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Rename Localized Connector Library After Upgrade

A localized version of the connector library is available for this release.

If you have upgraded from version 12.5 or older to CA SiteMinder® Federation 12.52, rename the localized connector library before using it.

Follow these steps:

  1. Locate the following library:
  2. Change the name of the library to the following name:
  3. Restart CA SiteMinder® Federation 12.52.

Consistent Use of CONSUMERID or NAME in an Intersite Transfer URL Required (169724)


At the SAML 1.1 producer, links that represent URLs to the intersite transfer service initiate single sign-on. The CONSUMERID or the NAME query parameter is required in the URL.

If you change the query parameter in a URL from one request to another, an error can occur.


Select the CONSUMERID or the NAME query parameter for all intersite transfer URLs. Do not interchange these parameters from request to request.

This limitation applies only to SAML 1.1 Producer-to-Consumer partnerships.

WSFED RP Entity with SAML 2.0 Token Type Not Supported (167916)

The Administrative UI lets you configure a CA SiteMinder® local WSFED RP entity with a SAML 2.0 token type. However, when you create a WSFED RP-to-IP partnership, you cannot select this RP entity then proceed with the partnership configuration.

The WSFED RP-to-IP partnership does not support the RP entity with the SAML 2.0 token type.