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Web Agent or Web Agent Option Pack Failed to Start (172124)


When first policy server listed in HCO is down, the web agent or web agent option pack did not start or initialize. When there are multiple policy servers defined in HCO, with Failover option NO, and the first policy server in the list is down, then WA or WAOP is not connecting to any other PS and not initialized.


This is no longer a problem.

Star issue 21450634-1

Test Tool Basic Playback Mode does not work if Policy Server is running in FIPS only Mode (154109)


If the Policy Server is running in FIPS only mode, then the Basic Play Back Mode of the CA SiteMinder® Test Tool does not work correctly.


This is no longer an issue. The Test Tool has been fixed. A new topic added to the SiteMinder Test Tool chapter in the Policy Server Configuration Guide: "How to Use the Test Tool in a FIPS-only Environment."

STAR issue: 20890864-1