:



The DeleteSAMLServiceProvider method accepts the following parameters:

sp (PolicyMgtSAMLServiceProvider)

Specifies the Service Provider to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteSAMLServiceProvider method returns the one of the following values:

DeleteWSFEDResourcePartner Method—Deletes a Resource Partner

The DeleteWSFEDResourcePartner method deletes a resource partner.


The DeleteWSFEDResourcePartner method has the following format:



The DeleteWSFEDResourcePartner method accepts the following parameter:

rp (PolicyMgtWSFEDResourcePartner object)

Specifies the resource partner to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteWSFEDResourcePartner method returns one of the following values:

Description Method—Retrieves or Sets a Description

The Description method sets or retrieves the description of the affiliate domain.


The Description method has the following format:



The Description method accepts the following parameters:

domainDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description to set.

Return Value

The Description method returns one of the following values:

GetAffiliate Method—Retrieves an Affiliate Object

The GetAffiliate method retrieves the specified affiliate object.


The GetAffiliate method has the following format:



The GetAffiliate method accepts the following parameters:

affName (string)

Specifies the name of the affiliate object to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetAffiliate method returns one of the following objects:

GetAllAdmins Method—Retrieves all Administrators

The GetAllAdmins method retrieves all administrators associated with the affiliate domain.


The GetAllAdmins method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffDomain‑>GetAllAdmins( )


The GetAllAdmins method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllAdmins method returns one or more of the following values:

GetAllAffiliates Method—Retrieves All Affiliates in a Domain

The GetAllAffiliates method retrieves all affiliate objects associated with the affiliate domain.


The GetAllAffiliates method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffDomain‑>GetAllAffiliates( )


The GetAllAffiliates method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllAffiliates method returns one of the following values:

GetAllSAMLServiceProviders Method—Retrieves all Service Providers associated with the Affiliate Domaine

The GetAllSAMLServiceProviders method retrieves all the SAML 2.0 Service Providers associated with the affiliate domain.


The GetAllSAMLServiceProviders method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffDomain‑>GetAllSAMLServiceProviders( )


The GetAllSAMLServiceProviders method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllSAMLServiceProviders method returns one of the following values:

GetAllWSFEDResourcePartners Method—Retrieves all WSFED Resource Partners

The GetAllWSFEDResourcePartners method retrieves all Resource Partners associated with the domain.


The GetAllWSFEDResourcePartners method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffDomain‑>GetAllWSFEDResourcePartners( )


The GetAllWSFEDResourcePartners method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllWSFEDResourcePartners method returns one of the following values:

GetSAMLServiceProvider Method—Retrieves a Specified Service Provider

The GetSAMLServiceProvider method retrieves the specified SAML 2.0 Service Provider.


The GetSAMLServiceProvider method has the following format:



The GetSAMLServiceProvider method accepts the following parameter:

spName (string)

Specifies the name of the Service Provider to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetSAMLServiceProvider method returns one of the following values:

GetSAMLServiceProviderByID Method—Retrieves a Specified Service Provider

The GetSAMLServiceProviderById method retrieves the specified SAML 2.0 Service Provider by its provider ID.


The GetSAMLServiceProviderById method has the following format:



The GetSAMLServiceProviderById method accepts the following parameter:

spID (string)

Specifies the provider ID of the Service Provider to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetSAMLServiceProviderById method returns one of the following values:

GetUserDirSearchOrder Method—Retrieves Search Order of a User Directory

The GetUserDirSearchOrder method retrieves user directory objects associated with the affiliate domain. The order of the returned objects is the same order SiteMinder uses when querying the directories.


The GetUserDirSearchOrder method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffDomain‑>GetUserDirSearchOrder( )


The GetUserDirSearchOrder method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetUserDirSearchOrder method returns one of the following values:

GetWSFEDResourcePartner Method—Retrieves Resource Partner

The GetWSFEDResourcePartner method retrieves the specified WS-Federation Resource Partner associated with the domain.


The GetWSFEDResourcePartner method has the following format:



The GetWSFEDResourcePartner method accepts the following parameters:

rpName (string)

Specifies the name of the Resource Partner to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetWSFEDResourcePartner method returns the following value:

GetWSFEDResourcePartnerById Method—Retrieves Resource Partner by ID

The GetWSFEDResourcePartnerById method retrieves the specified Resource Partner by its Provider ID.


The GetWSFEDResourcePartnerById method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffDomain‑>GetWSFEDResourcePartnerById( rpID )


The GetWSFEDResourcePartnerById method accepts the following parameters:

rpID (string)

Specifies the ID of the Resource Partner to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetWSFEDResourcePartnerById method returns the following value:

Name Method—Sets or Retrieves Affiliate Domain Name

The Name method sets or retrieves the name of the affiliate domain.


The Name method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffDomain‑>Name( [domainName] )


The Name method accepts the following parameter:

domainName (string)

(Optional) Specifies the name to set.

Return Value

The Name method returns one of the following values:

RemoveAdmin Method—Dissasocciates an Administrator from an Affiliate Domain

The RemoveAdmin method disassociates the specified administrator from the affiliate domain.


The RemoveAdmin method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffDomain‑>RemoveAdmin( admin )


The RemoveAdmin method accepts the following parameter:

admin (PolicyMgtAdmin)

Specifies the administrator to remove from the affiliate domain.

Return Value

The RemoveAdmin method returns one of the following values:

RemoveUserDir Method—Disassociates a User Directory from an Affiliate Domain

The RemoveUserDir method disassociates the user directory from the affiliate domain.


The RemoveUserDir method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffDomain‑>RemoveUserDir( userDir )


The RemoveUserDir method accepts the following parameter:

userDir (PolicyMgtUserDir)

Specifies the user directory to disassociate from the affiliate domain.

Return Value

The RemoveUserDir method returns one of the following values:

SetUserDirSearchOrder Method—Sets the Order for Searching Directory Objects

The SetUserDirSearchOrder method rearranges the search order of the user directory objects associated with the affiliate domain.


The SetUserDirSearchOrder method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffDomain‑>SetUserDirSearchOrder( dirArray )


The SetUserDirSearchOrder method accepts the following parameter:

dirArray (PolicyMgtUserDir)

Specifies a reference to an array of user directory objects (for example: \@myarray).

Return Value

The SetUserDirSearchOrder method returns the following value:

Affiliate Object Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtAffiliate objects:

AddAttribute Method—Adds a New Affiliate Attribute

The AddAttribute method Adds a new affiliate attribute to the affiliate object.


The AddAttribute method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffiliate‑>AddAttribute(attrType, value)


The AddAttribute method accepts the following parameters:

attrType (int)

Specifies one of the following affiliate attribute types:

Specifies the value for the affiliate attribute. This value specification appears in the Name Value Pair column of the SiteMinder Affiliate Dialog. The format of the value specification depends upon the kind of affiliate attribute you are adding -- Static, User Attribute, or DN Attribute:

Static. A literal attribute value. A static affiliate attribute is useful for passing specific information about the user to an application at the affiliate site -- for example, the user's credit limit at the affiliate site.

User Attribute. A user profile attribute name from a user's entry in an LDAP, WinNT, or ODBC user directory -- for example, the attribute name for a user's job title or email address.

DN Attribute. The name of an attribute within an LDAP or ODBC directory object that is associated with the user. Groups to which a user belongs and Organizational Units (ou) that are part of a user DN are examples of directory objects whose attributes can be referenced as DN attributes. For example, a DN attribute can reference a company division for a user, based on the user's membership in a division.

Return Value

The AddAttribute method returns the following value:


Affiliate attributes are name/value pairs that SiteMinder provides to an affiliate in a SAML assertion. Attributes include user entitlements (such as the user's credit limit at the affiliate site) and information from a user's profile (such as job title or email address).

When an application at the affiliate site extracts affiliate attributes from the assertion, it can make the attributes available to other applications at the site as HTTP header variables or HTTP cookie variables.

Note: The total size of an assertion passed to an affiliate cannot exceed 4K. If you include a large number of attributes in an affiliate object, you may violate this limit. A maximum assertion size of 3K is recommended.

AddUser Method—Adds a New User to the Affiliate Object

The AddUser method adds a new user to the affiliate object.


The AddUser method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffiliate‑>AddUser( user )


The AddUser method accepts the following parameter:

user (PolicyMgtUser)

Specifies the user to add.

Return Value

The AddUser method returns one of the following values:

AllowNotification Method—Sets or Retrieves the Event Notification Property

The AllowNotification method sets or retrieves the event notification property. If event notifications are enabled, the affiliate sends notifications about user activities to SiteMinder on the assertion producer site.


The AllowNotification method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffiliate‑>AllowNotification( [notificationFlag] )


The AllowNotification method accepts the following parameter:

notificationFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to enable event notification: 1 means to enable event notification; 0 means to disable event notifications.

Return Value

The AllowNotification method returns one of the following values:

AssertionPluginClass Method—Sets or Retrieves the Name of an Assertion Generator Plug-in

The AssertionPluginClass method sets or retrieves the fully qualified class name of an assertion generator plug-in.


The AssertionPluginClass method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffiliate‑>AssertionPluginClass( [className] )


The AssertionPluginClass method accepts the following parameter:

className (string)

(Optional) Specifies the fully qualified class name of the custom assertion generator plug-in, for example, com.samlproducer.assertionplugin.partner1.

Return Value

The AssertionPluginClass method returns one of the following values:


The plug-in is a custom Java class that lets you modify the contents of a default SAML assertion generated by SiteMinder. SAML assertions are available in legacy federation, which is licensed separately.

The assertion generator plug-in functionality requires a Policy Management API session version of at least v6.0 SP 2. You can pass a parameter string into the assertion generator plug-in through the method PolicyMgtAffiliate‑>AssertionPluginParameters.

To create an assertion generator plug-in, implement the AssertionGeneratorPlugin interface in the Java SDK. For information, see the Programming Guide for Java.

AssertionPluginParameters Method—Sets or Retrieves a Parameter String

The AssertionPluginParameters method sets or retrieves the parameter string to pass to a custom assertion generator plug-in. The syntax of the parameter string is user-defined--that is, the parameter string must conform to whatever conventions that the custom assertion generator requires.


The AssertionPluginParameters method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffiliate‑>AssertionPluginParameters( [parameter] )


The AssertionPluginParameters method accepts the following parameter:

parameters (string)

(Optional) Specifies the parameter string to pass to the plug-in.

Return Value

The AssertionPluginParameters method returns one of the following values:

Audience Method—Sets or Retrieves a URI

The Audience method sets or retrieves the URI of the document that describes the agreement between the assertion producer site and the affiliate.

This value is included in the SAML assertion passed to the affiliate and can be used for validation purposes. Also, the affiliate can parse the audience document to obtain relevant information. The audience value must match the Assertion Audience setting in the AffiliateConfig.xml configuration file for the SAML Affiliate Agent.


The Audience method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffiliate‑>Audience( [audience] )


The Audience method accepts the following parameter:

audience (string)

(Optional) Specifies the audience URI to set.

Return Value

The Audience method returns one of the following values:

AuthURL Method—Sets or Retrieves a URL

The AuthURL method sets or retrieves the URL used to authenticate affiliate users.


The AuthURL method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffiliate‑>AuthURL( [AuthURL] )


The AuthURL method accepts the following parameter:

AuthURL (string)

(Optional) Specifies the authentication URL to set.

Return Value

The AuthURL method returns one of the following values:

ConsumerURL Method—Sets or Retrieves a URL

The ConsumerURL method sets or retrieves the URL where the requesting user's browser must POST a generated assertion.


The ConsumerURL method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffiliate‑>ConsumerURL( [ConsumerURL] )


The ConsumerURL method accepts the following parameter:

ConsumerURL (string)

(Optional) Specifies the URL where the generated assertion is to be sent.

Return Value

The ConsumerURL method returns one of the following values:

CreateIPHostConfigName Method—Creates an IP Configuration Object from the Specified Host Name

The CreateIPHostConfigName method Creates an IP configuration object from the specified host name.


The CreateIPHostConfigName method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffiliate‑>CreateIPConfigHostName( hostName )


The CreateIPHostConfigName method accepts the following parameter:

hostName (string)

Specifies the host name upon which to base the IP configuration object.

Return Value

The CreateIPHostConfigName method returns one of the following values:


Only those users who access the affiliate site from the specified host will be accepted at the affiliate site.

CreateIPConfigRange Method—Creates an IP Configuration Object

The CreateIPConfigRange method creates an IP configuration object from the specified range of IP addresses.


The CreateIPConfigRange method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffiliate‑>CreateIPConfigRange( ipAddr1, ipAddr2 )


The CreateIPConfigRange method accepts the following parameters:

ipAddr1 (string)

Specifies the first IP address in the range of valid IP addresses from which to access the affiliate site.

ipAddr2 (int)

Specifies the last IP address in the range of valid IP addresses from which to access the affiliate site.

Return Value

The CreateIPConfigRange method returns one of the following values:


Only those users who access the affiliate site from an IP address within the specified range are accepted at the affiliate site.

CreateIPConfigSingleHost Method—Creates an IP Configuration Object from the Specified IP Address

The CreateIPConfigSingleHost method creates an IP configuration object from the specified IP address.


The CreateIPConfigSingleHost method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffiliate‑>CreateIPConfigSingleHost( ipAddr )


The CreateIPConfigSingleHost method accepts the following parameter:

ipAddr (string)

Specifies the IP address from which to access the affiliate site.

Return Value

The CreateIPConfigSingleHost method returns one of the following values:


Only those users who access the affiliate site from the specified IP address are accepted at the affiliate site.

CreateIPConfigSubnetMask Method—Creates an IP Configuration Object

The CreateIPConfigSubnetMask method creates an IP configuration object from the specified IP address and subnet mask.


The CreateIPConfigSubnetMask method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffiliate‑>CreateIPConfigSubnetMask( ipAddr, subnetMask )


The CreateIPConfigSubnetMask method accepts the following parameters:

ipAddr (string)

Specifies the IP address used to derive the subnet address.

subnetMask (unsigned long)

Specifies the subnet mask used to derive the subnet address.

Return Value

The CreateIPConfigSubnetMask method returns one of the following values:


Only those users who access the affiliate site from the subnet address will be accepted at the affiliate site. The subnet address is derived from the passed IP address and subnet mask.

DeleteIPConfig Method—Deletes an IP Configuration Object

The DeleteIPConfig method deletes the specified IP configuration object.


The DeleteIPConfig method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffiliate‑>DeleteIPConfig( IPConfig )


The DeleteIPConfig method accepts the following parameter:

IPConfig (PolicyMgtIPConfig)

Specifies the IP configuration object to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteIPConfig method returns one of the following values:

Description Method—Sets or Retrieves the Description of an Affiliate Object

The Description method sets or retrieves the description of the affiliate object.


The Description method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffiliate‑>Description( [affDesc] )


The Description method accepts the following parameter:

affDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description to set.

Return Value

The Description method returns one of the following values:

GetAllAttributes Method—Retrieves Attributes for an Affiliate Object

The GetAllAttributes method retrieves all existing affiliate attributes for the affiliate object.


The GetAllAttributes method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffiliate‑>GetAllAttributes( )


The GetAllAttributes method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllAttributes method returns one of the following values:

GetAllIPConfigs Method—Retrieves All IP Configuration Objects for an Affiliate

The GetAllIPConfigs method retrieves all IP configuration objects for the affiliate object.


The GetAllIPConfigs method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffiliate‑>GetAllIPConfigs( )


The GetAllIPConfigs method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllIPConfigs method returns one of the following values:

GetAllUsers Method—Retrieves All Users Associated with an Affiliate

The GetAllUsers method retrieves all users associated with the affiliate object. If a user directory is specified, the method returns only those users associated with the affiliate and the particular directory.


The GetAllUsers method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffiliate‑>GetAllUsers( [userDir] )


The GetAllUsers method accepts the following parameter:

userDir (PolicyMgtUserDir)

(Optional) Specifies a user directory that the affiliate users must be members of.

Return Value

The GetAllUsers method returns one of the following values:

IsEnabled Method—Sets or Retrieves the Enabled Flag for the Affiliate

The IsEnabled method sets or retrieves the enabled flag for the affiliate object.


The IsEnabled method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffiliate‑>IsEnabled( [enableFlag] )


The IsEnabled method accepts the following parameter:

enableFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to enable the affiliate object:

Return Value

The IsEnabled method returns one of the following values:

Name Method—Sets or Retrieves the Affiliate Name

The Name method sets or retrieves the name of the affiliate object.


The Name method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffiliate‑>Name( [affName] )


The Name method accepts the following parameter:

affName (string)

(Optional) Specifies the name to set.

Return Value

The Name method returns one of the following values:

Password Method—Sets or Retrieves a Password for an Affiliate

The Password method sets or retrieves the password that affiliates use to access SiteMinder Federation Web Services.


The Password method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffiliate‑>Password( [affPassword] )


The Password method accepts the following parameter:

affPassword (string)

(Optional) Specifies the password to set.

Return Value

The Password method returns one of the following values:

RemoveAttribute Method—Removes an Attribute from an Affiliate

The RemoveAttribute method removes the specified affiliate attribute from the affiliate object.


The RemoveAttribute method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffiliate‑>RemoveAttribute( affiliateAttr )


The RemoveAttribute method accepts the following parameter:

affiliateAttr (PolicyMgtAffiliateAttr)

Specifies the affiliate attribute to remove.

Return Value

The RemoveAttribute method returns one of the following values:

RemoveUser Method—Removes a User from an Affiliate

The RemoveUser method removes the specified user from the affiliate object.


The RemoveUser method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffiliate‑>RemoveUser( user )


The RemoveUser method accepts the following parameter:

user (type)

Specifies he user to remove.

Return Value

The RemoveUser method returns one of the following values:

SAMLProfile Method—Sets or Retrieves the Type of SAML Profile

The SAMLProfile method sets or retrieves the type of profile used for sending and receiving SAML assertions.


The SAMLProfile method has the following format:



The SAMLProfile method accepts the following parameters:

SAMLProfile (long)

(Optional) Specifies one of the following valid SAML profile:

Return Value

The SAMLProfile method returns one of the following values:

SAMLVersion Method—Sets or Retrieves the SAML Version for the Affiliate

The SAMLVersion method sets or retrieves the SAML version for the affiliate.


The SAMLVersion method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffiliate‑>SAMLVersion( [SAMLVer] )


The SAMLVersion method accepts the following parameter:

SAMLVer (long)

(Optional) Specifies one of the following SAML versions to set:

Return Value

The SAMLVersion method returns one of the following values:


Specifying a SAML version has effect only if the Policy Manager API's session version is at least v6.0 SP 1.

Save Method—Saves the Affiliate to the Policy Store

The Save method saves the affiliate object to the policy store.


The Save method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffiliate‑>Save( )


The Save method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The Save method returns one of the following values:


Call this method once after making all the modifications to the affiliate object that you intend to make. This method must be called for any changes to take effect.

SessionSyncInterval Method—Sets or Retrieves the Session Synchronization Property

The SessionSyncInterval method sets or retrieves the session synchronization interval property. This property specifies the frequency, in seconds, at which the affiliate contacts the assertion producer site to validate the status of a shared session.


The SessionSyncInterval method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffiliate‑>SessionSyncInterval( [SessionSyncInterval] )


The SessionSyncInterval method accepts the following parameter:

SessionSyncInterval (long)

(Optional) Specifies the session synchronization interval to set.

Return Value

The SessionSyncInterval method returns one of the following values:

SharedSessioning Method—Sets or Retrieves the Shared Session Property

The SharedSessioning method sets or retrieves the shared session property. With shared sessions, the sessions on both the assertion producer site and the affiliate are terminated when the session on either site ends.


The SharedSessioning method has the following format:



The SharedSessioning method accepts the following parameter:

shareFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies the shared session property to set:

Return Value

The SharedSessioning method returns one of the following values:

SkewTime Method—Sets or Retrieves the Skew Time Property

The SkewTime method sets or retrieves the skew time property. The skew time is the difference, in seconds, between the system clock time of the assertion producer site and the system clock time of the affiliate site. Times are relative to GMT.


The SkewTime method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffiliate‑>SkewTime( [SkewTime] )


The SkewTime method accepts the following parameter:

skewTime (long)

(Optional) Specifies the skew time to set.

Return Value

The SkewTime method returns one of the following values:

ValidityDuration Method—Sets or Retrieves the Duration a SAML Assertion Is Valid

The ValidityDuration method sets or retrieves the number of seconds that a SiteMinder-generated SAML assertion is valid. If an affiliate receives the assertion after the specified time, the assertion is considered invalid.


The ValidityDuration method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAffiliate‑>ValidityDuration( [ValidityDuration] )


The ValidityDuration method accepts the following parameter:

validityDuration (long)

(Optional) Specifies the validity duration time to set.

Return Value

The ValidityDuration method returns one of the following values:

Agent Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtAgent objects:

ConvertFromLegacy Method—Converts a v4.x Agent to a v5.x Agent

The ConvertFromLegacy method converts a v4.x agent to a v5.x agent.


The ConvertFromLegacy method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAgent‑>ConvertFromLegacy( )


The ConvertFromLegacy method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The ConvertFromLegacy method returns one of the following values:

ConvertToLegacy Method—Converts a v5.x Agent to a v4.x Agent

The ConvertToLegacy method converts a v5.x agent to a v4.x agent.


The ConvertToLegacy method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAgent‑>ConvertToLegacy( )


The ConvertToLegacy method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The ConvertToLegacy method returns one of the following values:

Description Method—Sets or Retrieves the Agent Description

The Description method sets or retrieves the agent description.


The Description method has the following format:



The Description method accepts the following parameter:

agentDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description to set.

Return Value

The Description method returns one of the following values:

IPAddress Method—Sets or Retrieves the Agent's IP Address

The IPAddress method sets or retrieves the agent's IP address.


The IPAddress method has the following format:



The IPAddress method accepts the following parameter:

ipAddress (string)

(Optional) Specifies the IP address to set.

Return Value

The IPAddress method returns one of the following values:

Name Method—Sets or Retrieves the Name of the Agent

The Name method sets or retrieves the name of the agent.


The Name method has the following format:



The Name method accepts the following parameter:

agentName (string)

(Optional) Specifies the name to assign to the agent.

Return Value

The Name method returns one of the following values:

RealmHintAttrID Method—Sets or Retrieves the Hint Attribute

The RealmHintAttrID method sets or retrieves the hint attribute for a RADIUS agent.


The RealmHintAttrID method has the following format:



The RealmHintAttrID method accepts the following parameter:

hintID (int)

(Optional) Specifies the hint attribute ID to set.

Return Value

The RealmHintAttrID method returns one of the following values:

SharedSecret Method—Sets or Retrieves the Shared Secret for a v4.x Agent

The SharedSecret method sets or retrieves the shared secret for a v4.x agent. This is the same shared secret used in the Web agent configuration.


The SharedSecret method has the following format:



The SharedSecret method accepts the following parameter:

sharedSecret (string)

(Optional) Specifies the shared secret to set.

Return Value

The SharedSecret method returns one of the following values:

Agent Configuration Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtAgentConfig objects:

AddAssociation Method—Adds a Name and Value for this Configuration

The AddAssociation method adds a configuration parameter name and value for this agent configuration.


The AddAssociation method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAgentConfig‑>AddAssociation(Name, Value, Flags)


The AddAssociation method accepts the following parameters:

Name (string)

Specifies the configuration parameter name.

Value (string)

Specifies the configuration parameter value.

Flag (int)

Specifies the encryption flag value:

Return Value

The AddAssociation method returns one of the following values:

AddAssociationMultiValue Method—Adds a Multi-valued Configuration Parameter

The AddAssociationMultiValue method adds a multi-valued configuration parameter for this agent configuration. If the specified configuration parameter exists, the new value is concatenated with the old value.

Note: Do not call this method more than once in a session. Otherwise, the new value overwrites the old value.


The AddAssociationMultiValue method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAgentConfig‑>AddAssociationMultiValue(Name, valueArray)


The AddAssociationMultiValue method accepts the following parameters:

Name (string)

Specifies the configuration parameter name.

valueArray (string array)

Specifies a reference to an array of values associated with this parameter name (for example: \@myarray).

Return Value

The AddAssociationMultiValue method returns one of the following values:


Multi-valued parameters can be stored only as plain text.

Description Method—Sets or Retrieves the Description of the Agent Configuration Object

The Description method sets or retrieves the description of the agent configuration object.


The Description method has the following format:



The Description method accepts the following parameters:

Description (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description to set.

Return Value

The Description method returns one of the following values:

GetAssociations Method—Retrieves a List of All the Configuration Parameters

The GetAssociations method retrieves a list of all the configuration parameters for this agent configuration.


The GetAssociations method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAgentConfig‑>GetAssociations( )


The GetAssociations method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAssociations method returns one of the following values:

Name Method—Sets or Retrieves the Agent Configuration Object Name

The Name method sets or retrieves the agent configuration object name.


The Name method has the following format:



The Name method accepts the following parameters:

Name (string)

(Optional) Specifies the name to set.

Return Value

The Name method returns one of the following values:

RemoveAssociation Method—Removes a Configuration Parameter

The RemoveAssociation method removes a configuration parameter name/value pair from the agent configuration object.


The RemoveAssociation method has the following format:



The RemoveAssociation method accepts the following parameter:

assoc (PolicyMgtAssociation)

Specifies the configuration parameter name/value pair to remove.

Return Value

The RemoveAssociation method returns one of the following values:

Agent Configuration Parameters Methods

An object of this type represents a configuration parameter name-value pair for an agent configuration. The following methods act on PolicyMgtAssociation objects:

Name Method—Sets or Retrieves the Name Portion of the Agent Configuration Parameter

The Name method sets or retrieves the name portion of the agent configuration parameter name/value pair.


The Name method has the following format:



The Name method accepts the following parameters:

Name (string)

(Optional) Specifies the name to set.

Return Value

The Name method returns one of the following values:

Flags Method—Sets or Retrieves the Encryption Flag Attribute

The Flags method sets or retrieves the encryption flag attribute for the agent configuration name/value pair.


The Flags method has the following format:



The Flags method accepts the following parameter:

Flags (int)

(Optional) Specifies the flag value to set.

Return Value

The Flags method returns one of the following values:

Value Method—Sets or Retrieves the Value of the Agent Configuration Parameter

The Value method sets or retrieves the value portion of the agent configuration parameter name/value pair.


The Value method has the following format:



The Value method accepts the following parameter:

Value (int)

(Optional) Specifies the value to set.

Return Value

The Value method returns one of the following values:

Agent Type Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtAgentType objects:

GetDescription Method—Retrieves the Description of the Agent Type

The GetDescription method retrieves the description of the agent type.


The GetDescription method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAgentType‑>GetDescription( )


The GetDescription method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetDescription method returns one of the following values:

GetName Method—Retrieves the Name of the Agent Type

The GetName method retrieves the name of the agent type, for example, Web Agent.


The GetName method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAgentType‑>GetName( )


The GetName method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetName method returns one of the following values:

Authentication and Authorization Map Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtAuthAzMap objects:

AuthDir Method—Sets or Retrieves the Authentication Directory

The AuthDir method sets or retrieves the authentication directory of the authentication and authorization map.


The AuthDir method has the following format:



The AuthDir method accepts the following parameter:

userDir (PolicyMgtUserDir)

(Optional) Specifies the authentication directory to set.

Return Value

The AuthDir method returns one of the following values:

AzDir Method—Sets or Retrieves the Authorization Directory

The AzDir method sets or retrieves the authorization directory of the authentication and authorization map.


The AzDir method has the following format:



The AzDir method accepts the following parameter:

userDir (PolicyMgtUserDir)

(Optional) Specifies the authorization directory to set.

Return Value

The AzDir method returns one of the following values:

MapType Method—Sets or Retrieves the Type of Authentication and Authorization Map

The MapType method sets or retrieves the type of authentication and authorization map.


The MapType method has the following format:



The MapType method accepts the following parameter:

mapType (int)

(Optional) Specifies the map type. The following values are valid:

AUTHAZMAPTYPE_DN (Value=1). Mapping is based on a DN.

AUTHAZMAPTYPE_UNIVERSALID (Value=2). Mapping is based on a universal identifier.

AUTHAZMAPTYPE_ATTR (Value=3). Mapping is based on an attribute in the directory.

Return Value

The MapType method returns one of the following values:

Authentication Scheme Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtAuthScheme objects.:

AddMessageConsumerPluginToSAML1xScheme Method--Adds Message Consumer Plug-in Class Name

The AddMessageConsumerPluginToSAML1xScheme method adds a message consumer plug-in class name and parameter to a SAML1x authentication scheme.


The AddMessageConsumerPluginToSAML1xScheme method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAuthScheme‑>AddMessageConsumerPluginToSAML1xScheme(pluginClass, pluginParam)


The AddMessageConsumerPluginToSAML1xScheme method accepts the following parameters:

pluginClass (string)

Specifies the message consumer plug-in class name.

pluginParam (string)

Specifies the message consumer plug-in parameter name.

Return Value

The AddMessageConsumerPluginToSAML1xScheme method returns one of the following values:

AddRedirectURLToSAML1xScheme Method--Adds Redirect Value to an Authentication Scheme

The AddRedirectURLToSAML1xScheme method adds a redirect URL, type, and mode to a SAML1x authentication scheme.


The AddRedirectURLToSAML1xScheme method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAuthScheme‑>AddRedirectURLToSAML1xScheme(iTypeURL, URL, redirectMode)


The AddRedirectURLToSAML1xScheme method accepts the following parameters:

iTypeURL (int)

Specifies the redirect URL type, which is one of the following values:

0—User Note Found

1— Invalid Message

2—Unaccepted credential

URL (string)

Specifies the redirect URL site.

redirectMode (int)

Specifies the redirect mode, which can be either of the following values:

Return Value

The AddRedirectURLToSAML1xScheme method returns one of the following values:

AddTargetConfigToSAML1xScheme Method--Sets the Default Target Configuration

The AddTargetConfigToSAML1xScheme method sets the default Target and QueryParameterOverridesTarget configuration to a SAML1x authentication scheme.


The AddTargetConfigToSAML1xScheme method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAuthScheme‑>AddTargetConfigToSAML1xScheme(pszTargetURL, iQPOverrideTarget)


The AddTargetConfigToSAML1xScheme method accepts the following parameters:

pszTargetURL (string)

Specifies the default Target URL.

iQPOverrideTarget (int)

Specifies whether the query parameter overrides the default Target configuration.

Return Value

The AddTargetConfigToSAML1xScheme method returns one of the following values:

CustomLib Method—Sets or Retrieves the Name of the Shared Library

The CustomLib method sets or retrieves the name of the shared library that implements the authentication scheme.


The CustomLib method has the following format:



The CustomLib method accepts the following parameter:

libName (string)

(Optional) Specifies the shared library name.

Return Value

The CustomLib method returns one of the following values:


Each pre-defined authentication scheme type is shipped with a default library, but you can use a custom library. If you use a custom authentication scheme, you must specify a custom library.

CustomParam Method—Sets or Retrieves Information that Is Passed to the Authentication Scheme

The CustomParam method sets or retrieves information that is passed to the authentication scheme. You can accept the default parameter for the authentication scheme, or you can specify a new one.


The CustomParam method has the following format:



The CustomParam method accepts the following parameter:

param (string)

(Optional) Specifies the parameter information to pass.

Return Value

The CustomParam method returns one of the following values:

CustomSecret Method—Sets or Retrieves the Shared Secret for the Custom Authentication Scheme

The CustomSecret method sets or retrieves the shared secret for the custom authentication scheme.


The CustomSecret method has the following format:



The CustomSecret method accepts the following parameter:

param (string)

(Optional) Specifies the shared secret.

Return Value

The CustomSecret method returns one of the following values:

Description Method—Sets or Retrieves the Description of the Authentication Scheme

The Description method sets or retrieves the description of the authentication scheme.


The Description method has the following format:



The Description method accepts the following parameter:

schemeDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description.

Return Value

The Description method returns one of the following values:

GetMessageConsumerPluginFromSAML1xScheme Method--Retrieves Message Consumer Plug-in Class Name

The GetMessageConsumerPluginFromSAML1xScheme method retrieves the message consumer plug-in class name and parameter from a SAML1x authentication scheme.


The GetMessageConsumerPluginFromSAML1xScheme method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAuthScheme‑>GetMessageConsumerPluginFromSAML1xScheme(pluginClass, pluginParam)


The GetMessageConsumerPluginFromSAML1xScheme method accepts the following parameters:

pluginClass (string)

Specifies the message consumer plug-in class name.

pluginParam (string)

Specifies the message consumer plug-in parameter name.

Return Value

The GetMessageConsumerPluginFromSAML1xScheme method returns one of the following values:

GetRedirectURLFromSAML1xScheme Method--Retrieves a Redirect URL

The GetRedirectURLFromSAML1xScheme method retrieves a redirect URL, type, and mode from a SAML1x authentication scheme.


The GetRedirectURLFromSAML1xScheme method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAuthScheme‑>GetRedirectURLFromSAML1xScheme(iTypeURL, URL, redirectMode)


The GetRedirectURLFromSAML1xScheme method accepts the following parameters:

iTypeURL (int)

Specifies the redirect URL type, which is one of the following values:

0—User Note Found

1— Invalid Message

2—Unaccepted credential

URL (string)

Specifies the redirect URL site.

redirectMode (int)

Specifies the redirect mode, which can be either of the following values:

Return Value

The GetRedirectURLFromSAML1xScheme method returns one of the following values:

GetTargetConfigFromSAML1xScheme Method--Retrieves the Target Configuration

The GetTargetConfigFromSAML1xScheme method retrieves the default Target and QueryParameterOverridesTarget configuration from a SAML1x authentication scheme.


The GetTargetConfigFromSAML1xScheme method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAuthScheme‑>GetTargetConfigFromSAML1xScheme(pszTargetURL, iQPOverrideTarget)


The GetTargetConfigFromSAML1xScheme method accepts the following parameters:

pszTargetURL (string)

Specifies the default Target URL.

iQPOverrideTarget (int)

Specifies whether the query parameter overrides the default Target configuration.

Return Value

The GetTargetConfigFromSAML1xScheme method returns one of the following values:

IgnorePwd Method—Specifies whether Password Policies Should Be Checked

The IgnorePwd method sets or retrieves the flag that specifies whether password policies should be checked for the authentication scheme.


The IgnorePwd method has the following format:



The IgnorePwd method accepts the following parameter:

pwdFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to ignore password policies (set to 1), or enforce them (set to 0).

Return Value

The IgnorePwd method returns one of the following values:

IsRadius Method—Determines whether the Authentication Scheme Supports RADIUS Agents

The IsRadius method sets or retrieves the flag that specifies whether the authentication scheme supports RADIUS agents.


The IsRadius method has the following format:



The IsRadius method accepts the following parameter:

radFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether the authentication scheme supports RADIUS agents (1=yes; 0=no).

Return Value

The IsRadius method returns one of the following values:

IsTemplate Method—Determines whether the Authentication Scheme Is a Template

The IsTemplate method retrieves the flag value that indicates whether the authentication scheme is a template.


The IsTemplate method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAuthScheme‑>IsTemplate( )


The IsTemplate method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The IsTemplate method returns one of the following values:


Setting an authentication scheme as a template with the Perl Policy Management API is deprecated in SiteMinder v6.0 SP3.

IsUsedByAdmin Method—Determines whether the Scheme Authenticates Administrators

The IsUsedByAdmin method determines whether the scheme should be used to authenticate administrators.


The IsUsedByAdmin method has the following format:



The IsUsedByAdmin method accepts the following parameter:

useAdminFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether the scheme should be used to authenticate administrators:

Return Value

The IsUsedByAdmin method returns one of the following values:

Name Method—Sets or Retrieves the Name of the Authentication Scheme

The Name method sets or retrieves the name of the authentication scheme.


The Name method has the following format:



The Name method accepts the following parameter:

authSchemeName (string)

(Optional) Specifies the name to assign to the authentication scheme.

Return Value

The Name method returns one of the following values:

ProtectionLevel Method—Sets or Retrieves the Protection Level of the Authentication Scheme

The ProtectionLevel method sets or retrieves the protection level of the authentication scheme.


The ProtectionLevel method has the following format:



The ProtectionLevel method accepts the following parameter:

nlevel (int)

(Optional) Specifies the protection level to set.

Return Value

The ProtectionLevel method returns one of the following values:


The level can vary from 1 to 1000. The higher the number, the more secure is the scheme. With Anonymous authentication schemes, set this value to 0.

Save Method—Saves the Authentication Scheme to the Policy Store

The Save method saves the authentication scheme to the policy store.


The Save method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAuthScheme‑>Save( )


The Save method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The Save method returns one of the following values:


Call this method once after making all the modifications to the authentication scheme that you intend to make. This method must be called for any changes to take effect.

SaveCredentials Method—Determines whether User Credentials Can Be Saved

The SaveCredentials method sets or retrieves the flag that allows user credentials to be saved.


The SaveCredentials method has the following format:



The SaveCredentials method accepts the following parameter:

credFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies the flag value:

Return Value

The SaveCredentials method returns one of the following values:

Type Method—Sets or Retrieves the Authentication Scheme Type

The Type method sets or retrieves the authentication scheme type.


The Type method has the following format:



The Type method accepts the following parameter:

template (PolicyMgtAuthScheme)

(Optional) Specifies the authentication scheme type.

Return Value

The Type method returns one of the following values:

Certificate Mapping Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtCertMap objects:

AttrMap Method—Sets or Retrieves the Attribute Map for Certificate Mapping

The AttrMap method sets or retrieves the attribute map for Certificate mapping.


The AttrMap method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtCertMap‑>AttrMap ([attribute_map])


The AttrMap method accepts the following parameter:

attribute_map (string)

(Optional) Specifies the attribute map to be set.

Return Value

The AttrMap method returns one of the following values:

CacheCRL Method—Determines whether To Cache Certificate Revocation List (CRL) entries

The CacheCRL method sets or retrieves the flag that determines whether to cache Certificate Revocation List (CRL) entries. Setting this flag causes SiteMinder to use cached CRL information until the date specified in the NextUpdate field in the CRL.


The CacheCRL method has the following format:



The CacheCRL method accepts the following parameter:

cacheFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to cache CRL entries:

Return Value

The CacheCRL method returns one of the following values:

CertRequired Method—Determines whether Certificate Validation is Required

The CertRequired method sets or retrieves the flag that requires SiteMinder to verify that the certificate presented by the user matches the certificate stored in the user's entry in the user directory. The user directory must be an LDAP user directory.


The CertRequired method has the following format:



The CertRequired method accepts the following parameter:

certFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether certificate verification is required:

Return Value

The CertRequired method returns one of the following values:

CRLUserDirectory Method—Sets or Retrieves the LDAP Directory where the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Is Located

The CRLUserDirectory method specifies or retrieves the LDAP user directory where the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) is located.


The CRLUserDirectory method has the following format:



The CRLUserDirectory method accepts the following parameter:

crlDir (PolicyMgtUserDir)

(Optional) Specifies the user directory where the CRL is located.

Return Value

The CRLUserDirectory method returns one of the following values:

Description Method—Sets or Retrieves the Description of the Certificate Map

The Description method sets or retrieves the description of the certificate map.


The Description method has the following format:



The Description method accepts the following parameter:

certMapDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description to set.

Return Value

The Description method returns one of the following values:

DirectoryType Method—Sets or Retrieves the Type of User Directory

The DirectoryType method sets or retrieves the type of user directory involved in the user authentication.


The DirectoryType method has the following format:



The DirectoryType method accepts the following parameter:

dirType (int)

(Optional) Specifies one of the following types of user directory:

Return Value

The DirectoryType method returns one of the following values:

EnableCRL Method—Determines whether To Check the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) for Revoked Certificates

The EnableCRL method sets or retrieves the flag that determines whether to check the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) for revoked certificates.


The EnableCRL method has the following format:



The EnableCRL method accepts the following parameter:

ckCRLFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to check certificates against the CRL:

Return Value

The EnableCRL method returns one of the following values:


A CRL is a list of revoked X.509 client certificates published by the Certificate Authority. Comparing a certificate against a CRL is one way to ensure that certificates are valid. When a user with such a certificate tries to access a protected resource, SiteMinder finds the user's certificate in the CRL and rejects the authentication.

Before you enable CRL checking, call the method PolicyMgtCertMap‑>CRLUserDirectory to specify the user directory where the CRL is located.

IssuerDN Method—Sets or Retrieves the DN of the Certificate Issuer

The IssuerDN method sets or retrieves the DN of the certificate issuer.


The IssuerDN method has the following format:



The IssuerDN method accepts the following parameter:

issuerDN (string)

(Optional) Specifies the issuer DN to set.

Return Value

The IssuerDN method returns one of the following values:

UseDistributionPoints Method—Determines whether Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Searches Use a Distribution Point

The UseDistributionPoints method sets or retrieves the flag indicating whether Certificate Revocation List (CRL) searches should use a distribution point as a starting point for a search.


The UseDistributionPoints method has the following format:



The UseDistributionPoints method accepts the following parameters:

distPointsFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to use distribution points for CRL searches:

Return Value

The UseDistributionPoints method returns one of the following values:


Large CRLs may contain multiple distribution points that can be used to locate a revoked user. Distribution points indicate a starting point in the CRL LDAP directory. By providing a starting point for a CRL check, distribution points save the processing time that it would take to search the entire CRL.

VerifySignature Method—Determines whether SiteMinder Verifies the Certificate Authority's Signature

The VerifySignature method sets or retrieves the flag indicating whether SiteMinder should verify the Certificate Authority's signature in the Certificate Revocation List (CRL).


The VerifySignature method has the following format:



The VerifySignature method accepts the following parameter:

verifyFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to verify the CA's signature in the CRL:

Return Value

The VerifySignature method returns one of the following values:

Cluster Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtCluster objects:

AddServer Method—Adds a Server to the Cluster

The AddServer method adds a server to the cluster.


The AddServer method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtCluster‑>AddServer(Host, Port)


The AddServer method accepts the following parameters:

Host (string)

Specifies the host IP address.

Port (int)

Specifies the server port.

Return Value

The AddServer method returns one of the following values:


The servers in a cluster are referenced in an array. When you add a server to a cluster, it is added to the end of the server array.

Due to dynamic load balancing, in which requests are sent to the highest-capacity available server in the cluster, the order in which servers are added to the cluster does not matter.

To add a non-clustered server to a host configuration, call the PolicyMgtHostConfig‑>AddServer method.

GetAllServers Method—Retrieves an Array of All the Servers in a Cluster

The GetAllServers method retrieves an array of all the servers in the cluster.


The GetAllServers method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtCluster‑>GetAllServers( )


The GetAllServers method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllServers method returns one of the following values:


To retrieve the servers that are not members of clusters, call the PolicyMgtHostConfig‑>GetAllServers method.

Domain Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtDomain objects:

AddAdmin Method—Adds an Administrator to the Domain

The AddAdmin method adds an administrator to the domain.


The AddAdmin method has the following format:



The AddAdmin method accepts the following parameter:

admin (type)

Specifies the administrator to add to the domain.

Return Value

The AddAdmin method returns one of the following values:


Administrators can create, edit, and delete SiteMinder objects within the domain.

You cannot use the Policy Management API to create an administrator for a particular domain. However, if you use the Administrative UI to create an administrator for a domain, you can add that administrator to another domain by calling the PolicyMgtAffDomain‑>AddAdmin method.

AddUserDir Method—Associates a User Directory with the Domain

The AddUserDir method associates a user directory with the domain.


The AddUserDir method has the following format:



The AddUserDir method accepts the following parameter:

userDir (PolicyMgtUserDir)

Specifies the user directory to associate with the domain.

Return Value

The AddUserDir method returns one of the following values:


During user authentication, the user's supplied credentials are checked against the credentials stored in this user directory.

The directory object is appended to the end of the search order. To change the search order, call the PolicyMgtAffDomain‑>SetUserDirSearchOrder method.

CreatePolicy Method—Creates and Configures a Policy in the Domain

The CreatePolicy method creates and configures a policy in the domain.


The CreatePolicy method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtDomain‑>CreatePolicy(policyName [, policyDesc] [, enableFlag] [, activeExpr])


The CreatePolicy method accepts the following parameters:

policyName (string)

Specifies the name of the policy.

policyDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description of the policy.

enableFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to enable (1) or disable (0) the policy. Default is enabled.

activeExpr (string)

(Optional) Specifies the active expression of the policy.

Return Value

The CreatePolicy method returns one of the following values:

CreateRealm Method—Creates and Configures a Top-level Realm in the Domain

The CreateRealm method creates and configures a top-level realm in the domain.


The CreateRealm method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtDomain‑>CreateRealm(realmName, agent, authScheme [, realmDesc] [, resFilter] [, procAuthEvents] [, procAzEvents] [, protectAll] [, maxTimeout] [, idleTimeout] [, syncAudit] [, azUserDir] [, regScheme])


The CreateRealm method accepts the following parameters:

realmName (string)

Specifies the name of the realm.

agent (PolicyMgtAgent)

Specifies the agent or agent group that protects the realm.

authScheme (PolicyMgtAuthScheme)

Specifies the authentication scheme to associate with the realm.

realmDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the realm description.

resFilter (string)

(Optional) Specifies the resource filter for the realm.

procAuthEvents (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to process authentication events -- 1 to enable or 0 to disable. Default is enabled. Authentication event processing affects performance. If no rules in the realm are to be triggered by authentication events, set this flag to 0.

procAzEvents (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to process authorization events -- 1 to enable or 0 to disable. Default is enabled. Authorization event processing affects performance. If no rules in the realm are to be triggered by authorization events, set this flag to 0.

protectAll (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to activate default resource protection -- 1 to enable or 0 to disable. Default is enabled.

maxTimeout (int)

(Optional) Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, a user can access the realm before re-authentication is required. Default is 7200 (2 hours).

idleTimeout (int)

(Optional) Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, a user can remain inactive in the realm before re-authentication is required. Default is 3600 (1 hour).

syncAudit (int)

(Optional) Specifies lag for enabling synchronous auditing -- 1 to enable or 0 to disable. When this flag is enabled, SiteMinder logs Policy Server and agent actions before it allows access to resources. Default is disabled.

azUserDir (PolicyMgtUserDir)

(Optional) Specifies The directory where users in the realm will be authorized. Default is the default directory.

regScheme (type)

(Optional) Specifies the registration scheme used to register new users accessing resources in the realm.

Return Value

The CreateRealm method returns one of the following values:


This method creates a realm that is configured for non-persistent sessions. To configure the realm for SiteMinder 5.0 persistent sessions, edit the realm in the Administrative UI.

Note: The Policy Management API only manipulates realms that are direct descendants of the object whose method has been called, as follows:

CreateResponse Method—Creates a Response

The CreateResponse method creates a response.


The CreateResponse method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtDomain‑>CreateResponse(resName, agentType [, resDesc])


The CreateResponse method accepts the following parameters:

resName (string)

Specifies the name of the response.

agentType (PolicyMgtAgentType)

Specifies the agent type associated with the response. Call the PolicyMgtSession‑>GetAgentType method to get the agent type object.

resDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description of the response.

Return Value

The CreateResponse method returns one of the following values:


The agent returns responses based on certain events. For example, if an unauthorized user attempts to access a protected Web page, a response can redirect the user to an HTML page that displays an appropriate message.

CreateResponseGroup Method—Creates a Response Group for the Domain

The CreateResponseGroup method creates a response group for the domain.


The CreateResponseGroup method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtDomain‑>CreateResponseGroup(groupName, agentType, [, groupDesc])


The CreateResponseGroup method accepts the following parameters:

groupName (string)

Specifies the name of the group.

agentType (PolicyMgtAgentType)

Specifies the agent type associated with this response group. Call the PolicyMgtSession‑>GetAgentType method to get the agent type object.

groupDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description of the group.

Return Value

The CreateResponseGroup method returns one of the following values:

CreateRuleGroup Method—Creates a Rule Group for the Domain

The CreateRuleGroup method creates a rule group for the domain.


The CreateRuleGroup method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtDomain‑>CreateRuleGroup(groupName, agentType [, groupDesc])


The CreateRuleGroup method accepts the following parameters:

groupName (string)

Specifies the name of the group.

agentType (PolicyMgtAgentType)

Specifies the agent type associated with this rule group. Call the PolicyMgtSession‑>GetAgentType method to get the agent type object.

groupDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description of the group.

Return Value

The CreateRuleGroup method returns one of the following values:

DeleteGroup Method—Deletes a Group from the Domain

The DeleteGroup method deletes the specified group in the domain.


The DeleteGroup method has the following format:



The DeleteGroup method accepts the following parameter:

group (PolicyMgrGroup)

Specifies the group to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteGroup method returns one of the following values:

DeletePolicy Method—Deletes a Policy

The DeletePolicy method deletes a policy.


The DeletePolicy method has the following format:



The DeletePolicy method accepts the following parameter:

policy (PolicyMgtPolicy)

Specifies the policy to delete.

Return Value

The DeletePolicy method returns one of the following values:

DeleteRealm Method—Deletes a Realm in the Domain

The DeleteRealm method deletes a top-level realm in the domain.


The DeleteRealm method has the following format:



The DeleteRealm method accepts the following parameter:

realm (PolicyMgtRealm)

Specifies the realm to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteRealm method returns one of the following values:

DeleteResponse Method—Deletes a Response

The DeleteResponse method deletes a response.


The DeleteResponse method has the following format:



The DeleteResponse method accepts the following parameter:

response (PolicyMgtResponse)

Specifies the response to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteResponse method returns one of the following values:

Description Method—Sets or Retrieves the Description of the Domain

The Description method sets or retrieves the description of the domain.


The Description method has the following format:



The Description method accepts the following parameter:

domainDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description to set.

Return Value

The Description method returns one of the following values:

GetAllPolicies Method—Retrieves All Policies Associated with the Domain

The GetAllPolicies method retrieves all policies associated the domain.


The GetAllPolicies method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtDomain‑>GetAllPolicies( )


The GetAllPolicies method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllPolicies method returns one of the following values

GetAllRealms Method—Retrieves All Top-level Realms in the Domain

The GetAllRealms method Retrieves all top-level realms in the domain.


The GetAllRealms method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtDomain‑>GetAllRealms( )


The GetAllRealms method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllRealms method returns one of the following values


To retrieve all top-level realms under a realm, call the PolicyMgtRealm‑>GetAllChildRealms method.

GetAllResponseGroups Method—Retrieves All the Response Groups Associated with the Domain

The GetAllResponseGroups method retrieves all of the response groups associated with the domain.


The GetAllResponseGroups method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtDomain‑>GetAllResponseGroups( )


The GetAllResponseGroups method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllResponseGroups method returns one of the following values

GetAllResponses Method—Retrieves All Responses Associated with the Domain

The GetAllResponses method retrieves all responses associated with the domain.


The GetAllResponses method has the following format:



The GetAllResponses method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllResponses method returns one of the following values

GetAllRuleGroups Method—Retrieves All Rule Groups Associated with the Domain

The GetAllRuleGroups method retrieves all rule groups associated with the domain.


The GetAllRuleGroups method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtDomain‑>GetAllRuleGroups( )


The GetAllRuleGroups method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllRuleGroups method returns one of the following values:

GetPolicy Method—Retrieves a Policy in the Domain

The GetPolicy method retrieves a policy in the domain.


The GetPolicy method has the following format:



The GetPolicy method accepts the following parameter:

policyName (string)

Specifies the policy to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetPolicy method returns one of the following values

GetRealm Method—Retrieves a Top-level Realm in the Domain

The GetRealm method retrieves a top-level realm in the domain.


The GetRealm method has the following format:



The GetRealm method accepts the following parameter:

realmName (string)

Specifies the realm to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetRealm method returns one of the following values:

GetResponse Method—Retrieves a Response Associated with the Domain

The GetResponse method retrieves a response associated with the domain.


The GetResponse method has the following format:



The GetResponse method accepts the following parameter:

resName (string)

Specifies the response to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetResponse method returns one of the following values:

GetResponseGroup Method—Retrieves the Specified Response Group

The GetResponseGroup method retrieves the specified response group.


The GetResponseGroup method has the following format:



The GetResponseGroup method accepts the following parameter:

groupName (string)

Specifies the name of the response group to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetResponseGroup method returns one of the following values:

GetRuleGroup Method—Retrieves the Specified Rule Group

The GetRuleGroup method retrieves the specified rule group.


The GetRuleGroup method has the following format:



The GetRuleGroup method accepts the following parameter:

groupName (string)

Specifies the name of the group to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetRuleGroup method returns one of the following values:

GetUserDirSearchOrder Method—Retrieves User Directory Objects Associated with the Domain

The GetUserDirSearchOrder method retrieves user directory objects associated with the domain.


The GetUserDirSearchOrder method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtDomain‑>GetUserDirSearchOrder( )


The GetUserDirSearchOrder method accepts no parameters:

Return Value

The GetUserDirSearchOrder method returns one of the following values:


The order of the returned objects is the same order that SiteMinder uses when querying the directories. To change the search order, call the PolicyMgtAffDomain‑>SetUserDirSearchOrder method.

GlobalPoliciesApply Method—Determines whether the Domain Is Enabled for Global Policies

The GlobalPoliciesApply method sets or retrieves the flag indicating whether the domain is enabled for global policies. If the domain is enabled for global policies, both global and domain-specific policies can apply to the domain.


The GlobalPoliciesApply method has the following format:



The GlobalPoliciesApply method accepts the following parameter:

globalFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to enable the domain for global polices:

Return Value

The GlobalPoliciesApply method returns one of the following values:

Name Method—Sets or Retrieves the Domain Name

The Name method sets or retrieves the domain name.


The Name method has the following format:



The Name method accepts the following parameter:

domainName (string)

(Optional) Specifies the name to assign to the domain.

Return Value

The Name method returns one of the following values:

RemoveAdmin Method—Disassociates an Administrator from the Domain

The RemoveAdmin method disassociates an administrator from the domain.


The RemoveAdmin method has the following format:



The RemoveAdmin method accepts the following parameter:

admin (PolicyMgtAdmin)

Specifies the administrator to remove from the domain.

Return Value

The RemoveAdmin method returns one of the following values:


See also the PolicyMgtSession‑>DeleteAdmin method to delete an administrator from the policy store.

You cannot use the Policy Management API to create an administrator for a particular domain. However, if an administrator is associated with a domain either through the Administrative UI or the PolicyMgtAffDomain‑>AddAdmin method, you can remove that administrator from the domain by calling the RemoveAdmin method.

RemoveUserDir Method—Disassociates the User Directory from the Domain

The RemoveUserDir method disassociates the user directory from the domain.


The RemoveUserDir method has the following format:



The RemoveUserDir method accepts the following parameter:

userDir (PolicyMgtUserDir)

Specifies the user directory to disassociate from the domain.

Return Value

The RemoveUserDir method returns one of the following values:

SetUserDirSearchOrder Method—Rearranges the Search Order of the User Directory Objects

The SetUserDirSearchOrder method rearranges the search order of the user directory objects associated with the domain.


The SetUserDirSearchOrder method has the following format:



The SetUserDirSearchOrder method accepts the following parameter:

dirArray ()

Specifies a reference to an array of user directory objects (for example: \@myarray).

Return Value

The SetUserDirSearchOrder method returns one of the following values:

Group Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtGroup objects. This object can contain either PolicyMgtAgent objects, PolicyMgtResponse objects, PolicyMgtRule objects, or nested PolicyMgtGroup objects.

Add Method—Adds an Agent, Response, Rule, or Nested Group Object to the Group

The Add method adds an agent, response, rule, or nested group object to the group.


The Add method has the following format:



The Add method accepts the following parameter:

newMember (objectType)

Specifies the member to add to the group. objectType can be any one of the following:

Return Value

The Add method returns one of the following values:

Contains Method—Determines whether the Group Contains the Specified Agent, Response, Rule, or Nested Group Object

The Contains method determines whether the group contains the specified agent, response, rule, or nested group object.


The Contains method has the following format:



The Contains method accepts the following parameter:

object (objectType)

Specifies the object to check. objectType can be any one of the following:

Return Value

The Contains method returns one of the following values:

Description Method—Sets or Retrieves the Description of the Group Object

The Description method sets or retrieves the description of the group object.


The Description method has the following format:



The Description method accepts the following parameter:

Description (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description to set.

Return Value

The Description method returns one of the following values:

GetAgent Method—Retrieves the Specified Agent Object from the Group

The GetAgent method retrieves the specified agent object from the group.


The GetAgent method has the following format:



The GetAgent method accepts the following parameter:

agentName (string)

Specifies the name of the agent to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetAgent method returns one of the following values:

GetAgentGroup Method—Retrieves an Agent Group Object Nested within the Group

The GetAgentGroup method retrieves an agent group object nested within the group.


The GetAgentGroup method has the following format:



The GetAgentGroup method accepts the following parameter:

groupName (string)

Specifies the name of the agent group to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetAgentGroup method returns one of the following values:

GetAgentType Method—Retrieves the Type of the Agent Objects Contained in the Group

The GetAgentType method retrieves the type of the agent objects contained in the group (for example, Web Agent).


The GetAgentType method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtGroup‑>GetAgentType( )


The GetAgentType method accepts no parameters:

Return Value

The GetAgentType method returns one of the following values:

GetAllAgentGroups Method—Retrieves All the Agent Group Objects Nested within the Group

The GetAllAgentGroups method retrieves all the agent group objects nested within the group.


The GetAllAgentGroups method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtGroup‑>GetAllAgentGroups( )


The GetAllAgentGroups method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllAgentGroups method returns one of the following values:

GetAllAgents Method—Retrieves All the Agent Objects in the Group

The GetAllAgents method retrieves all the agent objects in the group.


The GetAllAgents method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtGroup‑>GetAllAgents( )


The GetAllAgents method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllAgents method returns one of the following values:

GetAllResponseGroups Method—Retrieves All the Response Group Objects Nested within the Group

The GetAllResponseGroups method retrieves all the response group objects nested within the group.


The GetAllResponseGroups method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtGroup‑>GetAllResponseGroups( )


The GetAllResponseGroups method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllResponseGroups method returns one of the following values:

GetAllResponses Method—Retrieves All the Response Objects in the Group

The GetAllResponses method retrieves all the response objects in the group.


The GetAllResponses method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtGroup‑>GetAllResponses( )


The GetAllResponses method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllResponses method returns one of the following values:

GetAllRuleGroups Method—Retrieves All the Rule Group Objects Nested within the Group

The GetAllRuleGroups method retrieves all the rule group objects nested within the group.


The GetAllRuleGroups method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtGroup‑>GetAllRuleGroups( )


The GetAllRuleGroups method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllRuleGroups method returns one of the following values:

GetAllRules Method—Retrieves All the Rule Objects in the Group

The GetAllRules method retrieves all the rule objects in the group.


The GetAllRules method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtGroup‑>GetAllRules( )


The GetAllRules method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllRules method returns one of the following values:

GetResponse Method—Retrieves the Specified Response Object from the Group

The GetResponse method retrieves the specified response object from the group.


The GetResponse method has the following format:



The GetResponse method accepts the following parameter:

responseName (type)

Specifies the name of the response to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetResponse method returns one of the following values:

GetResponseGroup Method—Retrieves a Response Group Object Nested within the Group

The GetResponseGroup method retrieves a response group object nested within the group.


The GetResponseGroup method has the following format:



The GetResponseGroup method accepts the following parameter:

groupName (string)

Specifies the name of the response group to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetResponseGroup method returns one of the following values:

GetRule Method—Retrieves the Specified Rule Object from the Group

The GetRule method retrieves the specified rule object from the group.


The GetRule method has the following format:



The GetRule method accepts the following parameter:

ruleName (string)

Specifies the name of the rule to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetRule method returns one of the following values:

GetRuleGroup Method—Retrieves a Rule Group Object Nested within the Group

The GetRuleGroup method retrieves a rule group object nested within the group.


The GetRuleGroup method has the following format:



The GetRuleGroup method accepts the following parameter:

groupName (string)

Specifies the name of the rule group to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetRuleGroup method returns one of the following values:

Name Method—Sets or Retrieves the Name of the Group Object

The Name method sets or retrieves the name of the group object.


The Name method has the following format:



The Name method accepts the following parameter:

Name (string)

(Optional) Specifies the name to set.

Return Value

The Name method returns one of the following values:

Remove Method—Removes the Specified Group Member from the Group

The Remove method removes the specified group member from the group.


The Remove method has the following format:



The Remove method accepts the following parameters:

member (objectType)

Specifies the group member to remove, which can be any of the following object types:

Return Value

The Remove method returns one of the following values:

Host Configuration Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtHostConfig objects:

AddCluster Method—Adds an Empty Cluster to the Host Configuration

The AddCluster method adds an empty cluster to the host configuration. Call the AddServer method to populate the cluster with servers.


The AddCluster method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtHostConfig‑>AddCluster( )


The AddCluster method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The AddCluster method returns one of the following values:


The clusters in a host configuration are referenced in a cluster array. When you add a cluster, the cluster is added to the end of the cluster array. The order in which you add clusters to a host configuration object determines the failover sequence. The first cluster you add (that is, the first cluster in the cluster array) is the primary cluster. This is the first cluster in the failover sequence that SiteMinder sends requests to. If there are not enough available servers in the primary cluster (that is, if the number of available servers in the cluster falls below the failover threshold), failover to the next cluster occurs (the second cluster that was added to the host configuration object). If that cluster also fails, failover to the third cluster added to the host configuration object occurs, and so on.

AddServer Method—Adds a Non-clustered Server to the Host Configuration

The AddServer method adds a non-clustered server to the host configuration.


The AddServer method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtHostConfig‑>AddServer(Host [, AcctPort] [, AuthPort] [, AzPort])


The AddServer method accepts the following parameters:

Host (string)

Specifies the IP address of the Policy Server.

AcctPort (string)

(Optional) Specifies the IP port for the accounting server.

AuthPort (string)

(Optional) Specifies the IP port for the authentication server.

AzPort (string)

(Optional) Specifies the IP port for the authorization server.

Return Value

The AddServer method returns one of the following values:


The single-process Policy Server introduced in SiteMinder v6.0 combines the previously separate Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting processes into one combined process whose requests go through one TCP port. As a result, the arguments AcctPort, AuthPort, and AzPort all reference the same port number. The three arguments are maintained for backward compatibility.

To add a server to a cluster, call the PolicyMgtCluster‑>AddServer method.

Description Method—Sets or Retrieves the Description of the Host Configuration Object

The Description method sets or retrieves the description of the host configuration object.


The Description method has the following format:



The method accepts the following parameter:

Description (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description to set.

Return Value

The Description method returns one of the following values:

EnableFailover Method—Sets or Retrieves the Enable Failover Flag

The EnableFailover method Sets or retrieves the enable failover flag. This flag determines whether an agent and the Policy Server should communicate through failover or round-robin.


The EnableFailover method has the following format:



The EnableFailover method accepts the following parameter:

EnableFailover (int)

(Optional) Specifies the value of the flag to set.

Return Value

The EnableFailover method returns one of the following values:

FailoverThreshold Method—Sets or Retrieves the Failover Threshold Percentage

The FailoverThreshold method sets or retrieves the failover threshold percentage for the clusters in the host configuration.


The FailoverThreshold method has the following format:



The FailoverThreshold method accepts the following parameter:

FailoverThreshold (int)

(Optional) Specifies the failover threshold percentage to set.

Return Value

The FailoverThreshold method returns one of the following values:


The threshold percentage represents the minimum number of servers in a cluster that must be available for requests. If the number of available servers falls below the threshold, failover to the next cluster occurs. To determine the number of servers represented by the percentage, multiply the threshold percentage by the number of servers in a cluster, rounding up to the next highest integer. For example:

GetAllClusters Method—Retrieves an Array of Policy Management Cluster Objects

The GetAllClusters method retrieves an array of Policy Management Cluster objects.


The GetAllClusters method has the following format:



The GetAllClusters method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllClusters method returns one of the following values:

GetAllServers Method—Retrieves an Array of Non-clustered Server Objects

The GetAllServers method retrieves an array of non-clustered server objects for the host configuration.


The GetAllServers method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtHostConfig‑>GetAllServers( )


The GetAllServers method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllServers method returns one of the following values:


To retrieve the servers that are members of clusters, call the PolicyMgtCluster‑>GetAllServers method.

MaxSocketsPerPort Method—Sets or Retrieves the Maximum Number of TCP/IP Sockets

The MaxSocketsPerPort method sets or retrieves the maximum number of TCP/IP sockets that can be opened between an agent and the Policy Server.


The MaxSocketsPerPort method has the following format:



The MaxSocketsPerPort method accepts the following parameter:

MaxSocketsPerPort (int)

(Optional) Specifies the new maximum number of sockets per port.

Return Value

The MaxSocketsPerPort method returns one of the following values:

MinSocketsPerPort Method—Sets or Retrieves the Minimum Number of TCP/IP Sockets

The MinSocketsPerPort method sets or retrieves the minimum number of TCP/IP sockets that should be opened between an agent and the Policy Server.


The MinSocketsPerPort method has the following format:



The MinSocketsPerPort method accepts the following parameter:

MinSocketsPerPort (int)

(Optional) Specifies the new minimum socket value.

Return Value

The MinSocketsPerPort method returns one of the following values:

Name Method—Sets or Retrieves the Name of the Host Configuration Object

The Name method sets or retrieves the name of the host configuration object.


The Name method has the following format:



The Name method accepts the following parameter:

Name (string)

(Optional) Specifies the name to set.

Return Value

The Name method returns one of the following values:

NewSocketStep Method—Sets or Retrieves the New Socket Step Value for the Host Configuration

The NewSocketStep method sets or retrieves the new socket step value for the host configuration. This value is an incremental number of TCP/IP sockets that should be opened between an agent and the Policy Server when demand increases.


The NewSocketStep method has the following format:



The NewSocketStep method accepts the following parameter:

NewSocketStep (int)

(Optional) Specifies the new sockets step value to set.

Return Value

The NewSocketStep method returns one of the following values:

RemoveAllClusters Method—Removes All Cluster Objects Associated with This Host Configuration

The RemoveAllClusters method removes all cluster objects associated with this host configuration.


The RemoveAllClusters method has the following format:



The RemoveAllClusters method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The RemoveAllClusters method returns one of the following values:

RemoveAllServers Method—Removes All Non-clustered Policy Server Objects from the Host Configuration

The RemoveAllServers method removes all non-clustered PolicyMgtServer objects from the host configuration.


The RemoveAllServers method has the following format:



The RemoveAllServers method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The RemoveAllServers method returns one of the following values:

RequestTimeout Method—Sets or Retrieves the Request Timeout Value

The RequestTimeout method sets or retrieves the request timeout value, in seconds. This value represents the length of time that an agent will wait for a response from the Policy Server.


The RequestTimeout method has the following format:



The RequestTimeout method accepts the following parameter:

RequestTimeout (int)

(Optional) Specifies the new timeout value to set.

Return Value

The RequestTimeout method returns one of the following values:

Initialization Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtAPI objects:

CreateSession Method—Creates a Policy Server Session

The CreateSession method creates a Policy Server session. A session is required before Policy Server objects can be manipulated. All necessary initializations and logging are performed at this stage.


The CreateSession method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI‑>CreateSession(username, userpwd[, clientIP])


The CreateSession method accepts the following parameters:

username (string)

Specifies the administrator's login ID.

userpwd (string)

Specifies the administrator's password.

clientIP (string)

(Optional) Specifies the IP address of the local machine.

The CreateSession method returns one of the following values:

DisableAudit Method—Sets the Flag to Enable or Disable Auditing

The DisableAudit method sets a flag to enable or disable auditing.


The DisableAudit method has the following format:



The DisableAudit method accepts the following parameter:

auditFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies the value to set the flag:

Return Value

The DisableAudit method returns one of the following values:


Reads or sets the enabled state for the following operations:

The default state is enabled. The enabled state reverts to the default at the start of each new session.

Attempting to set the enabled state has no effect after the PolicyMgtAPI‑>CreateSession method is called.

DisableCacheUpdates Method—Deprecated

The DisbleCacheUpdates method is deprecated in SiteMinder v6.0. Caches affected by this method are automatically enabled.

DisableManagementWatchDog Method—Reads or sets the Enabled State of the SiteMinder Management Watchdog

The DisableManagementWatchdog method reads or sets the enabled state of the SiteMinder Management Watchdog.

Note: The watchdog is used internally and should not be disabled.


The DisableManagementWatchdog method has the following format:



The DisableManagementWatchdog method accepts the following parameter:

watchDogFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies the value of the flag to set:

Return Value

The DisableManagementWatchdog method returns one of the following values:


The default state is enabled. The enabled state reverts to the default at the start of each new session.

Attempting to set the enabled state has no effect after PolicyMgtAPI‑>CreateSession is called.

DisableValidation Method—Reads or Sets the Enabled State for Validation of Policy Server Objects

The DisableValidation method reads or sets the enabled state regarding validation of Policy Server objects.


The DisableValidation method has the following format:



The DisableValidation method accepts the following parameter:

validationFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies the value to set the flag::

Return Value

The DisableValidation method returns one of the following values:


The default state is enabled. The enabled state reverts to the default at the start of each new session.

Attempting to set the enabled state has no effect after the PolicyMgtAPI‑>CreateSession method is called.

EnableCache Method—Deprecated

The EnableCache method is deprecated in SiteMinder v6.0. Beginning with this release, caches affected by this method are automatically enabled.

LoadAgentTypeDictionary Method—Reads or Sets the Enabled State for the Agent Type Dictionary

The LoadAgentTypeDirectory method reads or sets the enabled state for the loading of the agent type dictionary by the Policy Server.


The LoadAgentTypeDirectory method has the following format:



The LoadAgentTypeDirectory method accepts the following parameter:

loadFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies the value to set the flag:

0 to disable loading the agent type dictionary

1 to enable loading the agent type dictionary

Return Value

The LoadAgentTypeDirectory method returns one of the following values:


The default state is disabled. The enabled state reverts to the default at the start of each new session.

Attempting to set the enabled state has no effect after the PolicyMgtAPI‑>CreateSession method is called.

New Method—Constructor for the Policy Management API

The New method is the constructor for the Policy Management API. This method must be called before the Policy Management API can be used.


The New method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI‑>New( )


The New method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The New method returns one of the following values:

PreLoadCache Method—Reads or Sets the Enabled State for Preloading of Caches

The PreLoadCache method reads or sets the enabled state for preloading of caches by the Policy Server.


The PreLoadCache method has the following format:



The PreLoadCache method accepts the following parameter:

cacheFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies the value to set the flag:

Return Value

The PreLoadCache method returns one of the following values:


The default state is disabled. The enabled state reverts to the default at the start of each new session.

Attempting to set the enabled state has no effect after the PolicyMgtAPI‑>CreateSession method is called.

Note: By disabling this flag, you can reduce the time it takes for Policy Management scripts to make policy store changes.

PrintDebugTrace Method—Enables or Disables Printing Debug (Trace) Information Example

The PrintDebugTrace method enables or disables the printing of debug (trace) information to the console.


The PrintDebugTrace method has the following format:



The PrintDebugTrace method accepts the following parameter:

debugFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies the value to set the flag:

Return Value

The PrintDebugTrace method returns one of the following values:

IP Configuration Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtIPConfig objects. These methods manage IP address restrictions (that is, IP addresses where requests must originate).

GetEndIPAddress Method—Retrieves the Ending IP Address

The GetEndIPAddress method retrieves the ending IP address for an IP address range.


The GetEndIPAddress method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtIPConfig‑>GetEndIPAddress( )


The GetEndIPAddress method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetEndIPAddress method returns one of the following values:


See the method PolicyMgtAffiliate‑>CreateIPConfigRange for more information.

GetHostName Method—Retrieves the Host Name Associated with a Host Name IP Address Restriction

The GetHostName method retrieves the host name associated with a host name IP address restriction.


The GetHostName method has the following format:



The GetHostName method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetHostName method returns one of the following values:


See the method PolicyMgtAffiliate‑>CreateIPConfigHostName for more information.

GetIPAddress Method— Retrieves an IP address for an IP address restriction

The GetIPAddress method retrieves an IP address for an IP address restriction, as follows:

To determine the type of IP address restriction, call the GetType method.


The GetIPAddress method has the following format:



The GetIPAddress method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetIPAddress method returns one of the following values:

GetSubnetMask Method—Retrieves the Subnet Mask for a Subnet Address

The GetSubnetMask method retrieves the subnet mask for a subnet address derived from a specified subnet mask and IP address.


The GetSubnetMask method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtIPConfig‑>GetSubnetMask( )


The GetSubnetMask method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetSubnetMask method returns one of the following values:


See the description of the PolicyMgtPolicy‑>CreateIPConfigSubnetMask method for more information.

GetType Method—Retrieves the Type of the IP Address Restriction

The GetType method retrieves the type of the IP address restriction. An IP address restriction specifies where a request must originate before it can be honored.


The GetType method has the following format:



The GetType method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetType method returns one of the following values:

ODBC Query Scheme Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtODBCQueryScheme objects:

Description Method—Sets or Retrieves the Description of the ODBC Query Scheme

The Description method sets or retrieves the description of the ODBC query scheme.


The Description method has the following format:



The Description method accepts the following parameter:

schemeDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description of the ODBC query scheme.

Return Value

The Description method returns one of the following values:

Name Method—Sets or Retrieves the ODBC Query Scheme Name

The Name method sets or retrieves the ODBC query scheme name.


The Name method has the following format:



The Name method accepts the following parameter:

schemeName (string)

Specifies the ODBC query scheme name.

Return Value

The Name method returns one of the following values:

QueryAuthenticateUser Method—Sets or Retrieves a Query that Fetches a User's Password

The QueryAuthenticateUser method sets or retrieves a query that fetches a user's password.


The QueryAuthenticateUser method has the following format:



The QueryAuthenticateUser method accepts the following parameter:

queryAuthUser (string)

(Optional) Specifies the query that fetches a user's password.

Return Value

The QueryAuthenticateUser method returns one of the following values:


Sample query (based on the SiteMinder sample database schema SmSampleUsers). The %s expression is a placeholder for the user's name parameter to be supplied by SiteMinder when the query is executed:

select Name from SmUser where Name = '%s' and Password = '%s'

If you are configuring a query scheme for an Oracle database and you are using Oracle's encrypted password feature, replace the entire query string with the word connect. Using the word connect for this query indicates to SiteMinder that a user's name and password should be evaluated by the Oracle encrypted password feature.

QueryEnumerate Method—Sets or Retrieves a Query that Lists the Names of User Objects

The QueryEnumerate method sets or retrieves a query that lists the names of user objects in the directory.


The QueryEnumerate method has the following format:



The QueryEnumerate method accepts the following parameter:

queryEnumerate (string)

(Optional) Specifies the query that lists the names of user objects in the directory.

Return Value

The QueryEnumerate method returns one of the following values:


Sample query (based on the SiteMinder sample database schema SmSampleUsers):

select Name, 'Group' as Class from SmGroup order by Class
QueryGetGroupProp Method—Sets or Retrieves a Query that Fetches the Value of a Group Property

The QueryGetGroupProp method sets or retrieves a query that fetches the value of a group property. The property must be one of the properties specified through the QueryGetGroupProps method.


The QueryGetGroupProp method has the following format:



The QueryGetGroupProp method accepts the following parameter:

queryGetGroupProp (string)

(Optional) Specifies the query that fetches the group property.

Return Value

The QueryGetGroupProp method returns one of the following values:


Sample query (based on the SiteMinder sample database schema SmSampleUsers). The %s expressions are placeholders for property name and group name parameters to be supplied by SiteMinder when the query is executed:

select %s from SmGroup where Name = '%s'
QueryGetGroupProps Method—Sets or Retrieves a List of Group Properties

The QueryGetGroupProps method sets or retrieves a comma-separated list of group properties. These attributes are used to search the contents of a group, or to bind policies to group attributes. The attributes are expected to reside in the same table as the group name.


The QueryGetGroupProps method has the following format:



The QueryGetGroupProps method accepts the following parameters:

queryGetGroupProps (string)

(Optional) Specifies the comma-separated list of group properties.

Return Value

The QueryGetGroupProps method returns one of the following values:


Sample list:

Name, GroupId
QueryGetGroups Method—Sets or Retrieves a Query that Fetches the Names of the Groups that the User Is a Member of

The QueryGetGroups method sets or retrieves a query that fetches the names of the groups that the user is a member of.


The QueryGetGroups method has the following format:



The QueryGetGroups method accepts the following parameters:

queryGetGroups (string)

(Optional) Specifies the query that fetches the names of the user's groups.

Return Value

The QueryGetGroups method returns one of the following values:


Sample query (based on the SiteMinder sample database schema SmSampleUsers). The %s expression is a placeholder for a user name parameter to be supplied by SiteMinder when the query is executed:

select SmGroup.Name from SmGroup, SmUser, SmUserGroup where SmUser.Name = '%s' and SmUser.UserId = SmUserGroup.UserId and SmGroup.GroupId = SmUserGroup.GroupId
QueryGetObjInfo Method—Sets or Retrieves a Query that Fetches the Class of the Object

The QueryGetObjInfo method sets or retrieves a query that fetches the class of the object.


The QueryGetObjInfo method has the following format:



The QueryGetObjInfo method accepts the following parameter:

queryGetObjInfo (string)

(Optional) Specifies the query that fetches the class of the object.

Return Value

The QueryGetObjInfo method returns one of the following values:


Sample query (based on the SiteMinder sample database schema SmSampleUsers). The %s expression is a placeholder for a user or group object name to be supplied by SiteMinder when the query is executed:

select Name, 'User' from SmUser where Name = '%s' Union select Name, 'Group' from SmGroup where Name = '%s'
QueryGetUserProp Method—Sets or Retrieves a Query that Fetches the Value of a User Property

The QueryGetUserProp method sets or retrieves a query that fetches the value of a user property. The property must be one of the properties specified through the PolicyMgtODBCQueryScheme‑>QueryGetUserProps method.


The QueryGetUserProp method has the following format:



The QueryGetUserProp method accepts the following parameter:

queryGetUserProp (string)

(Optional) Specifies the query that fetches the user property.

Return Value

The QueryGetUserProp method returns one of the following values:


Sample query (based on the SiteMinder sample database schema SmSampleUsers). The %s expressions are placeholders for property name and user name parameters to be supplied by SiteMinder when the query is executed:

select %s from SmUser where Name = '%s'
QueryGetUserProps Method—Sets or Retrieves a List of User Properties

The QueryGetUserProps method sets or retrieves a comma-separated list of user properties. The properties reside in the same table as the user name.


The QueryGetUserProps method has the following format:



The QueryGetUserProps method accepts the following parameter:

queryGetUserProps (string)

(Optional) Specifies the comma-separated list of user properties.

Return Value

The QueryGetUserProps method returns one of the following values:


Sample list:

Name, UserId, FirstName, LastName, TelephoneNumber, EmailAddress, PIN, Mileage, Disabled
QueryInitUser Method—Sets or Retrieves a Query that Determines whether a User Exists in the Database

The QueryInitUser method sets or retrieves a query that determines whether a particular user exists in the database.


The QueryInitUser method has the following format:



The QueryInitUser method accepts the following parameter:

queryGetInitUser (string)

(Optional) Specifies the query that determines whether the user exists in the database.

Return Value

The QueryInitUser method returns one of the following values:


Sample query (based on the SiteMinder sample database schema SmSampleUsers). The %s expression is a placeholder for the user name parameter to be supplied by SiteMinder when the query is executed:

select Name from SmUser where Name = '%s'
QueryIsGroupMember Method—Sets or Retrieves a Query that Lists the Group Membership for a Particular User

The QueryIsGroupMember method sets or retrieves a query that lists the group membership for a particular user.


The QueryIsGroupMember method has the following format:



The QueryIsGroupMember method accepts the following parameters:

queryIsGroupMember (string)

(Optional) Specifies the query that determines a user's group membership.

Return Value

The QueryIsGroupMember method returns one of the following values:


Sample query (based on the SiteMinder sample database schema SmSampleUsers). The %s expressions are placeholders for user name and group name parameters to be supplied by SiteMinder when the query is executed:

select Id from SmUserGroup where UserId = (select UserId from SmUser where Name = '%s') and GroupId = (select GroupId from SmGroup where Name = '%s')
QueryLookup Method—Sets or Retrieves a Query that Fetches Objects

The QueryLookup method sets or retrieves a query that fetches objects based on a property specified in a group table.


The QueryLookup method has the following format:



The QueryLookup method accepts the following parameter:

queryLookup (string)

(Optional) Specifies the query that fetches the objects.

Return Value

The QueryLookup method returns one of the following values:


Sample query (based on the SiteMinder sample database schema SmSampleUsers). The %s expression is a placeholder for a parameter to be supplied by SiteMinder when the query is executed:

select Name, 'User' as Class from SmUser where Name %s Union select Name, 'Group' as Class from SmGroup where Name %s order by Class
QueryLookupGroup Method—Sets or Retrieves a Query that Fetches a Group Name

The QueryLookupGroup method sets or retrieves a query that fetches a group name based on a property specified in a group table.


The QueryLookupGroup method has the following format:



The QueryLookupGroup method accepts the following parameter:

queryLookupGrp (string)

(Optional) Specifies the query that fetches the group name.

Return Value

The QueryLookupGroup method returns one of the following values:


Sample query (based on the SiteMinder sample database schema SmSampleUsers). The %s expression is a placeholder for a parameter to be supplied by SiteMinder when the query is executed:

select Name, 'Group' as Class from SmGroup where %s
QueryLookupUser Method—Sets or Retrieves a Query that Fetches a User Name

The QueryLookupUser method sets or retrieves a query that fetches a user name based on a property specified in the user table.


The QueryLookupUser method has the following format:



The QueryLookupUser method accepts the following parameter:

queryLookupUsr (string)

(Optional) Specifies the query that fetches the user name.

Return Value

The QueryLookupUser method returns one of the following values:


Sample query (based on the SiteMinder sample database schema SmSampleUsers). The %s expression is a placeholder for a parameter to be supplied by SiteMinder when the query is executed:

select Name, 'User' as Class from SmUser where %s
QuerySetGroupProp Method—Sets or Retrieves a Query that Sets the Value of a Group Property

The QuerySetGroupProp method sets or retrieves a query that sets the value of a group property. The property must be one of the properties specified through the QueryGetGroupProps method.


The QuerySetGroupProp method has the following format:



The QuerySetGroupProp method accepts the following parameter:

querySetGroupProp (string)

(Optional) Specifies the query that sets the property value for the group.

Return Value

The QuerySetGroupProp method returns one of the following values:


Sample query (based on the SiteMinder sample database schema SmSampleUsers). The %s expressions are placeholders for property name, property value, and group name parameters to be supplied by SiteMinder when the query is executed:

update SmGroup set %s = %s where Name = '%s'
QuerySetPassword Method—Sets or Retrieves a Query that Changes a User Password

The QuerySetPassword method sets or retrieves a query that changes a user password.


The QuerySetPassword method has the following format:



The QuerySetPassword method accepts the following parameter:

querySetPassword (string)

(Optional) Specifies the query that changes a user password.

Return Value

The QuerySetPassword method returns one of the following values:


Sample query (based on the SiteMinder sample database schema SmSampleUsers). The %s expressions are placeholders for user password and user name parameters to be supplied by SiteMinder when the query is executed:

update SmUser set Password = '%s' where Name = '%s'

QuerySetUserProp Method—Sets or Retrieves a Query that Sets the Value of a User Property

The QuerySetUserProp method sets or retrieves a query that sets the value of a user property. The property must be one of the properties specified through the PolicyMgtODBCQueryScheme‑>QueryGetUserProps method.


The QuerySetUserProp method has the following format:



The QuerySetUserProp method accepts the following parameters:

querySetUserProp (string)

(Optional) Specifies the query that sets the property value for the group.

Return Value

The QuerySetUserProp method returns one of the following values:


Sample query (based on the SiteMinder sample database schema SmSampleUsers). The %s expressions are placeholders for property name, property value, and user name parameters to be supplied by SiteMinder when the query is executed:

update SmUser set %s = %s where Name = '%s'

Password Policy Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtPwdPolicy objects:

AllowNestedGroups Method—Allows the Password Policy To Be Configured for Nested Groups

The AllowNestedGroups method allows the password policy to be configured for nested groups. This method applies only to LDAP directories.


The AllowNestedGroups method has the following format:



The AllowNestedGroups method accepts the following parameter:

groupFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to allow nested groups:

Return Value

The AllowNestedGroups method returns one of the following values:

AllowLowerPriorityPolicies Method—Sets Flag To Determine whether Password Policies with Lower Priority Should Be Evaluated

The ApplyLowerPriorityPolicies method sets or retrieves the flag that determines whether password policies with lower priority should be evaluated after the current password policy is evaluated.


The ApplyLowerPriorityPolicies method has the following format:



The ApplyLowerPriorityPolicies method accepts the following parameters:

lowerPriorityFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to enable evaluation of lower-priority password policies:

Return Value

The ApplyLowerPriorityPolicies method returns one of the following values:

AuthLoginTrackFailure Method—Allows a User To Login if Login Tracking Data Fails

The AuthLoginTrackFailure method sets or retrieves the flag for allowing a user to log in if login tracking data fails to be written to the user directory. Login tracking data includes login attempts and successful logins.


The AuthLoginTrackFailure method has the following format:



The AuthLoginTrackFailure method accepts the following parameter:

trackingFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to allow the user to login when login tracking fails:

Return Value

The AuthLoginTrackFailure method returns one of the following values:


If you enable this flag, users are allowed to log in even if login tracking data cannot be written to the user directory. If you disable this flag, users are not allowed to log in if login tracking data cannot be written to the user directory.

BadLoginDisablementPeriod Method—Sets or Retrieves the Number of Minutes Before a User Account Is Disabled

The BadLoginDisablementPeriod method sets or retrieves the number of minutes before a user account is disabled after too many failed login attempts.


The BadLoginDisablementPeriod method has the following format:



The BadLoginDisablementPeriod method accepts the following parameters:

disablementPeriod (int)

(Optional) Specifies the number of minutes to allow before the user account is disabled.

Return Value

The BadLoginDisablementPeriod method returns one of the following values:

Description Method—Sets or Retrieves the Description of the Password Policy

The Description method sets or retrieves the description of the password policy.


The Description method has the following format:



The Description method accepts the following parameter:

policyDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description of the password policy.

Return Value

The Description method returns one of the following values:

DictionaryMatch Method—Sets the Minimum Number of Letters Required To Qualify a Password for Dictionary Checking

The DictionaryMatch method sets the minimum number of letters required to qualify a password for dictionary checking.


The DictionaryMatch method has the following format:



The DictionaryMatch method accepts the following parameter:

dicMatchLen (int)

(Optional) Specifies the minimum number of letters required.

Return Value

The DictionaryMatch method returns one of the following values:

DictionaryPath Method—Sets or Retrieves the Location of a Dictionary File

The DictionaryPath method sets or retrieves the location of a dictionary file that lists words that cannot be used in a password.


The DictionaryPath method has the following format:



The DictionaryPath method accepts the following parameter:

dicPath (string)

(Optional) Specifies the new dictionary path.

Return Value

The DictionaryPath method returns one of the following values:


The dictionary file must be a text file located in a directory that all Policy Servers can access.

DisableAfterInactivityExpiration Method—Disables an Inactive User's Account

The DisableAfterInactivityExpiration method sets or retrieves the flag for disabling a user's account if it has been inactive for a specified period.


The DisableAfterInactivityExpiration method has the following format:



The DisableAfterInactivityExpiration method accepts the following parameters:

inactivityFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to disable the user's account

1 disables the user's account after a specified period of inactivity

0 keeps the account enabled and forces a password change

Return Value

The DisableAfterInactivityExpiration method returns one of the following values:


If the flag is set not to disable the user's account after the inactivity period, the user is required to change the password at the next login.

DisableAfterPwdExpiration Method—Disables a User's Aaccount after the User's Password Expires

The DisableAfterPwdExpiration method sets or retrieves the flag for disabling a user's account after the user's password expires.


The DisableAfterPwdExpiration method has the following format:



The DisableAfterPwdExpiration method accepts the following parameter:

expireFlag (type)

(Optional) Specifies whether to disable the user's account:

1 disable the user's account after the user's password expires

0 keeps the account enabled and forces a password change

Return Value

The DisableAfterPwdExpiration method returns one of the following values:


If the flag is set not to disable the user's account after the password expires, the user is required to change the password at next login.

EntireDir Method—Determines Whether the Password Policy Applies to the Entire Directory

The EntireDir method determines whether the password policy applies to the entire directory or just a part of it.


The EntireDir method has the following format:



The EntireDir method accepts the following parameters:

dirFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to apply the password policy to an entire directory:

1 applies the password policy to the entire directory

0 applies the password policy to just a portion of the directory

Return Value

The EntireDir method returns one of the following values:


For information about specifying a part of an entire directory, see the descriptions of the PolicyMgtPwdPolicy‑>UserDirPath method and the PolicyMgtPwdPolicy‑>UserDirClass method.

ExpirationDelay Method—Specifies the Number of Days a Password Can Be Used

The ExpirationDelay method specifies the number of days a password can be used until it must be changed.


The ExpirationDelay method has the following format:



The ExpirationDelay method accepts the following parameter:

expDelay (int)

(Optional) Specifies the number of days that the password can be used.

Return Value

The ExpirationDelay method returns one of the following values:

IsEnabled Method—Enables or Disables a Password Policy

The IsEnabled method enables or disables a password policy.


The IsEnabled method has the following format:



The IsEnabled method accepts the following parameter:

enableFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether the password policy is enabled:

Return Value

The IsEnabled method returns one of the following values:

MaxLoginFailures Method—Sets or Retrieves the Maximum Number of Failed Login Attempts

The MaxLoginFailures method sets or retrieves the maximum number of failed login attempts a user can make before the user account is disabled.


The MaxLoginFailures method has the following format:



The MaxLoginFailures method accepts the following parameter:

maxLogin (int)

(Optional) Specifies the number of failed login attempts.

Return Value

The MaxLoginFailures method returns one of the following values:

MaxLoginInactive Method—Sets or Retrieves the Number of Days of Inactivity Are Allowed

The MaxLoginInactive method sets or retrieves the number of days of inactivity allowed before a user's password expires.


The MaxLoginInactive method has the following format:



The MaxLoginInactive method accepts the following parameters:

maxLoginInactive (int)

(Optional) Specifies the number of days of inactivity.

Return Value

The MaxLoginInactive method returns one of the following values:

Name Method—Sets or Retrieves the Password Policy Name

The Name method sets or retrieves the password policy name.


The Name method has the following format:



The Name method accepts the following parameter:

policyName (string)

(Optional) Specifies the password policy name.

Return Value

The Name method returns one of the following values:

PwdAddRegExpMatch Method—Adds a Regular Expression to the List of Expressions that New Passwords Must Match

The PwdAddRegExpMatch method adds a regular expression to the list of expressions that new passwords must match.


The PwdAddRegExpMatch method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtPwdPolicy‑>PwdAddRegExpMatch([tag] [, expression])


The PwdAddRegExpMatch method accepts the following parameters:

tag (string)

(Optional) Specifies the name of the regular expression.

expression (string)

(Optional) Specifies the regular expression.

Return Value

The PwdAddRegExpMatch method returns one of the following values:

PwdAddRegExpNoMatch Method—Adds a Regular Expression to the List of Expressions that New Passwords Must NOT Match

The PwdAddRegExpNoMatch method adds a regular expression to the list of expressions that new passwords must not match.


The PwdAddRegExpNoMatch method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtPwdPolicy‑>PwdAddRegExpNoMatch([tag] [, expression])


The PwdAddRegExpNoMatch method accepts the following parameters:

tag (string)

(Optional) Specifies the name of the regular expression.

expression (string)

(Optional) Specifies the regular expression.

Return Value

The PwdAddRegExpNoMatch method returns one of the following values:

PwdAllowDigits Method—Specifies whether Passwords Are Allowed To Have Numeric Characters

The PwdAllowDigits method sets or retrieves the flag that specifies whether passwords are allowed to have numeric characters.


The PwdAllowDigits method has the following format:



The PwdAllowDigits method accepts the following parameter:

digitFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether passwords are allowed to have numeric characters:

1 numeric characters are allowed

0 if numeric characters are not allowed

Return Value

The PwdAllowDigits method returns one of the following values:

PwdAllowLowercase Method—Specifies whether Passwords Are Allowed To Have Lower Case Letters

The PwdAllowLowercase method sets or retrieves the flag that specifies whether passwords are allowed to have lower case letters.


The PwdAllowLowercase method has the following format:



The PwdAllowLowercase method accepts the following parameters:

lcFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether lowercase letters are allowed in passwords:

Return Value

The PwdAllowLowercase method returns one of the following values:

PwdAllowNonAlphNum Method—Specifies whether Passwords Are Allowed To Have Non-Alphanumeric Characters

The PwdAllowNonAlphNum method sets or retrieves the flag that specifies whether passwords are allowed to have non-alphanumeric characters.


The PwdAllowNonAlphNum method has the following format:



The PwdAllowNonAlphNum method accepts the following parameters:

nonAlphaNumFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether non-alphanumeric characters are allowed in passwords

Return Value

The PwdAllowNonAlphNum method returns one of the following values:

PwdAllowNonPrintable Method—Specifies whether Passwords Are Allowed To Have Non-Printable Characters

The PwdAllowNonPrintable method sets or retrieves the flag that specifies whether passwords are allowed to have non-printable characters. These characters cannot be displayed on a computer screen.


The PwdAllowNonPrintable method has the following format:



The PwdAllowNonPrintable method accepts the following parameters:

nonPrintFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether non-printable characters are allowed in passwords:

Return Value

The PwdAllowNonPrintable method returns one of the following values:

PwdAllowPunctuation Method—Specifies whether Passwords Are Allowed To Have Punctuation Mark Characters

The PwdAllowPunctuation method sets or retrieves the flag that specifies whether passwords are allowed to have punctuation mark characters.


The PwdAllowPunctuation method has the following format:



The PwdAllowPunctuation method accepts the following parameters:

punctuationMarkFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether punctuation mark characters are allowed in passwords:

Return Value

The PwdAllowPunctuation method returns one of the following values:

PwdAllowUpperCase Method—Specifies whether Passwords Are Allowed To Have Upper Case Letters

The PwdAllowUpperCase method sets or retrieves the flag that specifies whether passwords are allowed to have upper case letters.


The PwdAllowUpperCase method has the following format:



The PwdAllowUpperCase method accepts the following parameter:

upperCaseFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether upper case letters are allowed in passwords:

Return Value

The PwdAllowUpperCase method returns one of the following values:

PwdExpiryWarning Method—Sets or Retrieves the Number of Days in Advance To Notify the User that the Password Will Expire

The PwdExpiryWarning method sets or retrieves the number of days in advance to notify the user that the password will expire.


The PwdExpiryWarning method has the following format:



The PwdExpiryWarning method accepts the following parameters:

warningDays (int)

(Optional) Specifies the number of days of advance notice.

Return Value

The PwdExpiryWarning method returns one of the following values:

PwdForceLowerCase Method—Determines whether To Convert Upper Case Letters in a New Password to Lower Case

The PwdForceLowerCase method sets or retrieves the flag that determines whether to convert any upper case letters in a new password to lower case.


The PwdForceLowerCase method has the following format:



The PwdForceLowerCase method accepts the following parameters:

forceLCFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether for force new passwords into lower vase:

Return Value

The PwdForceLowerCase method returns one of the following values:

PwdForceUpperCase Method—Determines whether To Convert Lower Case Letters in a New Password to Upper Case

The PwdForceUpperCase method sets or retrieves the flag that determines whether to convert any lower case letters in a new password to upper case.


The PwdForceUpperCase method has the following format:



The PwdForceUpperCase method accepts the following parameters:

forceUCFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to force new passwords to use only upper case:

Return Value

The PwdForceUpperCase method returns one of the following values:

PwdGetAllRegExpMatch Method—Retrieves the Name Tags of the Regular Expressions that New Passwords Must Match

The PwdGetAllRegExpMatch method retrieves the name tags of all the regular expressions that new passwords must match.


The PwdGetAllRegExpMatch method has the following format:



The PwdGetAllRegExpMatch method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The PwdGetAllRegExpMatch method returns one of the following values:

PwdGetAllRegExpNoMatch Method—Retrieves the Name Tags of the Regular Expressions that New Passwords Must NOT Match

The PwdGetAllRegExpNoMatch method retrieves the name tags of all the regular expressions that new passwords must not match.


The PwdGetAllRegExpNoMatch method has the following format:



The PwdGetAllRegExpNoMatch method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The PwdGetAllRegExpNoMatch method returns one of the following values:

PwdGetRegExp Method—Retrieves the Regular Expression for the Specified Name Tag

The PwdGetRegExp method retrieves the regular expression for the specified name tag.


The PwdGetRegExp method has the following format:



The PwdGetRegExp method accepts the following parameter:

tag (string)

Specifies the name of the regular expression to retrieve.

Return Value

The PwdGetRegExp method returns one of the following values:

PwdIgnoreSequence Method—Determines whether To Ignore Sequence when Calculating the New Password

The PwdIgnoreSequence method specifies whether to ignore sequence (that is, character position) when the different-from-previous-characters percentage is calculated.


The PwdIgnoreSequence method has the following format:



The PwdIgnoreSequence method accepts the following parameter:

pwdPctSeq (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to ignore the sequence of characters when creating a new password:

Return Value

The PwdIgnoreSequence method returns one of the following values:


For example, suppose a user's previous password is BASEBALL12:

For greater security, pass 1 into this method.

PwdMaxLength Method—Sets or Retrieves the Maximum Length for User Passwords

The PwdMaxLength method sets or retrieves the maximum length for user passwords.


The PwdMaxLength method has the following format:



The PwdMaxLength method accepts the following parameter:

maxPwdLength (int)

(Optional) Specifies the maximum password length.

Return Value

The PwdMaxLength method returns the new or existing password length setting.

PwdMaxRepeatingChar Method—Sets or Retrieves the Maximum Number of Identical Characters

The PwdMaxRepeatingChar method sets or retrieves the maximum number of identical characters that can appear consecutively in a password.


The PwdMaxRepeatingChar method has the following format:



The PwdMaxRepeatingChar method accepts the following parameter:

maxPwdRepeat (int)

(Optional) Specifies the maximum number of repeating characters.

Return Value

The PwdMaxRepeatingChar method returns the new or existing setting for repeating characters.

PwdMinAlpha Method—Sets or Retrieves the Minimum Number of Alphabetic Characters a Password Must Contain

The PwdMinAlpha method sets or retrieves the minimum number of alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z) that a password must contain.


The PwdMinAlpha method has the following format:



The PwdMinAlpha method accepts the following parameter:

pwdMinAlpha (int)

(Optional) Specifies the minimum number of alphabetic characters required.

Return Value

The PwdMinAlpha method returns the new or existing minimum number of alphabetic characters.

PwdMinAlphaNum Method—Sets or Retrieves the Minimum Number of Alphanumeric Characters a Password Must Contain

The PwdMinAlphaNum method sets or retrieves the minimum number of alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) that a password must contain.


The PwdMinAlphaNum method has the following format:



The PwdMinAlphaNum method accepts the following parameters:

pwdMinAlphaNum (int)

(Optional) Specifies the minimum number of alphanumeric characters required.

Return Value

The PwdMinAlphaNum method returns the new or existing minimum number of alphanumeric characters.

PwdMinLength Method—Sets or Retrieves the Minimum Length for User Passwords

The PwdMinLength method sets or retrieves the minimum length for user passwords.


The PwdMinLength method has the following format:



The PwdMinLength method accepts the following parameters:

minPwdLength (int)

(Optional) Specifies the minimum length for user passwords.

Return Value

The PwdMinLength method returns the new or existing minimum password length.

PwdMinLowercase Method—Sets or Retrieves the Minimum Number of Lower Case Letters a Password Must Contain

The PwdMinLowercase method sets or retrieves the minimum number of lower case letters that a password must contain.


The PwdMinLowercase method has the following format:



The PwdMinLowercase method accepts the following parameter:

pwdMinLC (int)

(Optional) Specifies the minimum number of lower case letters that a password must contain.

Return Value

The PwdMinLowercase method returns new or existing minimum for lower case letters.

PwdMinNonAlpha Method—Sets or Retrieves the Minimum Number of Non-Alphanumeric Characters A Password Must Contain

The PwdMinNonAlpha method sets or retrieves the minimum number of non-alphanumeric characters that a password must contain. These characters include punctuation marks and other symbols located on the keyboard, such as @, $, and *.


The PwdMinNonAlpha method has the following format:



The PwdMinNonAlpha method accepts the following parameters:

pwdMinNonAlpha (int)

(Optional) Specifies the minimum number of non-alphanumeric characters required.

Return Value

The PwdMinNonAlpha method returns the new or existing minimum number of non-alphanumeric characters.

PwdMinNonPrintable Method—Sets or Retrieves the Minimum Number of Non-Printable Characters a Password Must Contain

The PwdMinNonPrintable method sets or retrieves the minimum number of non-printable characters that a password must contain. These characters cannot be displayed on a computer screen.


The PwdMinNonPrintable method has the following format:



The PwdMinNonPrintable method accepts the following parameter:

pwdMinNonPrint (int)

(Optional) Specifies the minimum number of non-printable characters required.

Return Value

The PwdMinNonPrintable method returns The new or existing minimum number of non-printable characters.

PwdMinNumbers Method—Sets or Retrieves the Minimum Number of Numeric Characters a Password Must Contain

The PwdMinNumbers method sets or retrieves the minimum number of numeric characters (0-9) that a password must contain.


The PwdMinNumbers method has the following format:



The PwdMinNumbers method accepts the following parameter:

pwdMinNum (int)

(Optional) Specifies the minimum number of numeric characters required.

Return Value

The PwdMinNumbers method returns the new or existing minimum number of numeric characters.

PwdMinProfileMatch Method—Specifies the Minimum Character Sequence To Check against the User's Personal Information

The PwdMinProfileMatch method specifies the minimum character sequence to check against the user's personal information.


The PwdMinProfileMatch method has the following format:



The PwdMinProfileMatch method accepts the following parameter:

pwdMatchAttr (int)

(Optional) Specifies the minimum number of sequential characters to check.

Return Value

The PwdMinProfileMatch method returns the new or existing minimum setting.


For example, if this value is set to 4, SiteMinder prohibits the use of any four consecutive characters found in the user's personal information, such as the four last digits of the user's telephone number.

This field prevents a user from incorporating personal information in a password. SiteMinder checks the password against attributes in the user's directory entry.

PwdMinPunctuation Method—Sets or Retrieves the Minimum Number of Punctuation Marks a Password Must Contain

The PwdMinPunctuation method sets or retrieves the minimum number of punctuation marks that a password must contain. These characters include periods, commas, exclamation marks, slashes, hyphens, dashes, and other punctuation marks.


The PwdMinPunctuation method has the following format:



The PwdMinPunctuation method accepts the following parameter:

pwdMinPunc (int)

(Optional) Specifies the minimum number of punctuation marks required.

Return Value

The PwdMinPunctuation method returns the new or existing minimum number of punctuation marks.

PwdMinUppercase Method—Sets or Retrieves the Minimum Number of Upper Case Letters a Password Must Contain

The PwdMinUppercase method sets or retrieves the minimum number of upper case letters that a password must contain.


The PwdMinUppercase method has the following format:



The PwdMinUppercase method accepts the following parameter:

pwdMinUC (int)

(Optional) Specifies the minimum number of upper case letters that a password must contain.

Return Value

The PwdMinUppercase method returns the new or existing minimum for upper case letters.

PwdPercentDiff Method—Sets or Retrieves the Percentage of Different Characters a New Password Must Contain

The PwdPercentDiff method sets or retrieves the percentage of characters that a new password must contain that differ from characters in the previous password. If the value is set to 100, the new password cannot contain any characters that were in the previous password (unless the parameter PwdIgnoreSeq is set to 0).


The PwdPercentDiff method has the following format:



The PwdPercentDiff method accepts the following parameter:

pwdPctDiff (int)

(Optional) Specifies the minimum percentage setting.

Return Value

The PwdPercentDiff method returns the new or existing minimum percentage setting.

PwdPolicyPriority Method—Sets or Retrieves the Password's Evaluation Priority Setting

The PwdPolicyPriority method sets or retrieves the password's evaluation priority setting (1-1000). Policies are evaluated in descending order (1000 first, 1 last).


The PwdPolicyPriority method has the following format:



The PwdPolicyPriority method accepts the following parameters:

priority (int)

(Optional) Specifies the evaluation priority of this password policy.

Return Value

The PwdPolicyPriority method returns new or existing evaluation priority setting.

PwdRedirectionURL Method—Sets or Retrieves the URL where the User is Redirected Example

The PwdRedirectionURL method sets or retrieves the URL where the user is redirected when an invalid password is provided. This must be the URL of the Password Services CGI.


The PwdRedirectionURL method has the following format:



The PwdRedirectionURL method accepts the following parameter:

URL (string)

(Optional) Specifies the redirection URL.

Return Value

The PwdRedirectionURL method returns one of the following values:

PwdRemoveRegExp Method—Removes the Regular Expression Associated with the Specified Name Tag

The PwdRemoveRegExp method removes the regular expression associated with the specified name tag.


The PwdRemoveRegExp method has the following format:



The method accepts the following parameter:

tag (string)

Specifies the name of the regular expression to move.

Return Value

The PwdRemoveRegExp method returns one of the following values:

PwdReuseCount Method—Specifies the Number of New Passwords that Must Be Used

The PwdReuseCount method specifies the number of new passwords that must be used before an old password can be reused.


The PwdReuseCount method has the following format:



The PwdReuseCount method accepts the following parameters:

pwdReuseCount (int)

(Optional) Specifies the password reuse setting.

Return Value

The PwdReuseCount method returns the new or existing password reuse setting.

PwdReuseDelay Method—Specifies the Number of Days a User Must Wait Before Reusing a Password

The PwdReuseDelay method specifies the number of days a user must wait before reusing a password.


The PwdReuseDelay method has the following format:



The PwdReuseDelay method accepts the following parameter:

pwdReuseDelay (type)

(Optional) Specifies the password reuse delay setting.

Return Value

The PwdReuseDelay method returns the new or existing password reuse delay setting.

ReEnableAfterIncorrectPwd Method—Determines whether To Re-enable a User Account after the Entry of an Incorrect Password

The ReEnableAfterIncorrectPwd method determines whether to re-enable a user account after the entry of an incorrect password or passwords.


The ReEnableAfterIncorrectPwd method has the following format:



The ReEnableAfterIncorrectPwd method accepts the following parameter:

groupFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to re-enable a user account after the entry of an incorrect password:

Return Value

The ReEnableAfterIncorrectPwd method returns one of the following values:

Save Method—Saves the Password Policy to the Policy Store

The Save method saves the password policy to the policy store.


The Save method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtPwdPolicy‑>Save( )


The Save method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The Save method returns one of the following values:


Call this method once after making all the modifications to the password policy that you intend to make. This method must be called for any changes to take effect.

StripEmbeddedWhitespace Method—Determines whether To Strip New Passwords of Embedded White Space

The StripEmbeddedWhitespace method sets or retrieves the flag that determines whether to strip new passwords of embedded white space.


The StripEmbeddedWhitespace method has the following format:



The StripEmbeddedWhitespace method accepts the following parameter:

stripEmbeddedFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to strip embedded white space from new passwords:

Return Value

The StripEmbeddedWhitespace method returns the new or existing flag setting.

StripLeadingWhitespace Method—Determines whether To Strip New Passwords of Leading White Space

The StripLeadingWhitespace method sets or retrieves the flag that determines whether to strip new passwords of leading white space.


The StripLeadingWhitespace method has the following format:



The StripLeadingWhitespace method accepts the following parameter:

stripLeadingFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to strip leading white space from passwords:

Return Value

The StripLeadingWhitespace method returns the new or existing flag setting.

StripTrailingWhitespace Method—Determines whether To Strip New Passwords of Trailing White Space

The StripTrailingWhitespace method sets or retrieves the flag that determines whether to strip new passwords of trailing white space.


The StripTrailingWhitespace method has the following format:



The StripTrailingWhitespace method accepts the following parameter:

stripTrailingFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to strip trailing white space from passwords:

Return Value

The StripTrailingWhitespace method returns the new or existing flag setting.

TrackLoginDetails Method—Determines whether To Track Authentication Attempts and Successful Logins

The TrackLoginDetails method sets or retrieves the flag that determines whether to track authentication attempts and successful logins.


The TrackLoginDetails method has the following format:



The TrackLoginDetails method accepts the following parameter:

trackingFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to enable login tracking:

Return Value

The TrackLoginDetails method returns the new or existing flag setting.

UserDirClass Method—Sets or Retrieves the Directory Class if the Password Policy Applies to a Part of the Directory

The UserDirClass method sets or retrieves the directory class if the password policy applies to a part of the directory.


The UserDirClass method has the following format:



The UserDirClass method accepts the following parameter:

path (string)

(Optional) Specifies the directory class.

Return Value

The UserDirClass method returns the new or existing directory class.

UserDirectory Method—Sets or Retrieves the User Directory for the Password Policy

The UserDirectory method sets or retrieves the user directory for the password policy.


The UserDirectory method has the following format:



The UserDirectory method accepts the following parameter:

userDir (PolicyMgtUserDir)

(Optional) Specifies the user directory for the password policy.

Return Value

The UserDirectory method returns a PolicyMgtUserDir object.

UserDirPath Method—Sets or Retrieves the Directory Path if the Password Policy Applies to a Part of the Directory

The UserDirPath method sets or retrieves the directory path if the password policy applies to a part of the directory.


The UserDirPath method has the following format:



The UserDirPath method accepts the following parameter:

path (type)

(Optional) Specifies the directory path.

Return Value

The UserDirPath method returns the new or existing directory path.

Policy Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtPolicy objects:

ActiveExpr Method—Sets or Retrieves the Active Expression Associated with the Policy

The ActiveExpr method sets or retrieves the active expression associated with the policy.


The ActiveExpr method has the following format:



The ActiveExpr method accepts the following parameter:

activeExpr (string)

(Optional) Specifies the active expression to set.

Return Value

The ActiveExpr method returns one of the following values:

AddRule Method—Adds a Rule to the Policy

The AddRule method adds a rule to the policy.


The AddRule method has the following format:



The AddRule method accepts the following parameter:

rule (PolicyMgtRule)

Specifies the rule to add.

Return Value

The AddRule method returns one of the following values:

AddUser Method—Adds a User to the Policy

The AddUser method adds a user to the policy.


The AddUser method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtPolicy‑>AddUser(user [, iExcludeUser] [, iRecursiveFlag] [, iANDUserFlag])


The AddUser method accepts the following parameters:

user (PolicyMgtUser)

Specifies the user to add.

iExcludeUser (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to exclude a user:

(Optional) Specifies the setting for the AllowNested flag:

(Optional) Specifies the setting for the AND flag:

1 set the AND flag

0 disables the AND flag

Return Value

The AddUser method returns one of the following values:

AllowNested Method—Sets or Retrieves the AllowNested Flag

The AllowNested method sets or retrieves the AllowNested flag.


The AllowNested method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtPolicy‑>AllowNested(user[, iRecursiveFlag])


The AllowNested method accepts the following parameters:

user (PolicyMgtUser)

Specifies the user for which to set or retrieve the AllowNested flag.

iRecursiveFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies the value of the AllowNested flag:

If this is not passed, the function returns the current value of the AllowNested flag. The flag applies to all the users added to the policy for a particular user directory.

Return Value

The AllowNested method returns one of the following values:

CreateIPHostConfigName Method—Creates an IP Address Configuration

The CreateIPConfigHostName method creates an IP Address configuration based on the host name passed to the method. For the policy to fire, a request must come from the machine with the passed host name.


The CreateIPConfigHostName method has the following format:



The CreateIPConfigHostName method accepts the following parameter:

hostName (string)

Specifies the host name required for the policy to fire.

Return Value

The CreateIPConfigHostName method returns one of the following values:

CreateIPConfigRange Method—Creates an IP Address Configuration

The CreateIPConfigRange method creates an IP Address configuration based on the range of IP addresses passed to the method. For the policy to fire, a request must come from a machine with an IP address that falls within the range.


The CreateIPConfigRange method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtPolicy‑>CreateIPConfigRange(ipAddr1, ipAddr2)


The CreateIPConfigRange method accepts the following parameters:

ipAddr1 (string)

Specifies the beginning IP address in the range of accepted addresses.

ipAddr2 (string)

Specifies the ending IP address in the range of accepted addresses.

Return Value

The CreateIPConfigRange method returns one of the following values:

CreateIPConfigSingleHost Method—Creates an IP Address Configuration

The CreateIPConfigSingleHost method creates an IP Address configuration based on the IP address passed to the method. For the policy to fire, a request must come from the machine with the passed IP address.


The CreateIPConfigSingleHost method has the following format:



The CreateIPConfigSingleHost method accepts the following parameter:

ipAddr (string)

Specifies the IP address required for the policy to fire.

Return Value

The CreateIPConfigSingleHost method returns one of the following values:

CreateIPConfigSubnetMask Method—Creates an IP Address Configuration Based on the IP Address and Subnet Mask

The CreateIPConfigSubnetMask method creates an IP Address configuration based on the IP address and subnet mask passed to the method. For the policy to fire, a request must come from the subnet address derived from the passed IP address and subnet mask.


The CreateIPConfigSubnetMask method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtPolicy‑>CreateIPConfigSubnetMask(ipAddr, subnetMask)


The CreateIPConfigSubnetMask method accepts the following parameters:

ipAddr (string)

Specifies the IP address used to derive the subnet address.

subnetMask (unsigned long)

Specifies the subnet mask used to derive the subnet address.

Return Value

The CreateIPConfigSubnetMask method returns one of the following values:


The subnet mask value is a number of bits. To arrive at this value, count the bits in the binary value of the address. For example, suppose the subnet mask is The binary format is:

11111111 11111111 11111111 10000000

Counting from left to right, the number to pass in subnetMask would be 25.

DeleteIPConfig Method—Deletes the Specified IP Configuration Object

The DeleteIPConfig method deletes the specified IP configuration object.


The DeleteIPConfig method has the following format:



The DeleteIPConfig method accepts the following parameters:

ipConfig (PolicyMgtIPConfig)

Specifies the IP configuration object to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteIPConfig method returns one of the following values:

Description Method—Sets or Retrieves the Description of the Policy

The Description method sets or retrieves the description of the policy.


The Description method has the following format:



The Description method accepts the following parameter:

policyDesc (string)

Specifies the description to set.

Return Value

The Description method returns one of the following values:

EnforceANDEvaluation Method—Sets or Retrieves the ANDUser/Group Flag

The EnforceANDEvaluation method sets or retrieves the ANDUser/Group flag depending on the value of the iANDUserFlag.


The EnforceANDEvaluation method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtPolicy‑>EnforceANDEvaluation(user[, iANDUserFlag])


The EnforceANDEvaluation method accepts the following parameters:

user (PolicyMgtUser)

Specifies the user for which to set or retrieve iANDUserFlag.

iANDUserFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to enforce AND evaluation:

1 to enforce AND evaluation

0 to remove AND evaluation

If this argument is not passed, the function returns the current value of iANDUserFlag. This flag applies to all the users added to the policy for a particular user directory.

Return Value

The EnforceANDEvaluation method returns one of the following values:

ExcludeUser Method—Excludes or Includes a User from the Policy

The ExcludeUser method excludes or includes a user from the policy depending on the value of iExcludeFlag.


The ExcludeUser method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtPolicy‑>ExcludeUser(user[, iExcludeFlag])


The ExcludeUser method accepts the following parameters:

user (PolicyMgtUser)

Specifies the user to exclude or include.

iExcludeFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to exclude the specified user:

If this argument is not passed, the function returns the current value of iExcludeFlag.

Return Value

The ExcludeUser method returns one of the following values:

GetAllIPConfigs Method—Retrieves All IP Address Restriction Objects in the Policy

The GetAllIPConfigs method retrieves all IP address restriction objects in the policy.


The GetAllIPConfigs method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtPolicy‑>GetAllIPConfigs( )


The GetAllIPConfigs method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllIPConfigs method returns one of the following values:


See the PolicyMgtIPConfig‑>GetType method for information about IP address restrictions and IP address restriction types.

GetAllRules Method—Retrieves All Rules Associated with the Policy

The GetAllRules method retrieves all rules associated with the policy.


The GetAllRules method has the following format:



The GetAllRules method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllRules method returns one of the following values:

GetAllUsers Method—Retrieves All Users Associated with the Policy

The GetAllUsers method retrieves all users associated with the policy. If a user directory is specified, only those users associated with that directory are retrieved.


The GetAllUsers method has the following format:



The GetAllUsers method accepts the following parameter:

userDir (PolicyMgtUserDir)

(Optional) Specifies that only users associated with this user directory are retrieved.

Return Value

The GetAllUsers method returns one of the following values:

IsEnabled Method—Enables or Disables the Policy

The IsEnabled method enables or disables the policy.


The IsEnabled method has the following format:



The IsEnabled method accepts the following parameter:

enableFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to enable or disable the policy:

Return Value

The IsEnabled method returns one of the following values:

Name Method—Sets or Retrieves the Policy Name

The Name method sets or retrieves the policy name.


The Name method has the following format:



The Name method accepts the following parameter:

policyName (string)

(Optional) Specifies the name to assign to the policy.

Return Value

The Name method returns one of the following values:

RemoveResponse Method—Removes the Response for a Configured Rule in the Policy

The RemoveResponse method removes the response for a configured rule in the policy.


The RemoveResponse method has the following format:



The RemoveResponse method accepts the following parameter:

rule (PolicyMgtRule)

Specifies the rule whose response should be removed.

Return Value

The RemoveResponse method returns one of the following values:

RemoveRule Method—Removes the Specified Rule from the Policy

The RemoveRule method Removes the specified rule from the policy.


The RemoveRule method has the following format:



The RemoveRule method accepts the following parameter:

rule (PolicyMgtRule)

Specifies the rule to remove.

Return Value

The RemoveRule method returns one of the following values:

RemoveUser Method—Removes a User from the Policy

The RemoveUser method removes a user from the policy.


The RemoveUser method has the following format:



The RemoveUser method accepts the following parameters:

user (PolicyMgtUser)

Specifies the user to remove.

Return Value

The RemoveUser method returns one of the following values:

SetResponse Method—Sets the Response for a Configured Rule in the Policy

The SetResponse method sets the response for a configured rule in the policy.


The SetResponse method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtPolicy‑>SetResponse(rule, response)


The SetResponse method accepts the following parameters:

rule (PolicyMgtRule)

Specifies the rule whose response is being set.

response (PolicyMgtResponse)

Specifies the response to set.

Return Value

The SetResponse method returns one of the following values:

Policy Server Connectivity Methods

The following methods define TCP/IP connectivity information for a PolicyMgtServer object:

GetPorts Method—Deprecated

The GetPorts method is deprecated in SiteMinder v6.0 and replaced by the GetServerPort method.

GetServerAddress Method—Retrieves the Host Name or IP Address of the Policy Server

The GetServerAddress method retrieves the Host Name or IP address of the Policy Server.


The GetServerAddress method has the following format:



The GetServerAddress method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetServerAddress method returns one of the following values:

GetServerPort Method—Retrieves TCP Port for Policy Server or Server Cluster

The GetServerPort method retrieves one of the following:


The GetServerPort method has the following format:



The GetServerPort method accepts no parameters:

Return Value

The GetServerPort method returns one of the following values:


The single-process Policy Server introduced in SiteMinder v6.0 combines the previously separate Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting processes into one combined process whose requests go through one TCP port. As a result, the ports numbers retrieved in the array are all the same.

Realm Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtRealm objects:

Agent Method—Sets or Retrieves the Agent for the Realm

The Agent method sets or retrieves the agent for the realm.


The Agent method has the following format:



The Agent method accepts the following parameters:

agent (PolicyMgtAgent)

(Optional) Specifies the agent to set for the realm.

Return Value

The Agent method returns one of the following values:

AuthScheme Method—Sets or Retrieves the Authentication Scheme for the Realm

The AuthScheme method sets or retrieves the authentication scheme for the realm.


The AuthScheme method has the following format:



The AuthScheme method accepts the following parameter:

authScheme (PolicyMgtAuthScheme)

(Optional) Specifies the authentication scheme to set for the realm.

Return Value

The AuthScheme method returns one of the following values:

AzUserDir Method—Sets or Retrieves the Authorization User Directory for the Realm

The AzUserDir method sets or retrieves the authorization user directory for the realm.


The AzUserDir method has the following format:



The AzUserDir method accepts the following parameter:

dir (PolicyMgtUserDirectory)

(Optional) Specifies the authorization user directory to set for the realm.

Return Value

The AzUserDir method returns one of the following values:

CreateChildRealm Method—Creates and Configures a Child Realm

The CreateChildRealm method creates and configures a realm directly under the realm on which this method was called.


The CreateChildRealm method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtRealm‑>CreateChildRealm(realmName, agent, authScheme [, realmDesc] [, resFilter] [, procAuthEvents] [, procAzEvents] [, protectAll] [, maxTimeout] [, idleTimeout] [, syncAudit] [, azUserDir] [, regScheme])


The CreateChildRealm method accepts the following parameters:

realmName (string)

Specifies the name of the realm.

agent (PolicyMgtAgent)

Specifies the agent or agent group for the realm.

authScheme (PolicyMgtAuthScheme)

Specifies the authentication scheme to associate with the realm.

realmDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the realm description.

resFilter (string)

(Optional) Specifies the resource filter for the realm.

procAuthEvents (int)

(Optional) Specifies a flag for processing authentication events: 1 to enable, or 0 to disable. The default is enabled.

procAzEvents (int)

(Optional) Specifies a flag for processing authorization events: 1 to enable, or 0 to disable. The default is enabled.

protectAll (int)

(Optional) Specifies a flag for activating default resource protection:1 to enable, or 0 to disable. The default is enabled.

maxTimeout (int)

(Optional) Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, a user can access the realm before re-authentication is required. The default is 7200 (2 hours).

idleTimeout (int)

(Optional) Specifies the maximum time a user can remain inactive in the realm before re-authentication is required. The default is 3600 (1 hour).

syncAudit (int)

(Optional) Specifies a flag for enabling synchronous auditing: 1 to enable, or 0 to disable. When this flag is enabled, SiteMinder logs Policy Server and agent actions before it allows access to resources. The default is enabled.

azUserDir (PolicyMgtUserDir)

(Optional) Specifies the directory where users in the realm will be authorized. The default is the default directory.

regScheme (PolicyMgtRegScheme)

(Optional) Specifies the registration scheme used to register new users accessing resources in the realm.

Return Value

The CreateChildRealm method returns one of the following values:


This method creates a realm that is configured for non-persistent sessions. To configure the realm for SiteMinder 5.0 persistent sessions, edit the realm in the Administrative UI.

Note: The Policy Management API only manipulates realms that are direct descendants of the object whose method has been called, as follows:

CreateRule Method—Creates and Configures a Rule under the Realm

The CreateRule method creates and configures a rule under the realm.


The CreateRule method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtRealm‑>CreateRule( ruleName [, ruleDesc] [, action] [, resource] [, allowAccess] [, regexMatch] [, activeExpr] [, isEnabled] )


The CreateRule method accepts the following parameters:

ruleName (string)

Specifies the name of the rule.

ruleDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description of the rule.

action (string)

(Optional) Specifies the type of action that the rule will execute. One of the following actions:

For action type Web Agent actions, use one or more of the following HTTP actions. Use commas to separate multiple actions:

For action type Authentication events:

For action type Authorization events:

(Optional) Specifies the resource protected by the rule. This value doesn't apply to action type Authentication events.

allowAccess (int)

(Optional) Specifies a flag to allow or deny access to the resource protected by the rule: 1 allows access, or 0 denies access. This flag applies only to action values of type GET, PUT, and/or POST. The default is 1.

regexMatch (int)

(Optional) Specifies a flag to allow regular expression pattern matching in the resource field : 1 allows regular expression matching, and 0 denies regular expression matching. This flag doesn't apply to action type Authentication events. The default is 0.

activeExpr (string)

(Optional) Specifies the active expression associated with the rule.

isEnabled (int)

(Optional) Specifies a flag to enable or disable the rule:1 to enable, or 0 to disable. The default is enabled.

Return Value

The CreateRule method returns one of the following values:

DeleteChildRealm Method—Deletes a Top-level Realm within the Realm

The DeleteChildRealm method deletes a top-level realm within the realm.


The DeleteChildRealm method has the following format:



The DeleteChildRealm method accepts the following parameter:

realm (PolicyMgtRealm)

Specifies the child realm to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteChildRealm method returns one of the following values:

DeleteRule Method—Deletes an Existing Rule within the Realm

The DeleteRule method deletes an existing rule within the realm.


The DeleteRule method has the following format:



The DeleteRule method accepts the following parameter:

rule (PolicyMgtRule)

Specifies the rule to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteRule method returns one of the following values:

Description Method—Sets or Retrieves the Description of the Realm

The Description method sets or retrieves the description of the realm.


The Description method has the following format:



The Description method accepts the following parameter:

realmDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description to assign to the realm.

Return Value

The Description method returns one of the following values:

Flush Method—Flushes the Realm from the Resource Cache

The Flush method flushes the realm from the resource cache.


The Flush method has the following format:



The Flush method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The Flush method returns one of the following values:

GetAllChildRealms Method—Retrieves All Top-level Realms within the Realm

The GetAllChildRealms method retrieves all top-level realms within the realm. Returns only the children.


The GetAllChildRealms method has the following format:



The GetAllChildRealms method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllChildRealms method returns one of the following values:

GetAllRules Method—Retrieves the Rules Associated with the Realm

The GetAllRules method retrieves the rules associated with the realm.


The GetAllRules method has the following format:



The GetAllRules method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllRules method returns one of the following values:

GetChildRealm Method—Retrieves a Top-level Child Realm under the Realm

The GetChildRealm method retrieves a top-level child realm under the realm. This method only searches child realms.


The GetChildRealm method has the following format:



The GetChildRealm method accepts the following parameter:

realmName (string)

Specifies the realm to check for child realms.

Return Value

The GetChildRealm method returns one of the following values:

GetDomain Method—Retrieves the Domain Associated with the Realm

The GetDomain method retrieves the domain associated with the realm.


The GetDomain method has the following format:



The GetDomain method accepts parameters.

Return Value

The GetDomain method returns one of the following values:

GetRule Method—Retrieves an Existing Rule in the Realm

The GetRule method retrieves an existing rule in the realm.


The GetRule method has the following format:



The GetRule method accepts the following parameter:

ruleName (string)

Specifies the name of the rule to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetRule method returns one of the following values:

IdleTimeout Method—Sets or Retrieves the Maximum Time a User Can Remain Inactive in the Realm

The IdleTimeout method sets or retrieves the maximum time a user can remain inactive in the realm before re-authentication is required.


The IdleTimeout method has the following format:



The IdleTimeout method accepts the following parameter:

idleTimeout (type)

(Optional) Specifies the idle timeout value, in seconds.

Return Value

The IdleTimeout method returns one of the following values:

MaxTimeout Method—Sets or Retrieves the Maximum Time a User Can Access the Realm

The MaxTimeout method sets or retrieves the maximum time a user can access the realm before re-authentication is required.


The MaxTimeout method has the following format:



The MaxTimeout method accepts the following parameter:

maxTimeout (int)

(Optional) Specifies the maximum timeout value, in seconds.

Return Value

The MaxTimeout method returns one of the following values:

Name Method—Sets or Retrieves the Realm Name

The Name method sets or retrieves the realm name.


The Name method has the following format:



The Name method accepts the following parameter:

realmName (string)

(Optional) Specifies the name to assign to the realm.

Return Value

The Name method returns one of the following values:

ProcessAuEvents Method—Sets or Retrieves the Authentication Event Flag in the Realm

The ProcessAuEvents method sets or retrieves the authentication event flag in the realm.

Authentication event processing affects performance. If no rules in the realm are triggered by authentication events, set this flag to 0.


The ProcessAuEvents method has the following format:



The ProcessAuEvents method accepts the following parameter:

authFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether authentication events are processed:

Return Value

The ProcessAuEvents method returns one of the following values:

ProcessAzEvents Method—Sets or Retrieves the Authorization Event Flag in the Realm

The ProcessAzEvents method sets or retrieves the authorization event flag in the realm.


The ProcessAzEvents method has the following format:



The ProcessAzEvents method accepts the following parameter:

azFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to enable authorization event processing:

Return Value

The ProcessAzEvents method returns one of the following values:


Authorization event processing affects performance. If no rules in the realm are triggered by authorization events, set this flag to 0.

ProtectResource Method—Sets or Retrieves the Current Resource Protection Flag Example

The ProtectResource method sets or retrieves the current resource protection flag.


The ProtectResource method has the following format:



The ProtectResource method accepts the following parameter:

protectFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether enable resource protection:

Return Value

The ProtectResource method returns one of the following values:

RegScheme Method—Sets or Retrieves the Registration Scheme for the Realm

The RegScheme method sets or retrieves the registration scheme for the realm.


The RegScheme method has the following format:



The RegScheme method accepts the following parameter:

regScheme (PolicyMgtRegScheme)

(Optional) Specifies the registration scheme to set.

Return Value

The RegScheme method returns one of the following values:

SessionDrift Method--Sets or Retrieves the Session Drift

The SessionDrift method sets or retrieves the session drift of the realm, that is, the validation period (in seconds) if enabled on a persistent realm.


The SessionDrift method has the following format:



The SessionDrift method accepts the following parameter:

SessionDrift (int)

(Optional) Specifies the new value, or returns the current value when not specified.

Return Value

The SessionDrift method returns one of the following values:

ResourceFilter Method—Sets or Retrieves the Realm Resource Filter

The ResourceFilter method sets or retrieves the realm resource filter.


The ResourceFilter method has the following format:



The ResourceFilter method accepts the following parameter:

rFilter (string)

(Optional) Specifies the realm resource filter to set.

Return Value

The ResourceFilter method returns one of the following values:

SyncAudit Method—Sets or Retrieves the Synchronous Auditing Flag

The SyncAudit method sets or retrieves the synchronous auditing flag. When this flag is enabled, SiteMinder logs Policy Server and agent actions before it allows access to resources.


The SyncAudit method has the following format:



The SyncAudit method accepts the following parameter:

syncFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether synchronous auditing is enabled:

Return Value

The SyncAudit method returns one of the following values:

Registration Scheme Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtRegScheme objects:

Description Method—Sets or Retrieves the Registration Scheme Description

The Description method sets or retrieves the registration scheme description.


The Description method has the following format:



The Description method accepts the following parameter:

regDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description of the registration scheme.

Return Value

The Description method returns one of the following values:

EnableLogging Method—Enables or Disables Registration Scheme Logging

The EnableLogging method enables or disables registration scheme logging.


The EnableLogging method has the following format:



The EnableLogging method accepts the following parameter:

logFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether registration scheme logging is enabled:

Return Value

The EnableLogging method returns one of the following values:

Name Method—Sets or Retrieves the Registration Scheme Name

The Name method Sets or retrieves the registration scheme name.


The Name method has the following format:



The Name method accepts the following parameters:

regName (string)

(Optional) Specifies the registration scheme name.

Return Value

The Name method returns one of the following values:

TemplatePath Method—Sets or Retrieves the Path of the Registration Scheme

The TemplatePath method sets or retrieves the path of the registration scheme template.


The TemplatePath method has the following format:



The TemplatePath method accepts the following parameters:

path (string)

(Optional) Specifies the path of the registration scheme template.

Return Value

The TemplatePath method returns one of the following values:

UserDirectory Method—Sets or Retrieves the User Directory for the Registration Scheme

The UserDirectory method sets or retrieves the user directory for the registration scheme.


The UserDirectory method has the following format:



The UserDirectory method accepts the following parameters:

userDir (PolicyMgtUserDir)

(Optional) Specifies the user directory for the registration scheme.

Return Value

The UserDirectory method returns one of the following values:

WelcomePageURL Method—Sets or Retrieves the Welcome Page URL for the Registration Scheme

The WelcomePageURL method sets or retrieves the welcome page URL for the registration scheme.


The WelcomePageURL method has the following format:



The WelcomePageURL method accepts the following parameter:

URL (string)

(Optional) Specifies the welcome page URL for the registration scheme. Users are redirected to this page after successfully registering.

Return Value

The WelcomePageURL method returns one of the following values:

Response Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtResponse objects:

CreateAttribute Method—Creates a Static Response Attribute for the Response

The CreateAttribute method creates a Static response attribute for the response.


The CreateAttribute method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtResponse‑>CreateAttribute(attrName, varValue [, TTL])


The CreateAttribute method accepts the following parameters:

attrName (string)

Specifies the name of the attribute to create. Valid attribute names vary with the type of agent associated with the response.

Agent type is specified in the SiteMinder Response Dialog, which is displayed when you create a response. To see the list of attributes associated with a given agent type, select the agent type in the SiteMinder Response Dialog, click Create, then view the choices in the Attribute field of the SiteMinder Response Attribute Editor.

For example, if you are creating a response with a SiteMinder Web Agent type, you can create any of the following response attributes:

Specifies the value of the static attribute. This value appears in the Value column of the SiteMinder Response Dialog. The value represents either a variable or cookie value or a name/value pair. If you need to specify a name as well as a value, use the form name=value. For example, the attribute WebAgent-HTTP-Header-Variable requires a name/value pair. If the name is show_content and the value is yes, you would assign show_content=yes to varValue.

TTL (int)

(Optional) Specifies the amount of time in seconds that can elapse before the value of the response attribute is recalculated.

Return Value

The CreateAttribute method returns one of the following values:


You cannot create response attributes of type User Attribute or DN Attribute with the Command Line Interface.

See also the descriptions of the PolicyMgtResponse‑>CreateActiveAttribute method and the PolicyMgtResponse‑>CreateVariableAttribute method.

DeleteAttribute Method—Deletes a Response Attribute in the Response

The DeleteAttribute method deletes a response attribute in the response.


The DeleteAttribute method has the following format:



The DeleteAttribute method accepts the following parameter:

respAttr (PolicyMgtResponseAttr)

Specifies the response attribute to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteAttribute method returns one of the following values:

Description Method—Sets or Retrieves the Response Description

The Description method sets or retrieves the response description.


The Description method has the following format:



The Description method accepts the following parameter:

resDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the response description.

Return Value

The Description method returns one of the following values:

GetAllAttributes Method—Retrieves a List of Configured Response Attributes

The GetAllAttributes method retrieves a list of configured response attributes.


The GetAllAttributes method has the following format:



The GetAllAttributes method accepts no parameters:

Return Value

The GetAllAttributes method returns one of the following values:

Name Method—Sets or Retrieves the Response Name

The Name method sets or retrieves the response name.


The Name method has the following format:



The Name method accepts the following parameter:

resName (string)

(Optional) Specifies the response name.

Return Value

The Name method returns one of the following values:

Response Attribute Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtResponseAttr objects:

GetAgentTypeAttrName Method—Retrieves the Name of the Agent Type Attribute

The GetAgentTypeAttrName method retrieves the name of the agent type attribute associated with this response attribute.


The GetAgentTypeAttrName method has the following format:



The GetAgentTypeAttrName method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAgentTypeAttrName method returns one of the following values:

GetTTL Method—Retrieves the Time To Live (TTL) Setting

The GetTTL method retrieves the Time To Live (TTL) setting.


The GetTTL method has the following format:



The GetTTL method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetTTL method returns one of the following values:

GetValue Method—Retrieves the Response Attribute Value

The GetValue method retrieves the response attribute value.


The GetValue method has the following format:



The GetValue method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetValue method returns one of the following values:

Rule Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtRule objects:

AccessType Method—Sets or Retrieves the Flag that Allows or Denies Access to the Resource Protected by the Rule

The AccessType method sets or retrieves the flag that allows or denies access to the resource protected by the rule.


The AccessType method has the following format:



The AccessType method accepts the following parameter:

allowAccess (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether the rule allows access to the resource:

Return Value

The AccessType method returns one of the following values:

Action Method—Sets or Retrieves the Action for the Rule

The Action method sets or retrieves the action for the rule.


The Action method has the following format:



The Action method accepts the following parameter:

action (string)

(Optional) Specifies the action to perform, as follows:

For action type Web Agent actions, use one or more of the following HTTP actions. Use commas to separate multiple actions:

For action type Authentication events:

For action type Authorization events:

Return Value

The Action method returns one of the following values:

ActiveExpr Method—Sets or Retrieves the Active Expression for the Rule

The ActiveExpr method sets or retrieves the active expression for the rule.


The ActiveExpr method has the following format:



The ActiveExpr method accepts the following parameters:

expr (string)

(Optional) Specifies the active expression to execute.

Return Value

The ActiveExpr method returns one of the following values:

Agent Method—Sets or Retrieves an Agent Object or an Agent Group Object Associated with the Global Rule

The Agent method sets or retrieves an agent object or an agent group object associated with the global rule.


The Agent method has the following format:



The Agent method accepts the following parameter:

agentObject (objectType)

Specifies the agent object or agent group object to associate with the rule. objectType can be either PolicyMgtAgent or PolicyMgtGroup.

Return Value

The Agent method returns a new or existing PolicyMgtAgent object or PolicyMgtGroup object.


After the rule is created, the agent associated with the rule can be changed only within the same agent type (such as Web Agent).

Note: Rules that have domain scope are associated with agents indirectly, through a realm.

Description Method—Sets or Retrieves the Description of the Rule

The Description method sets or retrieves the description of the rule.


The Description method has the following format:



The Description method accepts the following parameter:

ruleDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description of the rule.

Return Value

The Description method returns one of the following values:

IsEnabled Method—Enables or Disables the Rule

The IsEnabled method enables or disables the rule.


The IsEnabled method has the following format:



The IsEnabled method accepts the following parameter:

enableFlag (type)

(Optional) Specifies whether to enable the rule:

Return Value

The IsEnabled method returns one of the following values:

Name Method—Sets or Retrieves the Rule Name

The Name method sets or retrieves the rule name.


The Name method has the following format:



The Name method accepts the following parameter:

ruleName (string)

Specifies the rule name.

Return Value

The Name method returns one of the following values:

RegexMatch Method—Determines whether Regular Expression Pattern Matching Is Enabled

The RegexMatch method sets or retrieves the flag that determines whether regular expression pattern matching is enabled for resource-matching operations.


The RegexMatch method has the following format:



The RegexMatch method accepts the following parameters:

enableFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to allow regular expression pattern matching:

Return Value

The RegexMatch method returns one of the following values:

Resource Method—Sets or Retrieves the Resource Protected by the Rule

The Resource method sets or retrieves the resource protected by the rule.


The Resource method has the following format:



The Resource method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The Resource method returns one of the following values:

SAML 2.0 Affiliation Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtSAMLAffiliation objects:

GetAffiliatedSAMLAuthSchemes Method—Retrieves the SAML 2.0 Authentication Schemes Associated with This SAML Affiliation

The GetAffiliatedSAMLAuthSchemes method retrieves all the SAML 2.0 authentication schemes associated with this SAML affiliation.


The GetAffiliatedSAMLAuthSchemes method has the following format:



The GetAffiliatedSAMLAuthSchemes method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAffiliatedSAMLAuthSchemes method returns one of the following values:

GetAffiliatedSAMLServiceProviders Method—Retrieves the SAML 2.0 Service Providers Associated with this SAML Affiliation

The GetAffiliatedSAMLServiceProviders method Retrieves all the SAML 2.0 Service Providers associated with this SAML affiliation.


The GetAffiliatedSAMLServiceProviders method has the following format:



The GetAffiliatedSAMLServiceProviders method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAffiliatedSAMLServiceProviders method returns one of the following values:

Property Method—Sets or Retrieves the Specified SAML 2.0 Metadata Property

The Property method sets or retrieves the specified SAML 2.0 metadata property for this SAML 2.0 affiliation.


The Property method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSAMLAffiliation‑>Property(name [, value])


The Property method accepts the following parameters:

name (string)

Specifies the property to set or retrieve.

value (string)

(Optional) Specifies the value of the property being set.

Return Value

The Property method returns one of the following values:


For a list of affiliation metadata properties, see the description of the PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateSAMLAffiliation method.

Note: After modifying one or more existing affiliation properties with this method, call PolicyMgtSAMLAffiliation‑>Save to write the changes to the policy store.

Save Method—Saves the Changes to the SAML 2.0 Metadata Properties of this SAML 2.0 Affiliation

The Save method saves the changes you made to the SAML 2.0 metadata properties of this SAML 2.0 affiliation.


The Save method has the following format:



The Save method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The Save method returns one of the following values:


To modify an affiliation property, call the PolicyMgtSAMLAffiliation‑>Property method.

SAML 2.0 Indexed Endpoint Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtSAMLSPACS objects:

GetACSIndex Method—Retrieves Index Value of Assertion Consumer Service Object

The GetACSIndex method retrieves the index value of a SAML Service Provider Assertion Consumer Service object.


The GetACSIndex method has the following format:



The GetACSIndex method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetACSIndex method returns one of the following values:

GetACSBinding Method—Retrieves Protocol Binding of Assertion Consumer Service Object

The GetACSBinding method retrieves the protocol binding of a SAML Service Provider Assertion Consumer Service object.


The GetACSBinding method has the following format:



The GetACSBinding method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetACSBinding method returns one of the following values:

GetACSURL Method—Retrieves URL Value of Assertion Consumer Service Object

The GetACSURL method retrieves the URL value of a SAML Service Provider Assertion Consumer Service object.


The GetACSURL method has the following format:



The GetACSURL method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetACSURL method returns one of the following values:

GetIsDefault Method—Retrieves IsDefault Value for Assertion Consumer Service Object

The GetIsDefault method retrieves the value of IsDefault for the SAML Service Provider Assertion Consumer Service object.


The GetIsDefault method has the following format:



The GetIsDefault method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetIsDefault method returns one of the following values:

SAML 2.0 Requester Attribute Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtSAMLRequesterAttr objects:

GetAttrNameFormat Method—Retrieves SAML Requester Attribute's Name Format

The GetAttrNameFormat method retrieves a SAML Requester attribute's name format.


The GetAttrNameFormat method has the following format:



The GetAttrNameFormat method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAttrNameFormat method returns the following value:

GetLocalName Method—Retrieves SAML Requester Attribute's Local Name

The GetLocalName method retrieves a SAMLRequester attribute's local name.


The GetLocalName method has the following format:



The GetLocalName method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetLocalName method returns one of the following values:

GetName Method—Retrieves SAML Requester Attribute's Name

The GetName method retrieves a SAML Requester attribute's name.


The GetName method has the following format:



The GetName method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetName method returns one of the following values:

SAML 2.0 Service Provider Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtSAMLServiceProvider objects:

AddAssertionConsumerService Method—Adds an Assertion Consumer Service to a SAML Service Provider Object

The AddAssertionConsumerService method adds an Assertion Consumer Service to a SAML Service Provider object.


The AddAssertionConsumerService method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSAMLServiceProvider‑>AddAssertionConsumerService(index, protocolBinding, URL)


The AddAssertionConsumerService method accepts the following parameters:

index (int)

Specifies the Assertion Consumer Service Indexed Endpoint index value.

protocolBinding (string)

Specifies the protocol binding of the Assertion Consumer Service, which is one of the following:

Specifies the URL of the Indexed Endpoint.

Return Value

The AddAssertionConsumerService method returns one of the following values:

AddAttribute Method—Adds an Attribute to the SAML 2.0 Service Provider

The AddAttribute method adds an attribute to the SAML 2.0 Service Provider.


The AddAttribute method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSAMLServiceProvider‑>AddAttribute(attrNameFormat, value, nEncrypted, nMode)


The AddAttribute method accepts the following parameters:

attrNameFormat (int)

Specifies one of the following attribute formats, as defined in the SAML 2.0 standard:

Specifies the value specification for the attribute. This value specification appears in the Name Value Pair column of the SiteMinder SAML Service Provider Properties Dialog. The format of the value specification depends upon the kind of attribute you are adding -- Static, User Attribute, or DN Attribute:

Specifies whether the attribute is encrypted. If non-zero, the attribute is encrypted after being included in the assertion.

nMode (int)

Specifies the retrieval mode of this attribute, which is one of the following:

Return Value

The AddAttribute method returns one of the following values:


A SAML 2.0 attribute contains information about a principal who is trying to access a resource on the Service Provider -- for example, the principal's user DN.

The defined attribute is included in an attribute statement for all SAML 2.0 assertions that are produced for this Service Provider.

AddUser Method—Adds a User to the SAML 2.0 Service Provider

The AddUser method adds a user to the SAML Service Provider. Assertions can be generated for the users associated with a Service Provider.


The AddUser method has the following format:



The AddUser method accepts the following parameter:

user (PolicyMgtUser)

Specifies the user to add.

Return Value

The AddUser method returns one of the following values:

CreateIPConfigHostName Method—Creates an IP Configuration Object for the Service Provider

The CreateIPConfigHostName method creates an IP configuration object for the Service Provider, based on the specified host name.


The CreateIPConfigHostName method has the following format:



The CreateIPConfigHostName method accepts the following parameters:

hostName (string)

Specifies the host name where assertions must originate.

Return Value

The CreateIPConfigHostName method returns one of the following values:


This method creates an IP address restriction for the assertion generation policy. With this address restriction, only assertions generated from the specified host will be accepted.

CreateIPConfigRange Method—Creates an IP Configuration Object for the Service Provider

The CreateIPConfigRange method creates an IP configuration object for the Service Provider, based on the specified range of IP addresses.


The CreateIPConfigRange method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSAMLServiceProvider‑>CreateIPConfigRange(ipAddr1, ipAddr2)


The CreateIPConfigRange method accepts the following parameters:

ipAddr1 (string)

Specifies the first IP address in the range of valid IP addresses.

ipAddr2 (string)

Specifies the last IP address in the range of valid IP addresses.

Return Value

The CreateIPConfigRange method returns one of the following values:


This method creates an IP address restriction for the assertion generation policy. With this address restriction, only assertions generated from the specified range of IP addresses will be accepted.

CreateIPConfigSingleHost Method—Creates an IP Configuration Object for the Service Provider

The CreateIPConfigSingleHost method creates an IP configuration object for the Service Provider, based on the specified IP address.


The CreateIPConfigSingleHost method has the following format:



The CreateIPConfigSingleHost method accepts the following parameter:

ipAddr (string)

Specifies the IP address where assertions must originate.

Return Value

The CreateIPConfigSingleHost method returns one of the following values:


This method creates an IP address restriction for the assertion generation policy. With this address restriction, only assertions generated from the specified IP address will be accepted.

CreateIPConfigSubnetMask Method—Creates an IP Configuration Object for the Service Provider

The CreateIPConfigSubnetMask method creates an IP configuration object for the Service Provider, based on the specified IP address and subnet mask.


The CreateIPConfigSubnetMask method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSAMLServiceProvider‑>CreateIPConfigSubnetMask(ipAddr, subnetMask)


The CreateIPConfigSubnetMask method accepts the following parameters:

ipAddr (string)

Specifies the IP address used to derive the subnet address.

subnetMask (unsigned long)

Specifies the subnet mask used to derive the subnet address.

Return Value

The CreateIPConfigSubnetMask method returns one of the following values:


This method creates an IP address restriction for the assertion generation policy. With this address restriction, only assertions generated from the subnet address will be accepted. The subnet address is derived from the passed IP address and subnet mask. For information about defining the subnet mask value, see the description of the PolicyMgtPolicy‑>CreateIPConfigSubnetMask method.

DeleteIPConfig Method—Deletes Specified IP Configuration Object

The DeleteIPConfig method deletes the specified IP configuration object.


The DeleteIPConfig method has the following format:



The DeleteIPConfig method accepts the following parameter:

IPConfig (PolicyMgtIPConfig object)

Specifies the IP configuration object to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteIPConfig method returns one of the following values:

GetAllAttributes Method—Retrieves All Attributes for SAML 2.0 Service Provider

The GetAllAttributes method retrieves all attributes defined for the SAML 2.0 Service Provider.


The GetAllAttributes method has the following format:



The GetAllAttributes method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllAttributes method returns one of the following values:

GetAllIPConfigs Method—Retrieves All IP Configuration Objects

The GetAllIPConfigs method retrieves all IP configuration objects for the SAML 2.0 Service Provider.


The GetAllIPConfigs method has the following format:



The GetAllIPConfigs method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllIPConfigs method returns one of the following values:

GetAllAssertionConsumerServices Method—Retrieves All Assertion Consumer Services

The GetAllAssertionConsumerServices method retrieves all Assertion Consumer Services from the SAML 2.0 Service Provider object.


The GetAllAssertionConsumerServices method has the following format:



The GetAllAssertionConsumerServices method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllAssertionConsumerServices method returns one of the following values:

GetAllUsers Method—Retrieves All Users

The GetAllUsers method retrieves all users associated with the SAML 2.0 Service Provider. If a user directory is specified, only users who belong to the specified directory are returned.


The GetAllUsers method has the following format:



The GetAllUsers method accepts the following parameter:

userDir (PolicyMgtUserDir object)

(Optional) Specifies the user directory to which all retrieved users must belong.

Return Value

The GetAllUsers method returns one of the following values:

Property Method—Sets or Retrieves Metadata Property

The Property method sets or retrieves the specified SAML 2.0 metadata property for this Service Provider.

Note: After modifying one or more Service Provider properties using this method, call the PolicyMgtSAMLServiceProvider‑>Save method to write the changes to the policy store.


The Property method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSAMLServiceProvider‑>Property(name[, value])


The Property method accepts the following parameters:

name (string)

Specifies the property to set or retrieve.

Note: For a complete list of Service Provider metadata properties, see the method PolicyMgtAffDomain‑>CreateSAMLServiceProvider.

value (string)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the property.

Return Value

The Property method returns one of the following values:

RemoveAssertionConsumer Method—Removes Assertion Consumer Service

The RemoveAssertionConsumer method removes an existing Assertion Consumer Service from a SAML 2.0 Service Provider.


The RemoveAssertionConsumer method has the following format:



The RemoveAssertionConsumer method accepts the following parameter:


Specifies the Assertion Consumer Service to remove.

Return Value

The RemoveAssertionConsumer method returns one of the following values:

RemoveAttribute Method—Removes Specified Attribute

The RemoveAttribute method removes the specified attribute from the SAML 2.0 Service Provider.


The RemoveAttribute method has the following format:



The RemoveAttribute method accepts the following parameter:

SAMLSPAttr (PolicyMgtSAMLSPAttr object)

Specifies the attribute to remove.

Return Value

The RemoveAttribute method returns one of the following values:

RemoveUser Method—Removes Specified User

The RemoveUser method removes the specified user from the SAML 2.0 Service Provider.


The RemoveUser method has the following format:



The RemoveUser method accepts the following parameter:

user (PolicyMgtUser object)

Specifies the user to remove.

Return Value

The RemoveUser method returns one of the following values:

Save Method—Saves Changes Made to Metadata Properties

The Save method saves any changes made to the SAML 2.0 metadata properties of the Service Provider. Call this method once after making all changes to the SAML 2.0 Service Provider. You must call this method for the changes to take effect. To modify a metadata property, call the PolicyMgtSAMLServiceProvider‑>Property method.


The Save method has the following format:



The Save method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The Save method returns one of the following values:

SAML 2.0 Service Provider Attribute Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtSAMLSPAttr objects:

GetAttrNameFormat Method—Retrieves Format of Attribute Names

The GetAttrNameFormat method retrieves the format of attribute names used with the SAML 2.0 Service Provider. For more information about SAML 2.0 attributes, see the method PolicyMgtSAMLServiceProvider‑>AddAttribute.


The GetAttrNameFormat method has the following format:



The GetAttrNameFormat method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAttrNameFormat method returns one of the following values:

GetValue Method—Retrieves Service Provider Attribute Value

The GetValue method retrieves the value of the SAML 2.0 Service Provider attribute. To retrieve all attributes associated with a Service Provider, call the method PolicyMgtSAMLServiceProvider‑>GetAllAttributes. For more information about SAML 2.0 attributes, see the method PolicyMgtSAMLServiceProvider‑>AddAttribute.


The GetValue method has the following format:



The GetValue method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetValue method returns one of the following values:

Session Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtSession objects:

AddAttributeToSAMLScheme Method—Adds New Attribute to Authentication Scheme

The AddAttributeToSAMLScheme method adds a new attribute to the SAML 2.0 authentication scheme definition.


The AddAttributeToSAMLScheme method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>AddAttributeToSAMLScheme(scheme, AttrNameFormat, LocalName, Name)


The AddAttributeToSAMLScheme method accepts the following parameters:

scheme (PolicyMgtAuthScheme object)

Specifies the SAML 2.0 authentication scheme.

AttrNameFormat (int)

Specifies the attribute type:

Specifies the attribute's name as used locally.

Name (string)

Specifies the attribute's name as defined on the Attribute Authority.

Return Value

The AddAttributeToSAMLScheme method returns one of the following values:

AddTrustedHost Method—Creates or Modifies Trusted Host Object

The AddTrustedHost method creates or modifies a trusted host object in the policy store.


The AddTrustedHost method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>AddTrustedHost(trustedHostName[, trustedHostDescription][, trustedHostIpAddress][, sharedSecret])


The AddTrustedHost method accepts the following parameters:

trustedHostName (string)

Specifies the name of the trusted host.

trustedHostDescription (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description of the trusted host.

trustedHostIpAddress (string)

(Optional) Specifies the IP address of the trusted host.

sharedSecret (string)

(Optional) Specifies the shared secret.

Note: You must also define the shared secret in the host configuration file by running the SiteMinder tool smreghost with the -sh option. If you do not use the -sh option to specify the shared secret, SiteMinder automatically generates one.

Return Value

The AddTrustedHost method returns one of the following values:


You can use the AddTrustedHost method to register the trusted host without first configuring a connection between the Policy Server and the Agent. When you use this method to register the trusted host, you must also run the SiteMinder tool smreghost to define the shared secret in the host configuration file. (The host configuration file is named SmHost.conf by default.) Run smreghost with the -sh option and the shared secret. To retrieve the shared secret in clear text, call the method PolicyMgtTrustedHost‑>GetSecret.

Alternately, you can create the trusted host by calling the method CreateTrustedHost and run smreghost without the -sh option. In this case, SiteMinder automatically creates and configures the trusted host during installation.

Important! SiteMinder generates a random 128-byte ASCII shared secret. When you create the shared secret, it can be any string value. To create a strong shared secret, we strongly recommend that you call the AddTrustedHost method with the sharedSecret parameter set to an empty string. This results in the automatic generation of a shared secret that is random, long, and hard-to-guess.

CreateAdmin Method—Creates System-Level Administrator

The CreateAdmin method creates and configures a system-level administrator.


The CreateAdmin method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateAdmin(adminName[, adminDesc][, adminPwd][, userDir][, authScheme])


The CreateAdmin method accepts the following parameters:

adminName (string)

Specifies the administrator's name.

adminDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the administrator's description.

adminPwd (string)

(Optional) Specifies the administrator's password.

userDir (PolicyMgtUserDir object)

(Optional) Specifies the user directory if the administrator is stored in an external directory.

authScheme (PolicyMgtAuthScheme object)

(Optional) Specifies the authentication scheme to use if the administrator is stored in an external directory.

Note: This parameter is required if an external user directory is specified.

Return Value

The CreateAdmin method returns one of the following values:


The Policy Management API does not allow you to create an administrator for a particular domain. However, you can add an existing administrator to a particular domain by calling the method AddAdmin. To create an administrator with domain privileges, use the Administrative UI.

CreateAffDomain Method—Creates Affiliate Domain

The CreateAffDomain method creates an affiliate domain.


The CreateAffDomain method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateAffDomain(domName[, domDesc])


The CreateAffDomain method accepts the following parameters:

domName (string)

Specifies the name of the affiliate domain.

domDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description of the affiliate domain.

Return Value

The CreateAffDomain method returns one of the following values:


To implement affiliate domains, you need legacy federation.

CreateAgent Method—Creates SiteMinder Agent

The CreateAgent method creates and configures a SiteMinder agent.


The CreateAgent method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateAgent(agentName, agentType[, agentDesc][, agentIP][, agentSecret][, realmHintAttrID])


The CreateAgent method accepts the following parameters:

agentName (string)

Specifies the name of the agent.

agentType (PolicyMgtAgentType object)

Specifies the type of agent.

agentDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description of the agent.

agentIP (string)

(Optional) Specifies the agent's IP address.

Note: This parameter is required for RADIUS agents.

agentSecret (string)

(Optional) Specifies the shared secret.

Note: To create a v4.x agent, specify the shared secret. To create a v5.x agent, omit this parameter.

realmHintAttrID (int)

(Optional) Specifies the realm hint attribute ID.

Note: This parameter only applies to RADIUS agents.

Return Value

The CreateAgent method returns one of the following values:

CreateAgentConfig Method—Creates Agent Configuration Object

The CreateAgentConfig method creates an agent configuration object.


The CreateAgentConfig method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateAgentConfig(agentConfigName[, AgentConfigDesc])


The CreateAgentConfig method accepts the following parameters:

agentConfigName (string)

Specifies the name of the agent configuration.

AgentConfigDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description of the agent configuration.

Return Value

The CreateAgentConfig method returns one of the following values:

CreateAgentGroup Method—Creates Agent Group

The CreateAgentGroup method creates an agent group.


The CreateAgentGroup method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateAgentGroup(agentGroupName, agentType[, groupDesc])


The CreateAgentGroup method accepts the following parameters:

agentGroupName (string)

Specifies the name of the agent group.

agentType (PolicyMgtAgentType object)

Specifies the type of agent associated with the agent group.

Note: To retrieve the agent type for this method, call the method PolicyMgtSession‑>GetAgentType.

groupDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description of the agent group.

Return Value

The CreateAgentGroup method returns one of the following values:

CreateAuthAzMap Method—Creates Directory Mapping Object

The CreateAuthAzMap method creates an authentication and authorization directory mapping object.


The CreateAuthAzMap method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateAuthAzMap(authDir, azDir, mapType)


The CreateAuthAzMap method accepts the following parameters:

authDir (PolicyMgtUserDir object)

Specifies the user directory to use when authenticating the user.

azDir (PolicyMgtUserDir object)

Specifies the user directory to use when authorizing the user.

mapType (int)

Specifies the type of directory mapping.

Return Value

The CreateAuthAzMap method returns one of the following values:


SiteMinder uses the same user directory to authenticate and authorize users. In addition, SiteMinder allows you to specify one user directory for authentication and another user directory for authorization. This feature is called directory mapping. Directory mapping is especially useful, when authentication information is stored in a central directory, but authorization information is stored in multiple directories, each one associated with a particular application.

CreateAuthScheme Method—Creates Authentication Scheme

The CreateAuthScheme method creates and configures an authentication scheme.


The CreateAuthScheme method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateAuthScheme(schemeName, schemeTemplate[, schemeDesc][, protLevel][, schemeLib][, schemeParam][, secret][, isTemplate][, isUsedByAdmin][, saveCreds][, isRadius][, ignorePwd])


The CreateAuthScheme method accepts the following parameters:

schemeName (string)

Specifies the authentication scheme's name.

schemeTemplate (PolicyMgtAuthScheme object)

Specifies the template on which to base the authentication scheme.

Note: To view a list of templates, see the method PolicyMgtSession‑>GetAuthScheme.

schemeDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the authentication scheme's description.

protLevel (int)

(Optional) Specifies the authentication scheme's protection level.

Range: 1-1000

Note: The higher the protection level value, the more secure the authentication scheme.

schemeLib (string)

(Optional) Specifies the name of the custom library to use in place of the default library shipped with each type of authentication scheme.

schemeParam (string)

(Optional) Specifies a parameter string to pass to the authentication scheme.

Note: For help constructing the parameter string, navigate to the Scheme Type Setup tab on the Authentication Scheme Properties dialog in the Administrative UI. Select the authentication scheme type, type the values in the fields, and observe the result on the Advanced tab.

secret (string)

(Optional) Specifies the authentication scheme's shared secret.

isTemplate (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether the authentication scheme is a template for other authentication schemes.

Default: A zero (0) value specifies that the authentication scheme is not a template.

Note: This parameter is deprecated as of CA SiteMinder® v6.0 SP3.

isUsedByAdmin (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether the authentication scheme can be used to authenticate administrators.

saveCreds (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to save user credentials.

isRadius (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether the authentication scheme type is RADIUS.

ignorePwd (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to ignore password policies.

Return Value

The CreateAuthScheme method returns one of the following values:

CreateCustomCertMap Method—Creates Custom Certificate Map

The CreateCustomCertMap method creates a custom certificate map. The custom certificate map associates user attribute names defined in the certificate's Subject DN with the corresponding user attribute names in the user directory. For authentication to succeed, the values of the mapped user attribute pairs must match. Use the AttributeMap parameter to define the attribute names that are mapped.


The CreateCustomCertMap method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateCustomCertMap(IssuerDN, AttributeMap[, DirectoryType])


The CreateCustomCertMap method accepts the following parameters:

IssuerDN (string)

Specifies the certificate issuer's distinguished name.

AttributeMap (string)

Specifies an expression that maps attribute names in the certificate's Subject DN to attribute names in the user directory.

Syntax: UserAttrName1=%{CertAttrName1},UserAttrName2=%{CertAttrName2}, . . . UserAttrName#=%{CertAttrName#}


Certificate's Subject DN contains: CN=John Smith, UID=JSMITH, OU=Development, O=CompanyA

AttributeMap contains: CN=%{UID}, OU=%{OU}, O=%{O}

Matching user DN in the user directory: CN=JSMITH, OU=Development, O=CompanyA

DirectoryType (int)

(Optional) Specifies the type of user directory specified as the authentication directory:

Return Value

The CreateCustomCertMap method returns one of the following values:


When a certificate map is created, the following flags are set to false, the default value:

For information on changing the value of these flags, see the method PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateExactCertMap.

CreateDomain Method—Creates Policy Domain Object

The CreateDomain method creates a policy domain object.


The CreateDomain method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateDomain(domName[, domDesc][, globalPoliciesApply])


The CreateDomain method accepts the following parameters:

domName (string)

Specifies the name of the domain.

domDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description of the domain.

globalPoliciesApply (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether the domain can accept global policies:

Return Value

The CreateDomain method returns one of the following values:

CreateExactCertMap Method—Creates Certificate Map Matching User Directory Attributes

The CreateExactCertMap method creates a certificate map object whose Subject DN attributes match the corresponding user directory attributes exactly. When the certificate map object is created, the following flags are set to FALSE:


The CreateExactCertMap method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateExactCertMap(IssuerDN[, DirectoryType])


The CreateExactCertMap method accepts the following parameters:

IssuerDN (string)

Specifies the distinguished name of the certificate issuer.

DirectoryType (int)

(Optional) Specifies one of the following user directory types used for authentication:

Return Value

The CreateExactCertMap method returns one of the following values:

CreateGlobalPolicy Method—Creates Global Policy

The CreateGlobalPolicy method creates a policy that has a global scope.


The CreateGlobalPolicy method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateGlobalPolicy(policyName[, enableFlag][, activeExpr][, policyDesc])


The CreateGlobalPolicy method accepts the following parameters:

policyName (string)

Specifies the global policy's name.

enableFlag (type)

(Optional) Specifies whether to enable the global policy:

(Optional) Specifies ...

policyDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the global policy's description.

Return Value

The CreateGlobalPolicy method returns one of the following values:

CreateGlobalResponse Method—Creates Global Response

The CreateGlobalResponse method creates a response that has a global scope.


The CreateGlobalResponse method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateGlobalResponse(respName, agentType[, respDesc])


The CreateGlobalResponse method accepts the following parameters:

respName (string)

Specifies the global response's name.

agentType (PolicyMgtAgentType object)

Specifies the type of agent associated with the global response.

Note: To retrieve the agent type object, call the method PolicyMgtSession‑>GetAgentType.

respDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the global response's description.

Return Value

The CreateGlobalResponse method returns one of the following values:

CreateGlobalResponseGroup Method--Creates a Domain-Specific Rule Group

The CreateGlobalResponseGroup method creates a rule group that is specific to a particular domain.


The CreateGlobalResponseGroup method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateGlobalResponseGroup(groupName, agentType, domain)


The CreateGlobalResponseGroup method accepts the following parameters:

groupName (string)

Specifies the global rule group name.

agentType (PolicyMgtAgentType)

Specifies the type of agent.

domain (PolicyMgtDomain)

Specifies the domain for which the rule group applies.

Return Value

The CreateGlobalResponseGroup method returns one of the following values:

CreateGlobalRule Method—Creates Global Rule

The CreateGlobalRule method creates a rule that has a global scope.


The CreateGlobalRule method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateGlobalRule(ruleName, resource, event, agent[, ruleDesc][, allowAccess][, regexMatch][, activeExpr][, isEnabled])


The CreateGlobalRule method accepts the following parameters:

ruleName (string)

Specifies the global rule's name.

resource (string)

Specifies the filter for the resource that the global rule is protecting.

event (string)

Specifies the type of event that the global rule is executing.

agent (PolicyMgtAgent | PolicyMgtGroup)

Specifies the agent or agent group associated with the global rule.

ruleDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the global rule's description.

allowAccess (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to allow or deny access to the resource protected by the rule:

(Optional) Specifies whether to perform regular expression pattern matching:

(Optional) Specifies the global rule's active expression.

isEnabled (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to enable or disable the global rule:

Return Value

The CreateGlobalRule method returns one of the following values:

CreateGlobalRuleGroup Method--Creates a Domain-Specific Rule Group

The CreateGlobalRuleGroup method creates a rule group that is specific to a particular domain.


The CreateGlobalRuleGroup method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateGlobalRuleGroup(groupName, agentType, domain)


The CreateGlobalRuleGroup method accepts the following parameters:

groupName (string)

Specifies the global rule group name.

agentType (PolicyMgtAgentType)

Specifies the type of agent.

domain (PolicyMgtDomian)

Specifies the domain for which the rule group applies.

Return Value

The CreateGlobalRuleGroup method returns one of the following values:

CreateHostConfig Method—Creates Host Configuration Object

The CreateHostConfig method creates a host configuration object.


The CreateHostConfig method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateHostConfig(hostConfigName[, hostConfDesc][, enableFailover][, maxSocketsPerPort][, minSocketsPerPort][, newSocketstep][, requestTimeout])


The CreateHostConfig method accepts the following parameters:

hostConfigName (string)

Specifies the name of the host configuration object.

hostConfDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description of the host configuration object.

enableFailover (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to use failover or round-robin communication between the Policy Server and the agent:

(Optional) Specifies the maximum number of TCP/IP sockets that can be opened between an agent and the Policy Server.

minSocketsPerPort (int)

(Optional) Specifies the minimum number of TCP/IP sockets that can be opened between an agent and the Policy Server.

newSocketstep (int)

(Optional) Specifies how many sockets to open when additional sockets are required.

requestTimeout (int)

(Optional) Specifies how long, in seconds, an agent can wait for a response from the Policy Server.

Return Value

The CreateHostConfig method returns one of the following values:

CreateODBCQueryScheme Method—Creates ODBC Query Scheme

The CreateODBCQueryScheme method creates and configures an ODBC query scheme. ODBC query schemes are also called SQL query schemes.

Note: Create a unique data source for each ODBC query scheme.


The CreateODBCQueryScheme method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateODBCQueryScheme(schemeName[, schemeDesc][, queryEnumerate][, queryGetObjInfo][, queryLookup][, queryInitUser][, queryAuthenticateUser][, queryGetUserProp][, querySetUserProp][, queryGetUserProps][, queryLookupUser][, queryGetGroups][, queryIsGroupMember][, queryGetGroupProp][, querySetGroupProp][, queryGetGroupProps][, queryLookupGroup][, querySetPassword])


The CreateODBCQueryScheme method accepts the following parameters:

schemeName (string)

Specifies the ODBC query scheme's name.

schemeDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the ODBC query scheme's description.

queryEnumerate (string)

(Optional) Specifies a query that lists the names of user objects in the directory.

Note: For more information, see the method PolicyMgtODBCQueryScheme‑>QueryEnumerate.

queryGetObjInfo (string)

(Optional) Specifies a query that fetches the object's class.

Note: For more information, see the method PolicyMgtODBCQueryScheme‑>QueryGetObjInfo.

queryLookup (string)

(Optional) Specifies a query that returns objects based on the value of an attribute in a group table.

Note: For more information, see the method PolicyMgtODBCQueryScheme‑>QueryLookup.

queryInitUser (string)

(Optional) Specifies a query that determines if a user with a given name exists in the database.

Note: For more information, see the method PolicyMgtODBCQueryScheme‑>QueryInitUser.

queryAuthenticateUser (string)

(Optional) Specifies a query that retrieves the user's password.

Note: For more information, see the method PolicyMgtODBCQueryScheme‑>QueryAuthenticateUser.

queryGetUserProp (string)

(Optional) Specifies a query that retrieves the value of a user property.

Note: The property must be listed in the queryGetUserProps parameter string. For more information, see the method PolicyMgtODBCQueryScheme‑>QueryGetUserProp.

querySetUserProp (string)

(Optional) Specifies a query that sets the value of a user property.

Note: The property must be listed in the queryGetUserProps parameter string. For more information, see the method PolicyMgtODBCQueryScheme‑>QuerySetUserProp.

queryGetUserProps (string)

(Optional) Specifies a comma-separated list of user attributes that reside in the same table as the user name.

Note: For more information, see the method PolicyMgtODBCQueryScheme‑>QueryGetUserProps.

queryLookupUser (string)

(Optional) Specifies a query that retrieves a user name through an attribute of the user table.

Note: For more information, see the method PolicyMgtODBCQueryScheme‑>QueryLookupUser.

queryGetGroups (string)

(Optional) Specifies a query that retrieves the names of the groups to which the user belongs.

Note: For more information, see the method PolicyMgtODBCQueryScheme‑>QueryGetGroups.

queryIsGroupMember (string)

(Optional) Specifies a query that determines whether a particular user is a member of a group.

Note: For more information, see the method PolicyMgtODBCQueryScheme‑>QueryIsGroupMember.

queryGetGroupProp (string)

(Optional) Specifies a query that returns the value of a group property.

Note: The property must be listed in the queryGetGroupProps parameter string. For more information, see the method PolicyMgtODBCQueryScheme‑>QueryGetGroupProp.

querySetGroupProp (string)

(Optional) Specifies a query that sets the value of a group property.

Note: The property must be listed in the queryGetGroupProps parameter string. For more information, see the method PolicyMgtODBCQueryScheme‑>QuerySetGroupProp.

queryGetGroupProps (string)

(Optional) Specifies a comma-separated list of group attributes.

Note: For more information, see the method PolicyMgtODBCQueryScheme‑>QueryGetGroupProps.

queryLookupGroup (string)

(Optional) Specifies a query that retrieves a group name through an attribute of the group table.

Note: For more information, see the method PolicyMgtODBCQueryScheme‑>QueryLookupGroup.

querySetPassword (string)

(Optional) Specifies a query that changes a user's password.

Note: For more information, see the method PolicyMgtODBCQueryScheme‑>QuerySetPassword.

Return Value

The CreateODBCQueryScheme method returns one of the following values:

CreatePwdPolicy Method—Creates Password Policy

The CreatePwdPolicy method creates and configures a password policy.


The CreatePwdPolicy method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>CreatePwdPolicy(pwdPolName, userDir[, pwdPolDesc][, enabledFlag][, entireDirFlag][, path][, class][, allowNestedGroups][, maxLoginFailures][, maxLoginInactive][, expDelay][, expWarningDays][, dicName][, dicMatchLength][, userwait][, pwdSvcRedirect][maxPwdLength][, minPwdLength][, maxPwdRepeatChar][, minPwdAlphaNum][, minPwdAlpha][, minPwdNonAlpha][, minPwdNonPrint][, minPwdNum][, minPwdPunc][, pwdReuseCount][, pwdReuseDelay][, pwdPctDiff][, pwdIgnoreSeq][, profileAttrMatch])


The CreatePwdPolicy method accepts the following parameters:

pwdPolName (string)

Specifies the name of the password policy.

userDir (PolicyMgtUserDir object)

Specifies the user directory to which the password policy applies.

pwdPolDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description of the password policy.

enabledFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether the password policy is enabled.

entireDirFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether the password policy applies to the entire LDAP directory or only part of the directory.

Note: For part of the LDAP directory, specify the directory path in the path parameter and the class in the class parameter.

path (string)

(Optional) Specifies the part of the directory to which the password policy applies.

Note: Include this parameter when the entireDirFlag parameter is set to 0.

class (string)

(Optional) Specifies the class to which the password policy applies.

Note: Include this parameter when the entireDirFlag parameter is set to 0.

allowNestedGroups (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether the password policy is associated with the nested groups in the LDAP directory.

Note: Include this parameter when the entireDirFlag parameter is set to 0.

maxLoginFailures (int)

(Optional) Specifies the maximum number of login failures allowed before the user's account is disabled.

maxLoginInactive (int)

(Optional) Specifies the maximum number of days of inactivity allowed before the user's password expires.

expDelay (int)

(Optional) Specifies the number of days a password can be unchanged before it expires.

expWarningDays (int)

(Optional) Specifies the number of days in advance to notify the user that the password is due to expire.

dicName (string)

(Optional) Specifies the location of the dictionary file that lists the words that cannot be used in a password.

dicMatchLength (int)

(Optional) Specifies the minimum number of letters required for dictionary checking.

userwait (int)

(Optional) Specifies the number of minutes an account is disabled before the account is enabled and the user is allowed to attempt logging in again.

pwdSvcRedirect (string)

(Optional) Specifies the URL where the user is redirected when an invalid password is entered.

Note: This must be the URL of the Password Services CGI.

maxPwdLength (int)

(Optional) Specifies the maximum length of a user password.

Note: This value must be greater than the value specified by the parameter minPwdLength.

minPwdLength (int)

(Optional) Specifies the minimum length of a user password.

maxPwdRepeatChar (int)

(Optional) Specifies the maximum number of identical characters that can appear consecutively in a password.

minPwdAlphaNum (int)

(Optional) Specifies the minimum number of alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) that a password must contain.

minPwdAlpha (int)

(Optional) Specifies the minimum number of alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z) that a password must contain.

minPwdNonAlpha (int)

(Optional) Specifies the minimum number of non-alphanumeric characters that a password must contain.

Note: The following are examples of non-alphanumeric characters: "@", "$", and "*".

minPwdNonPrint (int)

(Optional) Specifies the minimum number of non-printable characters that a password must contain.

Note: Non-printable characters are not displayed on a computer screen.

minPwdNum (int)

(Optional) Specifies the minimum number of numeric characters (0-9) that a password must contain.

minPwdPunc (int)

(Optional) Specifies the minimum number of punctuation marks that a password must contain.

Note: Punctuation marks include periods, commas, exclamation points, slashes, hyphens, and dashes.

pwdReuseCount (int)

(Optional) Specifies the number of new passwords that must be used before an old one can be reused.

pwdReuseDelay (int)

(Optional) Specifies the number of days a user must wait before reusing a password.

pwdPctDiff (int)

(Optional) Specifies the percentage of characters contained in a new password that must differ from the characters in the previous password.

Note: A value of 100 specifies that the new password cannot contain any of the characters in the previous password. For more information, see the parameter pwdIgnoreSeq.

pwdIgnoreSeq (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether character position is ignored when the new password is compared to the previous password and the percentage of characters that are different is calculated.

(Optional) Specifies that the minimum character sequence that SiteMinder checks when checking the password against attributes in the user's directory entry.

Return Value

The CreatePwdPolicy method returns one of the following values:

CreateRegScheme Method—Creates Registration Scheme

The CreateRegScheme method creates and configures a registration scheme.


The CreateRegScheme method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateRegScheme(regName, userDir[, regDesc][, welcomeURL][, templatePath][, enableLogging])


The CreateRegScheme method accepts the following parameters:

regName (string)

Specifies the registration scheme's name.

userDir (string)

Specifies the user directory associated with the registration scheme.

regDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the registration scheme's description.

welcomeURL (string)

(Optional) Specifies the URL for the welcome page.

Note: Users are redirected to this page after successfully registering.


templatePath (string)

(Optional) Specifies the path where the registration templates are located.

Note: For more information about the templePath parameter, see Remarks.

enableLogging (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to enable logging.

Return Value

The CreateRegScheme method returns one of the following values:


When you install a SiteMinder Web Agent, the registration templates are installed in the samples/selfreg subdirectory of the Web Agent installation directory by default. During SiteMinder installation, the virtual directory /siteminderagent is created and pointed to the samples directory in the Web Agent installation directory. Therefore, when using the default directory, specify templePath as follows: /siteminderagent/selfreg (without the final slash).

If you are using SSL for registration, you must provide the absolute path for the registration templates. The default paths are as follows:

CreateSAMLAffiliation Method—Creates SAML 2.0 Affiliation Object

The CreateSAMLAffiliation method creates a SAML 2.0 affiliation object. A SAML 2.0 affiliation is a set of entities that share a single federated namespace of unique Name IDs for principals. To modify the properties of an existing SAML affiliation, call the method PolicyMgtSAMLAffiliation‑>Property.


The CreateSAMLAffiliation method has the following format:



The CreateSAMLAffiliation method accepts the following parameter:

propsHash_ref (hash)

Specifies a reference to a hashtable of metadata properties for the SAML 2.0 affiliation.

Example: \%myhash

Return Value

The CreateSAMLAffiliation method returns one of the following values:


The SAML 2.0 affiliation properties are grouped as follows:

General Properties







Name ID Properties






User Properties







For more information, see the SAML 2.0 Property Reference in this guide.

CreateSAMLAuthScheme Method—Creates SAML Authentication Scheme Object

The CreateSAMLAuthScheme method creates a SAML 2.0 authentication scheme object with its properties set to specified values. There are two types of properties associated with the object: authentication scheme properties and metadata properties.

Authentication Scheme Properties

The authentication scheme properties are based on the SAML 2.0 template and have the following initial values:

Note: You can modify the default protection level by calling the CreateSAMLAuthScheme method with the optional protLevel parameter set to a new value.

Metadata Properties

The metadata properties are the properties of the Identity Provider associated with the SAML 2.0 authentication scheme and are stored with the authentication scheme. To specify them, pass the reference to the hashtable of metadata properties to the CreateSAMLAuthScheme method in the propsHash_ref parameter. To update the metadata properties of an existing SAML 2.0 authentication scheme, call the method PolicyMgtSession‑>SAMLAuthSchemeProperties.


The CreateSAMLAuthScheme method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateSAMLAuthScheme(schemeName, propsHash_ref[, schemeDesc][, protLevel])


The CreateSAMLAuthScheme method accepts the following parameters:

schemeName (string)

Specifies the name of the authentication scheme.

propsHash_ref (hash)

Specifies a reference to a hashtable of metadata properties to associate with the SAML 2.0 authentication scheme.

Example: \%myhash

Note: For a complete list of metadata properties, see Remarks.

schemeDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description of the authentication scheme.

protLevel (int)

(Optional) Specifies the protection level of the authentication scheme.

Return Value

The CreateSAMLAuthScheme method returns one of the following values:


The metadata properties associated with the SAML 2.0 authentication scheme are listed following.

General Properties



Scheme Setup Properties









User Properties








SSO Properties















SLO Properties






Encryption Properties



Attribute Properties





NameID Properties







Advanced Properties









CreateSingleCertMap Method—Creates Single-Attribute Certificate Map

The CreateSingleCertMap method creates a certificate map between a single attribute in the certificate's Subject DN and the corresponding user attribute in the user directory. For authentication to succeed, the attribute's value in the Subject DN must match the value of the corresponding user attribute in the user directory.


The CreateSingleCertMap Method method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateSingleCertMap(IssuerDN, Attribute[, DirectoryType])


The CreateSingleCertMap Method method accepts the following parameters:

IssuerDN (string)

Specifies the distinguished name of the certificate issuer.

Attribute (string)

Specifies the name of the attribute whose values in the certificate's Subject DN and in the user directory must match.

Syntax: %{attribute_name}

Example: %{uid}

DirectoryType (int)

(Optional) Specifies the type of the user directory specified for authentication.

Return Value

The CreateSingleCertMap Method method returns one of the following values:


When a certificate map is created, the following flags are set to false, the default value:

For information on changing the value of these flags, see the method PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateExactCertMap.

CreateTrustedHost Method—Creates Trusted Host Object

The CreateSAMLAuthScheme method creates a trusted host object in the policy store, registers the trusted host with the Policy Server, and if registration is successful, creates the local registration file. Use this method when the Policy Server is connected to the agent host. When there is no connection between the Policy Server and the agent host, call the method PolicyMgtSession‑>AddTrustedHost instead.


The CreateTrustedHost method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateTrustedHost(trustedHostName [,ipAddress][, adminName][, adminPassword][, hostConfigName][, registrationDataFileName])


The CreateTrustedHost method accepts the following parameters:

trustedHostName (string)

Specifies the name of the trusted host.

ipAddress (string)

(Optional) Specifies the IP address of the Policy Server.

adminName (string)

(Optional) Specifies the name of a Policy Server administrator.

adminPassword (string)

(Optional) Specifies the administrator's password.

hostConfigName (string)

(Optional) Specifies the name of the host configuration object.

registrationDataFileName (string)

(Optional) Specifies the name of the file where registration data is written when the host is successfully registered with the Policy Server.

Note: This filename is specified by calling the Agent API method Connect. The file is stored and managed by SiteMinder.

Return Value

The CreateTrustedHost method returns one of the following values:

CreateUserDir Method—Creates User Directory Object

The CreateUserDir method creates and configures a user directory object.


The CreateUserDir method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateUserDir(dirName, namespace, server[, ODBCQueryScheme][, domDesc][, searchRoot][, usrLookStart][, usrLookEnd][, username][, password][, searchResults][, searchScope][, searchTimeout][, secureConn][, requireCreds][, disabledAttr][, UIDAttr][, anonID][, pwdData][, pwdAttr][, emailAttr][, chalRespAttr])


The CreateUserDir method accepts the following parameters:

dirName (string)

Specifies the user directory object's name.

namespace (string)

Specifies the user directory's namespace:

Specifies one of the following directory-dependent values:


Specifies the IP address and port number of the LDAP server.

Syntax: IP_address:port_number

Note: The default port number is 389.


Specifies the data source name.


Specifies the domain name.


Specifies the name of the library that corresponds to the custom directory.

ODBCQueryScheme (PolicyMgtODBCQueryScheme object)

(Optional) Specifies a set of queries that SiteMinder uses to query the ODBC directory.

Note: If the user directory is not an ODBC directory, this parameter's value is undef.

domDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description of the user directory.

searchRoot (string)

(Optional) Specifies one of the following directory-dependent values:


Specifies the location in the LDAP tree that is the starting point for the directory connection, for example, the organization (o) or organizational unit (ou). This location, called the search root, is the point where the Policy Server starts the search for a user.

Note: For more information about this parameter, see the parameter searchScope.


Specifies a string of parameters to pass to the custom library.

usrLookStart (string)

(Optional) Specifies the start value for a user DN lookup in an LDAP directory.

usrLookEnd (string)

(Optional) Specifies the end value for a user DN lookup in an LDAP directory.

Note: Specifying values for the user DN lookup starting point and endpoint allows users to enter part of the DN string when authenticating. In the following example, the user only needs to specify the string "JSmith" and not the whole DN string when logging in:

Return Value

The CreateUserDir method returns one of the following values:

CreateWSFEDAuthScheme Method—Creates WS-Federation Authentication Scheme

The CreateWSFEDAuthScheme method creates an instance of a WS-Federation authentication scheme and sets the authentication scheme's properties.


The CreateWSFEDAuthScheme method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateWSFEDAuthScheme(name, propsHash[, desc][, level])


The CreateWSFEDAuthScheme method accepts the following parameters:

name (string)

Specifies the name of the WS-Federation authentication scheme.

propsHash (hashtable)

Specifies a reference to the hashtable of WS-Federation authentication scheme properties to set.

Note: For a complete list of WS-Federation authentication scheme properties, see Remarks.

desc (string)

(Optional) Specifies a description of the authentication scheme.

level (int)

(Optional) Specifies the authentication scheme level.

Return Value

The CreateWSFEDAuthScheme method returns one of the following values:


The WS-Federation authentication scheme properties are grouped in the FSS Administrative UI as follows:

General Properties



Scheme Setup Tab






Additional Configuration, Users Tab







Additional Configuration, SSO Tab





Additional Configuration, Signout Tab



Additional Configuration, Advanced Tab









DeleteAdmin Method—Deletes Administrator

The DeleteAdmin method deletes an administrator from the policy store.


The DeleteAdmin method has the following format:



The DeleteAdmin method accepts the following parameter:

admin (PolicyMgtAdmin object)

Specifies the administrator object to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteAdmin method returns one of the following values:


To remove an administrator from a particular domain, see the method PolicyMgtAffDomain‑>RemoveAdmin.

DeleteAffDomain Method—Deletes Affiliate Domain

The DeleteAffDomain method deletes an affiliate domain.


The DeleteAffDomain method has the following format:



The DeleteAffDomain method accepts the following parameter:

affDomain (PolicyMgtAffDomain object)

Specifies the affiliate domain object to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteAffDomain method returns one of the following values:

DeleteAgent Method—Deletes Agent

The DeleteAgent method deletes an agent.


The DeleteAgent method has the following format:



The DeleteAgent method accepts the following parameter:

agent (PolicyMgtAgent object)

Specifies the agent object to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteAgent method returns one of the following values:

DeleteAgentConfig Method—Deletes Agent Configuration Object

The DeleteAgentConfig method deletes an agent configuration object.


The DeleteAgentConfig method has the following format:



The DeleteAgentConfig method accepts the following parameter:

AgentConfig (PolicyMgtAgentConfig object)

Specifies the agent configuration object to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteAgentConfig method returns one of the following values:

DeleteAuthAzMap Method—Deletes Authentication and Authorization Map

The DeleteAuthAzMap method deletes an authentication and authorization map.


The DeleteAuthAzMap method has the following format:



The DeleteAuthAzMap method accepts the following parameter:

map (PolicyMgtAuthAzMap object)

Specifies the authentication and authorization map object to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteAuthAzMap method returns one of the following values:

DeleteAuthScheme Method—Deletes Authentication Scheme

The DeleteAuthScheme method deletes an authentication scheme.


The DeleteAuthScheme method has the following format:



The DeleteAuthScheme method accepts the following parameter:

authScheme (PolicyMgtAuthScheme object)

Specifies the authentication scheme object to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteAuthScheme method returns one of the following values:

DeleteCertMap Method—Deletes Certificate Map

The DeleteCertMap method deletes a certificate map.


The DeleteCertMap method has the following format:



The DeleteCertMap method accepts the following parameter:

map (PolicyMgtCertMap object)

Specifies the certificate map object to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteCertMap method returns one of the following values:

DeleteDomain Method—Deletes Policy Domain

The DeleteDomain method deletes a policy domain.


The DeleteDomain method has the following format:



The DeleteDomain method accepts the following parameter:

domain (PolicyMgtDomain object)

Specifies the domain object to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteDomain method returns one of the following values:

DeleteGlobalPolicy Method—Deletes Global Policy

The DeleteGlobalPolicy method deletes a global policy.


The DeleteGlobalPolicy method has the following format:



The DeleteGlobalPolicy method accepts the following parameter:

policy (PolicyMgtPolicy object)

Specifies the global policy object to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteGlobalPolicy method returns one of the following values:

DeleteGlobalResponse Method—Deletes Global Response

The DeleteGlobalResponse method deletes a global response.


The DeleteGlobalResponse method has the following format:



The DeleteGlobalResponse method accepts the following parameter:

response (PolicyMgtResponse object)

Specifies the global response object to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteGlobalResponse method returns one of the following values:

DeleteGlobalRule Method—Deletes Global Rule

The DeleteGlobalRule method deletes a global rule.


The DeleteGlobalRule method has the following format:



The DeleteGlobalRule method accepts the following parameter:

rule (PolicyMgtRule object)

Specifies the global rule object to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteGlobalRule method returns one of the following values:

DeleteGroup Method—Deletes Agent Group

The DeleteGroup method deletes an agent group.


The DeleteGroup method has the following format:



The DeleteGroup method accepts the following parameter:

group (PolicyMgtGroup object)

Specifies the agent group object to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteGroup method returns one of the following values:

DeleteHostConfig Method—Deletes Host Configuration Object

The DeleteHostConfig method deletes a host configuration object.


The DeleteHostConfig method has the following format:



The DeleteHostConfig method accepts the following parameter:

HostConfig (PolicyMgtHostConfig object)

Specifies the host configuration object to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteHostConfig method returns one of the following values:

DeleteODBCQueryScheme Method—Deletes ODBC Query Scheme

The DeleteODBCQueryScheme method deletes an ODBC query scheme.


The DeleteODBCQueryScheme method has the following format:



The DeleteODBCQueryScheme method accepts the following parameter:

scheme (PolicyMgtODBCQueryScheme object)

Specifies the ODBC query scheme object to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteODBCQueryScheme method returns one of the following values:

DeletePwdPolicy Method—Deletes Password Policy

The DeletePwdPolicy method deletes a password policy.


The DeletePwdPolicy method has the following format:



The DeletePwdPolicy method accepts the following parameter:

pwdPolicy (PolicyMgtPwdPolicy object)

Specifies the password policy object to delete.

Return Value

The DeletePwdPolicy method returns one of the following values:

DeleteRegScheme Method—Deletes Registration Scheme

The DeleteRegScheme method deletes a registration scheme.


The DeleteRegScheme method has the following format:



The DeleteRegScheme method accepts the following parameter:

regScheme (PolicyMgtRegScheme object)

Specifies the registration scheme object to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteRegScheme method returns one of the following values:

DeleteSAMLAffiliation Method—Deletes SAML Affiliation

The DeleteSAMLAffiliation method deletes a SAML 2.0 affiliation object.


The DeleteSAMLAffiliation method has the following format:



The DeleteSAMLAffiliation method accepts the following parameter:

SAMLAffil (PolicyMgtSAMLAffiliation object)

Specifies the SAML 2.0 affiliation object to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteSAMLAffiliation method returns one of the following values:

DeleteTrustedHost Method—Deletes Trusted Host

The DeleteTrustedHost method deletes a trusted host.


The DeleteTrustedHost method has the following format:



The DeleteTrustedHost method accepts the following parameter:

TrustedHost (PolicyMgtTrustedHost object)

Specifies the trusted host object to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteTrustedHost method returns one of the following values:

DeleteUserDir Method—Deletes User Directory

The DeleteUserDir method


The DeleteUserDir method has the following format:



The DeleteUserDir method accepts the following parameter:

userdir (PolicyMgtUserDir object)

Specifies the user directory object to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteUserDir method returns one of the following values:

GetAdmin Method—Retrieves Administrator

The GetAdmin method retrieves the specified administrator.


The GetAdmin method has the following format:



The GetAdmin method accepts the following parameter:

adminName (string)

Specifies the name of the administrator to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetAdmin method returns one of the following values:

GetAffDomain Method—Retrieves Affiliate Domain

The GetAffDomain method retrieves the specified affiliate domain.


The GetAffDomain method has the following format:



The GetAffDomain method accepts the following parameter:

domName (string)

Specifies the name of the affiliate domain to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetAffDomain method returns one of the following values:

GetAgent Method—Retrieves Agent

The GetAgent method retrieves the specified agent.


The GetAgent method has the following format:



The GetAgent method accepts the following parameter:

agentName (string)

Specifies the name of the agent to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetAgent method returns one of the following values:

GetAgentConfig Method—Retrieves Agent Configuration Object

The GetAgentConfig method retrieves the specified agent configuration object.


The GetAgentConfig method has the following format:



The GetAgentConfig method accepts the following parameter:

acName (string)

Specifies the name of the agent configuration object to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetAgentConfig method returns one of the following values:

GetAgentGroup Method—Retrieves Agent Group

The GetAgentGroup method retrieves the specified agent group.


The GetAgentGroup method has the following format:



The GetAgentGroup method accepts the following parameter:

agentGroup (string)

Specifies the name of the agent group to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetAgentGroup method returns one of the following values:

GetAgentType Method—Retrieves Agent Type

The GetAgentType method retrieves the specified agent type.


The GetAgentType method has the following format:



The GetAgentType method accepts the following parameter:

agentTypeName (string)

Specifies one of the following pre-defined agent types to retrieve:

Return Value

The GetAgentType method returns one of the following values:

GetAllAdmins Method—Retrieves List of All Administrators

The GetAllAdmins method retrieves a list of all administrators configured on the Policy Server.


The GetAllAdmins method has the following format:



The GetAllAdmins method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllAdmins method returns one of the following values:

GetAllAffDomains Method—Retrieves List of All Affiliate Domains

The GetAllAffDomains method retrieves a list of all configured affiliate domains.


The GetAllAffDomains method has the following format:



The GetAllAffDomains method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllAffDomains method returns one of the following values:

GetAllAgentConfigs Method—Retrieves List of All Agent Configuration Objects

The GetAllAgentConfigs method retrieves a list of all agent configuration objects.


The GetAllAgentConfigs method has the following format:



The GetAllAgentConfigs method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllAgentConfigs method returns one of the following values:

GetAllAgentGroups Method—Retrieves List of All Agent Group Objects

The GetAllAgentGroups method retrieves a list of all agent group objects.


The GetAllAgentGroups method has the following format:



The GetAllAgentGroups method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllAgentGroups method returns one of the following values:

GetAllAgents Method—Retrieves List of All Agents

The GetAllAgents method retrieves a list of all agents configured on the Policy Server.


The GetAllAgents method has the following format:



The GetAllAgents method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllAgents method returns one of the following values:

GetAllAuthAzMaps Method—Retrieves List of All AuthAz Maps

The GetAllAuthAzMaps method retrieves a list of all authentication and authorization maps.


The GetAllAuthAzMaps method has the following format:



The GetAllAuthAzMaps method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllAuthAzMaps method returns one of the following values:

GetAllAuthSchemes Method—Retrieves List of Authentication Schemes

The GetAllAuthSchemes method retrieves a list of all authentication schemes on the Policy Server.


The GetAllAuthSchemes method has the following format:



The GetAllAuthSchemes method accepts the following parameter:

showTemplates (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to include template schemes in the list of authentication schemes.

Return Value

The GetAllAuthSchemes method returns one of the following values:

GetAllCertMaps Method—Retrieves List of Certificate Mapping Objects

The GetAllCertMaps method retrieves a list of all certificate mapping objects.


The GetAllCertMaps method has the following format:



The GetAllCertMaps method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllCertMaps method returns one of the following values:

GetAllDomains Method—Retrieves List of All Domains

The GetAllDomains method retrieves a list of all domains configured on the Policy Server.


The GetAllDomains method has the following format:



The GetAllDomains method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllDomains method returns one of the following values:

GetAllGlobalPolicies Method—Retrieves List of Global Policy Objects

The GetAllGlobalPolicies method retrieves a list of all global policy objects.


The GetAllGlobalPolicies method has the following format:



The GetAllGlobalPolicies method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllGlobalPolicies method returns one of the following values:

GetAllGlobalResponses Method—Retrieves List of All Global Response Objects

The GetAllGlobalResponses method retrieves a list of all global response objects.


The GetAllGlobalResponses method has the following format:



The GetAllGlobalResponses method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllGlobalResponses method returns one of the following values:

GetAllGlobalRules Method—Retrieves List of All Global Rule Objects

The GetAllGlobalRules method retrieves a list of all global rule objects.


The GetAllGlobalRules method has the following format:



The GetAllGlobalRules method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllGlobalRules method returns one of the following values:

GetAllHostConfigs Method—Retrieves List of All Host Configuration Objects

The GetAllHostConfigs method retrieves a list of all host configuration objects.


The GetAllHostConfigs method has the following format:



The GetAllHostConfigs method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllHostConfigs method returns one of the following values:

GetAllODBCQuerySchemes Method—Retrieves List of All ODBC Query Schemes

The GetAllODBCQuerySchemes method retrieves a list of all ODBC query schemes on the Policy Server.


The GetAllODBCQuerySchemes method has the following format:



The GetAllODBCQuerySchemes method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllODBCQuerySchemes method returns one of the following values:

GetAllPwdPolicies Method—Retrieves List of All Password Policies

The GetAllPwdPolicies method retrieves a list of all configured password policies.


The GetAllPwdPolicies method has the following format:



The GetAllPwdPolicies method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllPwdPolicies method returns one of the following values:

GetAllRegSchemes Method—Retrieves List of All Registration Schemes

The GetAllRegSchemes method retrieves a list of all registration schemes configured on the Policy Server.


The GetAllRegSchemes method has the following format:



The GetAllRegSchemes method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllRegSchemes method returns one of the following values:

GetAllSAMLAffiliations Method—Retrieves List of All SAML 2.0 Affiliations

The GetAllSAMLAffiliations method retrieves a list of all SAML 2.0 affiliations.


The GetAllSAMLAffiliations method has the following format:



The GetAllSAMLAffiliations method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllSAMLAffiliations method returns one of the following values:

GetAllSAMLSchemeAttributes Method—Retrieves List of All Requester Attributes

The GetAllSAMLSchemeAttributes method retrieves a list of all defined SAML 2.0 Requester attributes.


The GetAllSAMLSchemeAttributes method has the following format:



The GetAllSAMLSchemeAttributes method accepts the following parameter:

scheme (PolicyMgtAuthScheme object)

Specifies the SAML 2.0 authentication scheme object.

Return Value

The GetAllSAMLSchemeAttributes method returns one of the following values:

GetAllTrustedHosts Method—Retrieves List of All Trusted Host Objects

The GetAllTrustedHosts method retrieves a list of all trusted host objects.


The GetAllTrustedHosts method has the following format:



The GetAllTrustedHosts method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllTrustedHosts method returns one of the following values:

GetAllUserDirs Method—Retrieves List of All User Directories

The GetAllUserDirs method retrieves a list of all user directories associated with the Policy Server.


The GetAllUserDirs method has the following format:



The GetAllUserDirs method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllUserDirs method returns one of the following values:

GetAllVariableTypes Method—Retrieves List of All Variable Type Objects

The GetAllVariableTypes method retrieves a list of all variable type objects configured on the Policy Server.


The GetAllVariableTypes method has the following format:



The GetAllVariableTypes method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllVariableTypes method returns one of the following values:

GetAuthScheme Method—Retrieves Authentication Scheme Object

The GetAuthScheme method retrieves the specified authentication scheme object. Existing authentication schemes are specified by name. To create a new authentication scheme, use this method to retrieve the type of authentication scheme object or template upon which you want the new scheme to be based. Then, pass the resulting object to the PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateAuthScheme method in the schemeTemplate parameter. For information about creating a SAML 2.0 authentication scheme, see the method PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateSAMLAuthScheme.


The GetAuthScheme method has the following format:



The GetAuthScheme method accepts the following parameter:

schemeName (string)

Specifies one of the following:

Return Value

The GetAuthScheme method returns one of the following values:

GetCertMap Method—Retrieves Certificate Mapping Object

The GetCertMap method retrieves the certificate mapping object specified by the certificate issuer's DN.


The GetCertMap method has the following format:



The GetCertMap method accepts the following parameter:

issuerDN (string)

Specifies the certificate issuer's DN.

Return Value

The GetCertMap method returns one of the following values:

GetDomain Method—Retrieves Domain Object

The GetDomain method retrieves the specified policy domain object.


The GetDomain method has the following format:



The GetDomain method accepts the following parameter:

domName (string)

Specifies the name of the domain to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetDomain method returns one of the following values:

GetGlobalPolicy Method—Retrieves Global Policy Object

The GetGlobalPolicy method retrieves the specified global policy object.


The GetGlobalPolicy method has the following format:



The GetGlobalPolicy method accepts the following parameter:

policyName (string)

Specifies the name of the global policy to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetGlobalPolicy method returns one of the following values:

GetGlobalResponse Method—Retrieves Global Response Object

The GetGlobalResponse method retrieves the specified global response object.


The GetGlobalResponse method has the following format:



The GetGlobalResponse method accepts the following parameter:

responseName (string)

Specifies the name of the global response to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetGlobalResponse method returns one of the following values:

GetGlobalRule Method—Retrieves Global Rule Object

The GetGlobalRule method retrieves the specified global rule object.


The GetGlobalRule method has the following format:



The GetGlobalRule method accepts the following parameter:

ruleName (string)

Specifies the name of the global rule to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetGlobalRule method returns one of the following values:

GetHostConfig Method—Retrieves Host Configuration Object

The GetHostConfig method retrieves the specified host configuration object.


The GetHostConfig method has the following format:



The GetHostConfig method accepts the following parameter:

hcName (string)

Specifies the name of the host configuration object to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetHostConfig method returns one of the following values:

GetODBCQueryScheme Method—Retrieves ODBC Query Scheme Object

The GetODBCQueryScheme method retrieves the specified ODBC query scheme object.


The GetODBCQueryScheme method has the following format:



The GetODBCQueryScheme method accepts the following parameter:

schemeName (string)

Specifies the ODBC query scheme to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetODBCQueryScheme method returns one of the following values:

GetPwdPolicy Method—Retrieves Password Policy Object

The GetPwdPolicy method retrieves the specified password policy object.


The GetPwdPolicy method has the following format:



The GetPwdPolicy method accepts the following parameter:

pwdPolicyName (string)

Specifies the name of the password policy to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetPwdPolicy method returns one of the following values:

GetRegScheme Method—Retrieves Registration Scheme Object

The GetRegScheme method retrieves the specified registration scheme object.


The GetRegScheme method has the following format:



The GetRegScheme method accepts the following parameter:

schemeName (string)

Specifies the name of the registration scheme to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetRegScheme method returns one of the following values:

GetSAMLAffiliation Method—Retrieves SAML 2.0 Affiliation Object

The GetSAMLAffiliation method retrieves the specified SAML 2.0 affiliation object.


The GetSAMLAffiliation method has the following format:



The GetSAMLAffiliation method accepts the following parameter:

affilName (string)

Specifies the name or OID of the SAML affiliation to retrieve.

Note: When an OID is specified, it can be prefixed with the "@" character.

Return Value

The GetSAMLAffiliation method returns one of the following values:

GetSAMLAffiliationById Method—Retrieves SAML 2.0 Affiliation Object by ID

The GetSAMLAffiliationById method retrieves the SAML 2.0 affiliation object specified by the affiliation ID passed to the method.


The GetSAMLAffiliationById method has the following format:



The GetSAMLAffiliationById method accepts the following parameter:

affilID (string)

Specifies the affiliation ID of the SAML affiliation to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetSAMLAffiliationById method returns one of the following values:

GetSharedSecretPolicy Method—Retrieves Shared Secret Policy Object

The GetSharedSecretPolicy method retrieves the specified shared secret rollover policy object. Because each policy store domain can have only one shared secret rollover policy, there is no need to pass the name of the policy to this method.


The GetSharedSecretPolicy method has the following format:



The GetSharedSecretPolicy method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetSharedSecretPolicy method returns the following value:

GetTrustedHost Method—Retrieves Trusted Host Object

The GetTrustedHost method retrieves the specified trusted host object.


The GetTrustedHost method has the following format:



The GetTrustedHost method accepts the following parameter:

thName (string)

Specifies the name of the trusted host to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetTrustedHost method returns one of the following values:

GetUserDir Method—Retrieves User Directory Object

The GetUserDir method retrieves the specified user directory object.


The GetUserDir method has the following format:



The GetUserDir method accepts the following parameter:

dirName (string)

Specifies the name of the user directory to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetUserDir method returns one of the following values:

GetVariableType Method—Retrieves Variable Type Object

The GetVariableType method retrieves the specified variable type object. To create a new variable object of the specified type, pass the resulting variable type object to the CreateVariable method in the varType parameter.


The GetVariableType method has the following format:



The GetVariableType method accepts the following parameter:

varTypeName (string)

Specifies one of the following variable type names:

SiteMinder Variable Types






TransactionMinder Variable Types






Note: Variable type names are case-sensitive and must not contain spaces.

Return Value

The GetVariableType method returns one of the following values:


You cannot create a TransactionMinder variable with the Command Line Interface. If you have TransactionMinder and the Option Pack installed, you can create TransactionMinder variables in the Administrative UI.

RemoveAttributeFromSAMLScheme Method—Removes Attribute from SAML Scheme

The RemoveAttributeFromSAMLScheme method removes an attribute from a SAML 2.0 authentication scheme.


The RemoveAttributeFromSAMLScheme method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>RemoveAttributeFromSAMLScheme(scheme, pSAMLRequesterAttr)


The RemoveAttributeFromSAMLScheme method accepts the following parameters:

scheme (PolicyMgtAuthScheme object)

Specifies the SAML 2.0 authentication scheme from which to remove the attribute.

pSAMLRequesterAttribute (string)

Specifies the attribute to remove.

Return Value

The RemoveAttributeFromSAMLScheme method returns one of the following values:

SAMLAuthSchemeProperties Method—Sets or Retrieves SAML Metadata Properties

The SAMLAuthSchemeProperties method sets or retrieves the SAML 2.0 metadata properties that reside in an existing SAML 2.0 authentication scheme. For a complete list of SAML 2.0 metadata properties, see the method PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateSAMLAuthScheme.


The SAMLAuthSchemeProperties method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>SAMLAuthSchemeProperties(scheme, propsHash_ref)


The SAMLAuthSchemeProperties method accepts the following parameters:

scheme (PolicyMgtAuthScheme object)

Specifies the authentication scheme whose metadata properties are set or retrieved.

propsHash_ref (hash)

Specifies a reference to a hashtable of metadata properties to set or retrieve.

Return Value

The SAMLAuthSchemeProperties method returns one of the following values:


When the hashtable is empty, the SAMLAuthSchemeProperties method retrieves all metadata properties. You can define an empty hashtable as follows:


Then, you can reference the empty hashtable as follows:


Finally, you can pass the hashtable reference to the SAMLAuthSchemeProperties method through the propsHash_ref parameter.

WSFEDAuthSchemeProperties Method—Sets or Retrieves WS-Federation Properties

The WSFEDAuthSchemeProperties method sets or retrieves the WS-Federation metadata properties in an existing WS-Federation authentication scheme. For a complete list of WS-Federation metadata properties, see the method PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateWSFEDAuthScheme.


The WSFEDAuthSchemeProperties method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>WSFEDAuthSchemeProperties(scheme, propsHash_ref)


The WSFEDAuthSchemeProperties method accepts the following parameters:

scheme (PolicyMgtAuthScheme object)

Specifies the authentication scheme whose WS-Federation metadata properties are set or retrieved.

propsHash_ref (hash)

Specifies a reference to a hashtable of metadata properties to set or retrieve.

Return Value

The WSFEDAuthSchemeProperties method returns one of the following values:


When the hashtable is empty, the WSFEDAuthSchemeProperties method retrieves all metadata properties. You can define an empty hashtable as follows:


Then, you can reference the empty hashtable as follows:


Finally, you can pass the hashtable reference to the WSFEDAuthSchemeProperties method through the propsHash_ref parameter.

Shared Secret Rollover Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtSharedSecretPolicy objects:

Enabled Method—Sets or Retrieves Rollover Enabled Flag for Policy

The Enabled method sets or retrieves the flag that specifies whether the shared secret rollover policy is enabled.


The Enabled method has the following format:



The Enabled method accepts the following parameter:

enableFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the enabled flag.

Return Value

The Enabled method returns the new or existing value for the enabled flag:


If the shared secret rollover policy is enabled, rollover must also be enabled for any trusted host whose shared secret needs to be synchronized with the rollover policy's shared secret. To enable rollover for a trusted host object, call the method PolicyMgtTrustedHost‑>RolloverEnabled.

RolloverFrequency Method—Sets or Retrieves Rollover Frequency for Policy

The RolloverFrequency method sets or retrieves the rollover frequency for the rollover policy. This value determines how often the shared secret is automatically updated in the time period specified by the method PolicyMgtSharedSecretPolicy‑>RolloverPeriod.


The RolloverFrequency method has the following format:



The RolloverFrequency method accepts the following parameter:

rollFreq (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the rollover frequency.

Range: rollFreq >= 1

Return Value

The RolloverFrequency method returns the following value:

RolloverPeriod Method—Sets or Retrieves Rollover Period for Policy

The RolloverPeriod method sets or retrieves the rollover period for the rollover policy. The rollover period can have one of four values: hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly. The rollover period is used with the rollover frequency to specify how often the shared secret is automatically changed. For example, if the rollover frequency is two and the rollover period is weekly, then the shared secret is automatically changed every two weeks. To set the rollover frequency, call the PolicyMgtSharedSecretPolicy‑>RolloverFrequency method.


The RolloverPeriod method has the following format:



The RolloverPeriod method accepts the following parameter:

rollPeriod (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the rollover period.

Return Value

The RolloverPeriod method returns one of the following values:

Save Method—Saves Shared Secret Policy Object

The Save method saves the shared secret policy object to the policy store. Call this method once after making all changes to the shared secret policy object. You must call this method for the changes to take effect.


The Save method has the following format:



The Save method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The Save method returns one of the following values:

Trusted Host Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtTrustedHost objects:

GetDescription Method—Retrieves Description of Trusted Host

The GetDescription method retrieves the description of the trusted host.


The GetDescription method has the following format:



The GetDescription method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetDescription method returns the following value:

GetIPAddress Method—Retrieves IP Address of Trusted Host

The GetIPAddress method retrieves the IP address of the trusted host.


The GetIPAddress method has the following format:



The GetIPAddress method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetIPAddress method returns the following value:

GetName Method—Retrieves Name of Trusted Host

The GetName method retrieves the name of the trusted host.


The GetName method has the following format:



The GetName method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetName method returns the following value:

GetSecret Method—Retrieves Shared Secret of Trusted Host

The GetSecret method retrieves the shared secret of the trusted host in clear text.


The GetSecret method has the following format:



The GetSecret method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetSecret method returns one of the following values:

RolloverEnabled Method—Sets or Retrieves Shared Secret Rollover Flag

The RolloverEnabled method sets or retrieves the shared secret rollover flag that specifies whether shared secret rollover is enabled for this trusted host.


The RolloverEnabled method has the following format:



The RolloverEnabled method accepts the following parameter:

rolloverEnabled (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the shared secret rollover flag.

Return Value

The RolloverEnabled method returns the new or existing value for the shared secret rollover flag:


If shared secret rollover is enabled for this trusted host, it must also be enabled in the PolicyMgtSharedSecretPolicy object in the policy store domain where the trusted host is registered. If shared secret rollover is not enabled in this object, call the method PolicyMgtSharedSecretPolicy‑>Enabled to enable it.

SetSecret Method—Sets Shared Secret of Trusted Host

The SetSecret method sets the shared secret of the trusted host.


The SetSecret method has the following format:



The SetSecret method accepts the following parameter:

sharedSecret (string)

(Optional) Specifies the shared secret to set for the trusted host.

Note: If no shared secret is specified, SiteMinder generates a random 128-byte ASCII shared secret for the trusted host.

Return Value

The SetSecret method returns one of the following values:


When you use this method to set the shared secret, you must also run the SiteMinder tool smreghost to define the new shared secret in the host configuration file. (The host configuration file is named SmHost.conf by default.) Run smreghost with the -sh option. For more information, see the method PolicyMgtSession‑>AddTrustedHost.

Note: You can schedule shared secret rollovers, so that they happen automatically. For more information about this feature, see the Policy Server Configuration Guide.

User Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtUser objects:

DisableByAdmin Method—Sets or Retrieves Disabled-by-Administrator Flag

The DisableByAdmin method sets or retrieves the disabled-by-administrator flag which specifies whether the user account is disabled by the administrator.


The DisableByAdmin method has the following format:



The DisableByAdmin method accepts the following parameter:

disableFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the disabled-by-administrator flag.

Return Value

The DisableByAdmin method returns the new or existing value for the disabled-by-administrator flag:


User accounts can be disabled for one or more of the following reasons:

DisableInactive Method—Sets or Retrieves Disabled-by-Inactivity Flag

The DisableInactive method sets or retrieves the disabled-by-inactivity flag which specifies whether the user account is disabled because account inactivity exceeded the time allowed.


The DisableInactive method has the following format:



The DisableInactive method accepts the following parameter:

disableFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the disabled-by-inactivity flag.

Specifies that the user account is disabled because of inactivity.

Specifies that the user account is not disabled because of inactivity.

Note: The user account can be disabled for other reasons. For more information, see Remarks.

Return Value

The DisableInactive method returns the new or existing value for the disabled-by-inactivity flag:


User accounts can be disabled for one or more of the following reasons:

DisableMaxLoginFail Method—Sets or Retrieves Disabled-by-Max-Login-Failure Flag

The DisableMaxLoginFail method sets or retrieves the disabled-by-max-login-failure flag which specifies whether the user account is disabled because the number of login failures exceeded the maximum allowed.


The DisableMaxLoginFail method has the following format:



The DisableMaxLoginFail method accepts the following parameter:

disableFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the disabled-by-max-login-failure flag.

Return Value

The DisableMaxLoginFail method returns the new or existing value for the disabled-by-max-login-failure flag:


User accounts can be disabled for one or more of the following reasons:

DisablePwdExpired Method—Sets or Retrieves Disabled-by-Password-Expired Flag

The DisablePwdExpired method sets or retrieves the disabled-by-password-expired flag that specifies whether the user account is disabled because the password expired.


The DisablePwdExpired method has the following format:



The DisablePwdExpired method accepts the following parameter:

disableFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the disabled-by-password-expired flag.

Return Value

The DisablePwdExpired method returns the new or existing value for the disabled-by-password-expired flag:


User accounts can be disabled for one or more of the following reasons:

ForcePwdChange Method—Sets or Retrieves Force-Password-Change Flag

The ForcePwdChange method sets or retrieves the force-password-change flag that specifies whether to force a password change at the next user login.


The ForcePwdChange method has the following format:



The ForcePwdChange method accepts the following parameter:

forceFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to force a password change at the next user login.

Return Value

The ForcePwdChange method returns the new or existing value for the force-password-change flag.

GetClass Method—Retrieves User Class

The GetClass method retrieves the user class.


The GetClass method has the following format:



The GetClass method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetClass method returns one of the following values:

GetPath Method—Retrieves User Path

The GetPath method retrieves the user path. The user path is the distinguished name (DN).


The GetPath method has the following format:



The GetPath method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetPath method returns one of the following values:

SetPassword Method—Sets a New Password

The SetPassword method sets a new password for the user.


The SetPassword method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtUser‑>SetPassword(newPwd[, oldPwd])


The SetPassword method accepts the following parameters:

newPwd (string)

Specifies the new password.

oldPwd (string)

(Optional) Specifies the old password to change.

Note: If provided, this value must match the existing password in the user directory.

Return Value

The SetPassword method returns one of the following values:

UserPasswordState Method—Sets or Retrieves Password State Object

The UserPasswordState method sets or retrieves the password state object for the current user. Setting a new password state object updates the object's attributes with any changes that have been made. This method also clears the password history if specified by the empty-history flag.


The UserPasswordState method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtUser‑>UserPasswordState([pPwState][, emptyHistoryFlag])


The UserPasswordState method accepts the following parameters:

pPwState (PolicyMgtUserPasswordState)

(Optional) Specifies the new password state object to set.

emptyHistoryFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to clear the password history.

Return Value

The UserPasswordState method returns one of the following values:

ValidatePassword Method—Validates Password

The ValidatePassword method determines whether the user's password conforms to the password policy. Call ValidatePassword before calling the method SetPassword.


The ValidatePassword method has the following format:



The ValidatePassword method accepts the following parameters:

password (string)

Specifies the password to validate.

Return Value

The ValidatePassword method returns one of the following values:

User Directory Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtUserDir objects:

AnonymousIDAttr Method—Sets or Retrieves Anonymous DN Name

The AnonymousIDAttr method sets or retrieves the name of the user directory's anonymous user DN attribute. The DN, which is defined in the anonymous authentication scheme, gives anonymous users access to resources protected by the anonymous authentication scheme. You can use the AnonymousIDAttr method with LDAP directories and some custom directories.


The AnonymousIDAttr method has the following format:



The AnonymousIDAttr method accepts the following parameter:

anonIDAttr (string)

(Optional) Specifies a new name for the anonymous user DN attribute.

Return Value

The AnonymousIDAttr method returns one of the following values:

ChalRespAttr Method—Sets or Retrieves Challenge/Response Name

The ChalRespAttr method sets or retrieves the name of the user directory's challenge/response attribute. You can use the ChalRespAttr method with LDAP directories and some custom directories.


The ChalRespAttr method has the following format:



The ChalRespAttr method accepts the following parameter:

chalRespAttr (string)

(Optional) Specifies a new name for the user directory's challenge/response attribute.

Return Value

The ChalRespAttr method returns one of the following values:

Description Method—Sets or Retrieves Description of User Directory

The Description method sets or retrieves the description of the user directory.


The Description method has the following format:



The Description method accepts the following parameter:

userDirDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies a new description for the user directory.

Return Value

The Description method returns one of the following values:

DisabledAttr Method—Sets or Retrieves Name of Disabled Attribute

The DisabledAttr method sets or retrieves the name of the user directory attribute that contains the user's disabled state. This method applies to LDAP and ODBC directories and some custom directories.


The DisabledAttr method has the following format:



The DisabledAttr method accepts the following parameter:

disabledAttr (string)

(Optional) Specifies a new name for the user directory attribute that contains the user's disabled state.

Return Value

The DisabledAttr method returns one of the following values:

EmailAttr Method—Sets or Retrieves Email Attribute Name

The EmailAttr method sets or retrieves the name of the email attribute.

Note: This method is reserved for future use.


The EmailAttr method has the following format:



The EmailAttr method accepts the following parameter:

emailAttr (string)

(Optional) Specifies a new name for the email attribute.

Return Value

The EmailAttr method returns one of the following values:

EnableSecurityContext Method—Sets or Retrieves Security Context Flag

The EnableSecurityContext method sets or retrieves the user directory flag that specifies whether security context is enabled.


The EnableSecurityContext method has the following format:



The EnableSecurityContext method accepts the following parameter:

securityctxflag (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the user directory's security context flag :

Return Value

The EnableSecurityContext method returns the new or existing value for the security context flag:

GetContents Method—Retrieves All Users in User Directory

The GetContents method retrieves all users in the user directory.


The GetContents method has the following format:



The GetContents method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetContents method returns one of the following values:

GetNamespace Method—Retrieves User Directory Namespace

The GetNamespace method retrieves the user directory namespace.


The GetNamespace method has the following format:



The GetNamespace method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetNamespace method returns one of the following values:

IsSecure Method—Sets or Retrieves Secure Authentication Flag

The IsSecure method sets or retrieves the flag that specifies whether SiteMinder performs secure authentication for an LDAP or custom user directory. When this flag is enabled, SiteMinder authentication is secure and transmissions are encrypted. Enable this flag when using SSL.


The IsSecure method has the following format:



The IsSecure method accepts the following parameter:

secureFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether SiteMinder performs secure authentication:

Return Value

The IsSecure method returns the new or existing value for the secure authentication flag:

LookupEntry Method—Retrieves Users that Match Specified Pattern

The LookupEntry method retrieves the user or users in the user directory that match the specified search pattern.


The LookupEntry method has the following format:



The LookupEntry method accepts the following parameter:

srchPattern (string)

Specifies the pattern to match when searching for users in the user directory.

Return Value

The LookupEntry method returns one of the following values:

MaxResults Method—Sets or Retrieves Maximum Search Results

The MaxResults method sets or retrieves the maximum number of search results to return from a search of an LDAP or custom user directory.


The MaxResults method has the following format:



The MaxResults method accepts the following parameter:

nResults (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new number for the maximum results to return from a user directory search.

Return Value

The MaxResults method returns one of the following values:

Name Method—Sets or Retrieves User Directory Name

The Name method sets or retrieves the name of the user directory.


The Name method has the following format:



The Name method accepts the following parameter:

userDirName (string)

(Optional) Specifies a new name for the user directory.

Return Value

The Name method returns one of the following values:

ODBCQueryScheme Method—Sets or Retrieves ODBC Query Scheme

The ODBCQueryScheme method sets or retrieves the ODBC query scheme for the user directory.


The ODBCQueryScheme method has the following format:



The ODBCQueryScheme method accepts the following parameters:

odbcScheme (PolicyMgtODBCQueryScheme)

(Optional) Specifies a new ODBC query scheme for the user directory.

Return Value

The ODBCQueryScheme method returns one of the following values:

Password Method—Sets or Retrieves User Password

The Password method sets or retrieves the user password for access to the user directory.


The Password method has the following format:



The Password method accepts the following parameter:

pwd (string)

(Optional) Specifies a new user password for access to the user directory.

Return Value

The Password method returns one of the following values:

PwdAttr Method—Sets or Retrieves Password Attribute Name

The PwdAttr method sets or retrieves the name of the user directory's password attribute.


The PwdAttr method has the following format:



The PwdAttr method accepts the following parameter:

pwdAttr (string)

(Optional) Specifies a new name for the user directory's password attribute.

Return Value

The PwdAttr method returns one of the following values:

PwdDataAttr Method—Sets or Retrieves Password Data Attribute Name

The PwdDataAttr method sets or retrieves the name of the user directory's password data attribute.


The PwdDataAttr method has the following format:



The PwdDataAttr method accepts the following parameter:

pwdDataAttr (string)

(Optional) Specifies a new name for the user directory's password data attribute.

Return Value

The PwdDataAttr method returns one of the following values:

RequireCredentials Method—Sets or Retrieves Whether Credentials Are Required

The RequireCredentials method sets or retrieves the flag that specifies whether SiteMinder is required to check user credentials.


The RequireCredentials method has the following format:



The RequireCredentials method accepts the following parameter:

credFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether SiteMinder is required to check user credentials:

Return Value

The RequireCredentials method returns the new or existing value for the require credentials flag:

SearchRoot Method—Sets or Retrieves Directory Search Root

The SearchRoot method sets or retrieves different values for different directory types:

LDAP Directories

The SearchRoot method sets or retrieves the location in the LDAP tree that is the starting point for the directory connection, for example, the organization (o) or organizational unit (ou). This location, called the search root, is the point where the Policy Server starts the search for a user.

Custom Directories

The SearchRoot method sets or retrieves a string of parameters to pass to the custom library.


The SearchRoot method has the following format:



The SearchRoot method accepts the following parameter:

srchRoot (string)

Specifies a new search root for an LDAP directory or parameter string for a custom directory.

Return Value

The SearchRoot method returns one of the following values:

SearchScope Method—Sets or Retrieves LDAP Directory Search Scope

The SearchScope method sets or retrieves the search scope for an LDAP user directory. The search scope specifies how many levels SiteMinder searches for users or user groups in the LDAP directory.


The SearchScope method has the following format:



The SearchScope method accepts the following parameter:

searchScope (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new search scope for an LDAP user directory:

Return Value

The SearchScope method returns one of the following new or existing values:

SearchTimeout Method—Sets or Retrieves Maximum Directory Search Time

The SearchTimeout method sets or retrieves the maximum time, in seconds, allowed for searching an LDAP or custom user directory.


The SearchTimeout method has the following format:



The SearchTimeout method accepts the following parameter:

maxTimeout (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new maximum time (in seconds) allowed for searching an LDAP or custom user directory.

Return Value

The SearchTimeout method returns one of the following values:

Server Method—Sets or Retrieves a Directory-Dependent Value

The Server method sets or retrieves a value. The type of value depends on the type of user directory, as follows:

LDAP and AD Directories

The Server method sets or retrieves the LDAP server's IP address and port number.

ODBC Directories

The Server method sets or retrieves the data source name.

WinNT Directories

The Server method sets or retrieves the domain name.

Custom Directories

The Server method sets or retrieves the library name.


The Server method has the following format:



The Server method accepts the following parameter:

server (string)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for one of the following types of directories:

Return Value

The Server method returns one of the following values:

UIDAttr Method—Sets or Retrieves Universal ID Attribute Name

The UIDAttr method sets or retrieves the name of the user directory's universal ID attribute. The universal ID is different from the user's login ID and is used to look up user information. This method applies to LDAP, ODBC, and WinNT directories and to some custom directories.


The UIDAttr method has the following format:



The UIDAttr method accepts the following parameter:

uidAttr (string)

(Optional) Specifies a new name for the universal ID attribute.

Return Value

The UIDAttr method returns one of the following values:

UserLookupEnd Method—Sets or Retrieves User DN Lookup Endpoint

The UserLookupEnd method sets or retrieves the endpoint for a user DN lookup in an LDAP directory.


The UserLookupEnd method has the following format:



The UserLookupEnd method accepts the following parameter:

lookupEnd (string)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the user DN lookup endpoint.

Return Value

The UserLookupEnd method returns one of the following values:


Specifying values for the user DN lookup starting point and endpoint allows users to enter part of the DN string when authenticating. In the following example, the user only needs to specify the string "JSmith" and not the whole DN string when logging in:

UserLookupStart Method—Sets or Retrieves User DN Lookup Starting Point

The UserLookupStart method sets or retrieves the starting point for a user DN lookup in an LDAP directory.


The UserLookupStart method has the following format:



The UserLookupStart method accepts the following parameter:

lookupStart (string)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the user DN lookup starting point.

Return Value

The UserLookupStart method returns one of the following values:


Specifying values for the user DN lookup starting point and endpoint allows users to enter part of the DN string when authenticating. In the following example, the user only needs to specify the string "JSmith" and not the whole DN string when logging in:

Username Method—Sets or Retrieves Username

The Username method sets or retrieves the username required for accessing the user directory. Set the username only if the RequireCredentials method returns the value of 1.


The Username method has the following format:



The Username method accepts the following parameters:

username (string)

(Optional) Specifies a new name for the user.

Return Value

The Username method returns one of the following values:

ValidateEntry Method—Validates User Directory Entry

The ValidateEntry method validates a user directory entry.


The ValidateEntry method has the following format:



The ValidateEntry method accepts the following parameter:

path (string)

Specifies the path of the user or user group to validate.

Return Value

The ValidateEntry method returns one of the following values:

User Password State Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtUserPasswordState objects:

DisabledTime Method—Sets or Retrieves Time Object Was Disabled

The DisabledTime method sets or retrieves the time that the user object was disabled. The time is represented as the number of seconds that have elapsed since a particular instant in time that varies from system to system. One common representation is the number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 1/1/1970 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).


The DisabledTime method has the following format:



The DisabledTime method accepts the following parameter:

time (long)

(Optional) Specifies a new time for when the user object was disabled.

Return Value

The DisabledTime method returns the following value:

LastPWChangeTime Method—Sets or Retrieves Time Password Last Changed

The LastPWChangeTime method sets or retrieves the time that the user's password was last changed. The time is represented as the number of seconds that have elapsed since a particular instant in time that varies from system to system. One common representation is the number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 1/1/1970 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).


The LastPWChangeTime method has the following format:



The LastPWChangeTime method accepts the following parameter:

time (long)

Specifies a new time for when the user's password was last changed.

Return Value

The LastPWChangeTime method returns one of the following values:

LastLoginTime Method—Sets or Retrieves Last Login Time

The LastLoginTime method sets or retrieves the time that the user last logged in successfully. The time is represented as the number of seconds that have elapsed since a particular instant in time that varies from system to system. One common representation is the number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 1/1/1970 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).


The LastLoginTime method has the following format:



The LastLoginTime method accepts the following parameter:

time (long)

(Optional) Specifies a new time for when the user last logged in successfully.

Return Value

The LastLoginTime method returns the following value:

LoginFailures Method—Sets or Retrieves Number of Login Failures

The LoginFailures method sets or retrieves the number of times the user failed to log in since the user's last successful login.


The LoginFailures method has the following format:



The LoginFailures method accepts the following parameter:

count (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the number of login failures.

Return Value

The LoginFailures method returns one of the following values:

Variable Type Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtVariableType objects. PolicyMgtVariableType objects are read-only:

GetName Method—Retrieves Name of Variable Type Object

The GetName method retrieves the name of the variable type object. The variable type object is read-only. See the PolicyMgtSession‑>GetVariableType method for the list of variable type object names that GetName can return.


The GetName method has the following format:



The GetName method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetName method returns one of the following values:

WS-Federation Resource Partner Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtWSFEDResourcePartner objects:

AddAttribute Method—Adds Attribute to Resource Partner

The AddAttribute method adds an attribute to the WS-Federation Resource Partner.


The AddAttribute method has the following format:

Netgerity::PolicyMgtWSFEDResourcePartner‑>AddAttribute(attrNameFormat, value)


The AddAttribute method accepts the following parameters:

attrNameFormat (int)

Specifies one of the following attribute types:

Specifies an attribute value in one of the following formats:

Return Value

The AddAttribute method returns one of the following values:

AddUser Method—Adds User to Resource Partner

The AddUser method adds a user to the WS-Federation Resource Partner.


The AddUser method has the following format:



The AddUser method accepts the following parameter:

user (PolicyMgtUser object)

Specifies the user to add to the Resource Partner.

Return Value

The AddUser method returns one of the following values:

CreateIPConfigHostName Method—Creates Object Based on Specified Host

The CreateIPConfigHostName method creates an IP configuration object for the WS-Federation Resource Partner based on the specified host name. This method creates an IP address restriction for the assertion generation policy. With this address restriction, only assertions generated from the specified host are accepted.


The CreateIPConfigHostName method has the following format:



The CreateIPConfigHostName method accepts the following parameter:

hostName (string)

Specifies the name of the host where assertions must originate.

Return Value

The CreateIPConfigHostName method returns one of the following values:

CreateIPConfigSingleHost Method—Creates Object Based on Single Address

The CreateIPConfigSingleHost method creates an IP configuration object for the WS-Federation Resource Partner based on the specified IP address. This method creates an IP address restriction for the assertion generation policy. With this address restriction, only assertions generated from the specified IP address are accepted.


The method has the following format:



The CreateIPConfigSingleHost method accepts the following parameter:

ipAddr (string)

Specifies the IP address where assertions must originate.

Return Value

The CreateIPConfigSingleHost method returns one of the following values:

CreateIPConfigSubnetMask Method—Creates Object Based on Subnet Address

The CreateIPConfigSubnetMask method creates an IP configuration object for the WS-Federation Resource Partner based on the specified IP address and subnet mask. This method creates an IP address restriction for the assertion generation policy. With this address restriction, only assertions generated from the subnet address are accepted. The subnet address is derived from the specified IP address and subnet mask.


The CreateIPConfigSubnetMask method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtWSFEDResourcePartner‑>CreateIPConfigSubnetMask(ipAddr, subnetMask)


The CreateIPConfigSubnetMask method accepts the following parameters:

ipAddr (string)

Specifies the IP address used to derive the subnet address.

subnetMask (unsigned long)

Specifies the subnet mask used to derive the subnet address.

Note: For more information about the subnet mask, see the method PolicyMgtPolicy‑>CreateIPConfigSubnetMask.

Return Value

The CreateIPConfigSubnetMask method returns one of the following values:

DeleteIPConfig Method—Deletes Specified IP Configuration Object

The DeleteIPConfig method deletes the specified IP configuration object.


The DeleteIPConfig method has the following format:



The DeleteIPConfig method accepts the following parameter:

IPConfig (PolicyMgtIPConfig object)

Specifies the IP configuration object to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteIPConfig method returns one of the following values:

GetAllAttributes Method—Retrieves All Attributes for Resource Partner

The GetAllAttributes method retrieves all attributes defined for the WS-Federation Resource Partner.


The GetAllAttributes method has the following format:



The GetAllAttributes method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllAttributes method returns one of the following values:

GetAllIPConfigs Method—Retrieves All IP Configuration Objects for Service Provider

The GetAllIPConfigs method retrieves all IP configuration objects for the Service Provider.


The GetAllIPConfigs method has the following format:



The GetAllIPConfigs method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllIPConfigs method returns one of the following values:

GetAllUsers Method—Retrieves All Users Associated with Resource Partner

The GetAllUsers method retrieves all users associated with the WS-Federation Resource Partner. If a user directory is specified, this method only returns the users associated with the specified directory.


The GetAllUsers method has the following format:



The GetAllUsers method accepts the following parameter:

userDir (PolicyMgtUserDir object)

(Optional) Specifies only those users associated with the user directory.

Return Value

The GetAllUsers method returns one of the following values:

Property Method—Sets or Retrieves Resource Partner Property

The Property method sets or retrieves the value of the specified WS-Federation Resource Partner property. For a list of metadata properties, see the WS-Federation Property Reference in this guide.

Note: After modifying one or more properties, call Save to write the changes to the policy store.


The Property method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtWSFEDResourcePartner‑>Property(name, [newvalue])


The Property method accepts the following parameters:

name (string)

Specifies the property to set or retrieve.

newvalue (string)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the Resource Partner property.

Return Value

The Property method returns one of the following values:

RemoveAtrribute Method--Removes an Attribute from a WSFED Resource Partner

The RemoveAttribute method removes an attribute from the WS-Federation Resource Partner.


The RemoveAttribute method has the following format:



The RemoveAttribute method accepts the following parameter:

attrName (PolicyMgtWSFEDRPAttr)

Specifies the attribute to remove.

Return Value

The RemoveAttribute method returns one of the following values:

RemoveUser Method—Removes Specified User from Resource Partner

The RemoveUser method removes the specified user from the WS-Federation Resource Partner.


The RemoveUser method has the following format:



The RemoveUser method accepts the following parameter:

user (PolicyMgtUser object)

Specifies the user to remove from the Resource Partner.

Return Value

The RemoveUser method returns one of the following values:

Save Method—Saves Resource Partner's Metadata

The Save method writes the WS-Federation Resource Partner's metadata to the policy store. To modify the metadata, call the PolicyMgtWSFEDResourcePartner‑>Property method. Then, call Save to save the changes.


The Save method has the following format:



The Save method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The Save method returns one of the following values:

WS-Federation Resource Partner Attribute Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtWSFEDResourcePartnerAttr objects:

GetAttrNameFormat Method—Retrieves Format of Attribute Names

The GetAttrNameFormat method retrieves the format of attribute names used with this WS-Federation Resource Partner.


The GetAttrNameFormat method has the following format:



The GetAttrNameFormat method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAttrNameFormat method returns one of the following format values:

GetValue Method—Retrieves Attribute Value

The GetValue method retrieves the value of the WS-Federation Resource Partner attribute.


The GetValue method has the following format:



The GetValue method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetValue method returns one of the following values: