Previous Topic: Administrative UI Contents Not Displaying Properly (176842)Next Topic: Defects Fixed in 12.51

Defects Fixed in 12.5

This section contains the following topics:

WebLogic Agent Failed to get DMS Group Membership Details (CQ155207)

The Web Service Variable not Encoding Ampersands in Nested Variables (CQ151736)

Web Service Variable resolution HTTP Thread not Closing Sockets (CQ154111)

ServerHeartbeat Thread Crash (CQ156277)

Policy Server Hung When Connection Limits Exceeded (CQ157598)

FSS Administrative UI not Authenticating External Administrators Whose Passwords Contain Ampersands (CQ157596)

MaxThreadCount Does not Accept Values Above 10 (CQ153043)

UseSecureCookies Parameter and Advanced Password Services (CQ153055)

Administrative UI and FSS Administrative UI inconsistencies in Regarding Host Configuration Object - Clusters (CQ160633)

Running Policy Server 12SP3CR09 on Policy Store 6.0SP5CR09, Policy Server crash randomly (CQ158841)

OneView is showing inconsistent values for HItRate (CQ155300)

Incorrect ServletExec Reference (161421)

SQL Server Authentication Information for Report Servers (161427)

Extending Policy Store Schema Documentation (161413)

Policy Store Upgrade Documentation (160518)

RadiantOne Incorrectly Listed as Supported

MySQL File Location Incorrect (159256)

Administrative UI Deletes Users from Policy Objects When Modifying Realms or Policies After Importing r6.x Policy Store (157701)

Boolean User Directory Attribute Mappings in Application Object Roles Fail (154130)

CA SSO (smauthetsso) Custom Authentication Scheme Fails in FIPS Mode on Windows (150671/164657)

Dead Lock Condition in the LDAP Authentication Layer (162301)

Host Registration Fails Using smreghost Fails When Pointing to an r6.x Extended Policy Store (164607)

Kerberos Authentication Fails for Users With a Large Number of Group Memberships in Active Directory (154373/164659)

OpenID Authentication Fails When Multiple User Directories are Configured in a Domain (162951)

Policy Server Cannot Authenticate Users from User Directories with Password Policies Using an r6.x Policy Store (160138)

Policy Server Configuration Wizard Fails When Using Drives Other Than C: on Windows (153459)

Policy Server Configuration Wizard Shows the Incorrect Minimum Required JDK/JRE Version (157948)

Policy Server Does Not Properly Protect Resources When Using an r6.x Extended Policy Store

Policy Server Exits Abnormally on Linux When Identity Manager Integration is Enabled (151725/150968)

Policy Server Installer Fails to Configure IPlanet Web Server/ASF Apache for FSS UI During Installation (155738)

Policy Server Installer Hangs When Encryption Key Contains Dollar Sign ($) Characters (160825)

Policy Server Race Condition Prevents Updates to Agent Configuration Objects Using the Java Policy Management API (154521/164660)

XPSDDInstall Abnormally Terminates When Upgrading from r12 SP3 to r12.5x Policy Server (158655)

FSS Applet UI Did Not Launch in RH5 [157387]

FSS UI Does Not Allow More Than 10 IP Addresses in a Policy Definition (158631/163943)

Authorization Fails for Users in ODBC Directories Configured With UNION-based Query Schemes (159354)

Policy Server Cannot communicate over SSL with LDAP Directory Servers That Specify an AKI (Authority Key Identifier) Attribute in the Certificate (160293/164029)

Administrative UI and smkeytool Fail to Properly Import and Store Certificates Over 1024 Characters to Active Directory Policy Store (160848)

Policy Server Configuration Wizard Breaks the FSS UI on Windows on Windows 2008/Windows 2008 R2 (157938)

Policy Server Abnormally Terminates Processing OnAuthAttempt Rules Bound to an Application Object (161793)

Policy Server Fails to Authorize Users in Active Directory if Load Balancing is Configured in the Administrative UI (160607)

WebLogic Agent Failed to get DMS Group Membership Details (CQ155207)


During any group membership searches, the agent returned the following error:

SmUserDirectory Failure


This issue is fixed.

STAR Issue # 20747701:01

The Web Service Variable not Encoding Ampersands in Nested Variables (CQ151736)


The web service variable did not properly encode ampersands (&) in nested variables.


This issue is fixed.

STAR Issue # 20726860:01

Web Service Variable resolution HTTP Thread not Closing Sockets (CQ154111)


The web service variable resolution HTTP thread is not closing sockets on the Policy Server in a timely manner. The sockets remain in a CLOSE_WAIT state. Under heavy loads, this situation exhausted the supply of file descriptors.


This issue is fixed.

ServerHeartbeat Thread Crash (CQ156277)

Valid on RedHat


The ServerHeartbeat thread crashed.


This issue is fixed.

STAR Issue # 20872776:01

Policy Server Hung When Connection Limits Exceeded (CQ157598)


The Policy Server hung when its connection limits were exceeded.


The issue is fixed.

STAR Issue # 20904378:01

FSS Administrative UI not Authenticating External Administrators Whose Passwords Contain Ampersands (CQ157596)


The FSS Administrative UI was not authenticating external administrators whose passwords contain ampersands (&).


The issue is fixed.

STAR Issue # 20933409:01

MaxThreadCount Does not Accept Values Above 10 (CQ153043)

Valid on RedHat


The MaxThreadCount setting did not accept values greater than 10.


The issue is fixed.

STAR Issue # 20818420:01

UseSecureCookies Parameter and Advanced Password Services (CQ153055)


Setting the UseSecureCookies parameter‑value to yes did not always set secure flags in the following cookies:


The issue is fixed.

STAR Issue # 20716855:01

Administrative UI and FSS Administrative UI inconsistencies in Regarding Host Configuration Object - Clusters (CQ160633)


The following conditions were observed:


These issues are fixed.

STAR Issue # 20736264:01

Running Policy Server 12SP3CR09 on Policy Store 6.0SP5CR09, Policy Server crash randomly (CQ158841)

Valid on Solaris


Policy Server version crashed randomly when using a policy store.


This issue is fixed.

STAR Issue # 21052167:02

OneView is showing inconsistent values for HItRate (CQ155300)


The OneView monitor showed inconsistent values for HItRate.


This issue is fixed.

STAR Issue # 20863232:01

Incorrect ServletExec Reference (161421)

The Policy Server Installation Guide has been updated with the correct reference to ServletExec.

STAR Issue: 21123153;2

SQL Server Authentication Information for Report Servers (161427)

The Policy Server Installation Guide has been updated to include SQL Server authentication mode considerations for the Report Servers.

STAR Issue: 21123153;2

Extending Policy Store Schema Documentation (161413)


The CA SiteMinder® Upgrade Guide incorrectly stated that the policy store schema must be upgraded.


The documentation has been revised to state that policy store schema must be extended for policy store objects that 12.5 requires. A schema upgrade is not required.

STAR Issue: 21101867

More information:

Extend the Policy Store Schema

Policy Store Upgrade Documentation (160518)


The CA SiteMinder® Upgrade Guide was missing policy store upgrade steps.


The documentation has been revised to state that:

STAR Issue: 21132271

More information:

How to Upgrade an r6.x Policy Store

How to Upgrade an r12.x Policy Store

RadiantOne Incorrectly Listed as Supported


The Implementation Guide incorrectly listed the Radiant Logic, Inc. RadiantOne™ Virtual Directory Server


The incorrect reference no longer appears in the guide.

STAR issue: 21123716–1

MySQL File Location Incorrect (159256)

The Policy Server Installation Guide has been updated with the correct location for the MySQL.sql file.

Administrative UI Deletes Users from Policy Objects When Modifying Realms or Policies After Importing r6.x Policy Store (157701)


Administrative UI deletes users from policy objects when modifying realms or policies after Importing an r6.x policy store.


This is no longer a problem.

STAR issue: 20993077-1

Boolean User Directory Attribute Mappings in Application Object Roles Fail (154130)


User directory attribute mappings defined in Application object roles that include boolean expressions fail to resolve.


This is no longer a problem.

STAR issue: 20881853-1

CA SSO (smauthetsso) Custom Authentication Scheme Fails in FIPS Mode on Windows (150671/164657)


Authentication using the CA SSO (smauthetsso) custom authentication scheme fails in FIPS mode on Windows.


This is no longer a problem.

STAR issue: 20736967

Dead Lock Condition in the LDAP Authentication Layer (162301)


An error in the LDAP authentication layer results in a dead lock condition.


This is no longer a problem.

STAR issue: 21181025;1

Host Registration Fails Using smreghost Fails When Pointing to an r6.x Extended Policy Store (164607)


The Policy Server does not allow host registration using smreghost when pointing to an r6.x extended policy store.


This is no longer a problem.

Kerberos Authentication Fails for Users With a Large Number of Group Memberships in Active Directory (154373/164659)


Kerberos authentication fails for users who have a large number of group memberships in a Microsoft Windows Active Directory.


This is no longer a problem.

STAR issue: 20906310-1

OpenID Authentication Fails When Multiple User Directories are Configured in a Domain (162951)


OpenID authentication fails with the following error when multiple user directories are configured in a domain: "nonce verification failed."


This is no longer a problem.

STAR issue: 21175148;1

Policy Server Cannot Authenticate Users from User Directories with Password Policies Using an r6.x Policy Store (160138)


Policy Server cannot authenticate users from a user directory with password policies using an r6.x policy store.


This is no longer a problem.

STAR issue: 21112688;1

Policy Server Configuration Wizard Fails When Using Drives Other Than C: on Windows (153459)


The Policy Server configuration wizard fails when using Disk drives other than C: in the Windows platform.


This is no longer an issue.

STAR issue: 20885033;1

Policy Server Configuration Wizard Shows the Incorrect Minimum Required JDK/JRE Version (157948)


The Policy Server configuration wizard incorrectly shows the minimum required JDK/JRE version as


This is no longer a problem.

STAR issue: 20991445

Policy Server Does Not Properly Protect Resources When Using an r6.x Extended Policy Store


The Policy Server incorrectly marks resources as not protected when using an r6.x extended policy store.


This is no longer a problem.

STAR issue: 21173076-1

Policy Server Exits Abnormally on Linux When Identity Manager Integration is Enabled (151725/150968)


When attempting to configure an Identity Manager directory on a Linux Policy Server, the directory creation operation fails and the Policy Server exits abnormally.


This is no longer an issue.

STAR issue: 20679358

Policy Server Installer Fails to Configure IPlanet Web Server/ASF Apache for FSS UI During Installation (155738)


The Policy Server installer fails to configure IPlanet web server/ASF Apache 32-bit for FSS UI when the "Web Server" option is selected during an installation.


This is no longer a problem.

STAR issue: 20982339;1

Policy Server Installer Hangs When Encryption Key Contains Dollar Sign ($) Characters (160825)


The Policy Server installer hangs if the encryption key contains the dollar sign($) character.


This is no longer a problem.

STAR issue: 21136554-1

Policy Server Race Condition Prevents Updates to Agent Configuration Objects Using the Java Policy Management API (154521/164660)


A Policy Server race condition can prevent updates to Agent Configuration Objects using the Java Policy Management API.


This is no longer a problem.

STAR issue: 20932855

XPSDDInstall Abnormally Terminates When Upgrading from r12 SP3 to r12.5x Policy Server (158655)


The XPSDDInstall utility abnormally terminates when upgrading from the Policy Server from r12 SP3 to r12.5x.


This is no longer a problem.

STAR issue: 21077994-01

FSS Applet UI Did Not Launch in RH5 [157387]


The FSS Applet UI did not launch in RH5. The FSS UI was not launched if it did not have the Policy Server environment variables.


This problem has been fixed.

Star issue 20982339;1

FSS UI Does Not Allow More Than 10 IP Addresses in a Policy Definition (158631/163943)


The FSS UI does not allow more than 10 IP addresses in a policy definition.


This is no longer a problem.

STAR issue: 20318453

Authorization Fails for Users in ODBC Directories Configured With UNION-based Query Schemes (159354)


Authorization fails for users in ODBC directories configured with UNION-based query schemes.


The Policy Server logic has been optimized to execute as follows when authenticating users in an ODBC database:

  1. Validate the distinguished name (DN) with the SQL query configured in "InitUser". This steps checks whether the DN is a user or not.
  2. If the above does not produce result, execute the SQL query configured in "GetGroupProp". This steps checks whether the DN is a user or not.

This optimization prevents the Policy Server from executing a UNION-based SQL query that is configured in "Get User/Group" for every "user" authentication.

STAR issue: 21097422-1

Policy Server Cannot communicate over SSL with LDAP Directory Servers That Specify an AKI (Authority Key Identifier) Attribute in the Certificate (160293/164029)


The Policy Server cannot communicate over SSL with LDAP directory servers that specify an AKI (Authority Key Identifier) attribute in the certificate.


This is no longer a problem.

STAR issue: 21125449-1

Administrative UI and smkeytool Fail to Properly Import and Store Certificates Over 1024 Characters to Active Directory Policy Store (160848)


Administrative UI and smkeytool fail to properly import and store certificates over 1024 characters to an Active Directory policy store.


The Administrative UI and the SiteMinder key tool (smkeytool) are now able to import and store the certificates whose key length is greater than 1024 characters in the policy store.

STAR issue: 21131704;1

Policy Server Configuration Wizard Breaks the FSS UI on Windows on Windows 2008/Windows 2008 R2 (157938)


The Policy Server configuration wizard does not check for the CGI IIS role as a prerequisite for configuring the IIS web server and breaks the FSS UI.


This is no longer a problem. The Policy Server installer now checks for the CGI IIS role in the Windows.

STAR issue: 20991445

Policy Server Abnormally Terminates Processing OnAuthAttempt Rules Bound to an Application Object (161793)


If a user provides invalid credentials, the Policy Server abnormally terminates when processing an OnAuthAttempt rule that is bound to an Application object.


This is no longer a problem,

STAR issue: 21161067-1

Policy Server Fails to Authorize Users in Active Directory if Load Balancing is Configured in the Administrative UI (160607)


If load balancing is configured in the Administrative UI, the Policy Server does not authorize users in Active Directory.


This is no longer a problem.

STAR issue: 21135327-2