Previous Topic: Defects Fixed in 12.51Next Topic: PS Exception When Retrieving Password  (175936)

Defects Fixed in 12.52

This section contains the following topics:

Asserting Party Not Accepting ACS URL in an Authentication Request (170971)

decryptionkeyalias Option Missing for the smfedexport Tool (178702)

PS Exception When Retrieving Password (175936)

GetUserProp() Function Created a Policy Server Failure (174951)

SAML Response Error (172963)

Updates to the Web Agent Option Pack Guide (171546)

Wrong Recipient Selected for an Assertion (171113)

SAML SSO Failure (169294)

Asserting Party Not Accepting ACS URL in an Authentication Request (170971)


CA SiteMinder® Federation was not accepting and processing the Assertion Consumer Service URL in the incoming authentication request. The system did not verify whether the authentication request had an Assertion Consumer Service URL defined.


For an IdP-to-SP partnership, the Administrative UI has a new check box labeled Accept ACS URL in the Authnrequest. This check box is in the SSO section of the SSO and SLO step of the partnership configuration. To confirm that the URL is present and valid in the authentication request, and it is in the metadata, select this option.

STAR issue: 21361990

decryptionkeyalias Option Missing for the smfedexport Tool (178702)


The -decryptionkeyalias command option was missing from the list of smfedexport command options.


The -decryptionkeyalias command option is now in the table of command options.

STAR issue: 21594883-01