Previous Topic: Set Up WebSphere to Work with Federation Web ServicesNext Topic: Prerequisites to Deploy an FWS WAR File in JBoss Server

Set Up JBOSS or Tomcat to Work with Federation Web Services

To use a JBoss or Tomcat Application Server in a CA SiteMinder® federated environment, deploy the FWS application on the application server.

The following illustration shows the deployment with JBOSS or Tomcat. On Systems 1 and 4, the Web Agent is installed with the JBOSS or Tomcat Connector for proxy support. SSL is enabled between the proxy and the application server. On Systems 2 and 5, FWS is deployed with the application server by way of the Web Agent Option Pack.

Graphic showing the Federation Web Services Deployment for JBOSS or Tomcat

The process for deploying FWS is as follows:

  1. Source the environment script on UNIX operating environments.
  2. Create an SmHost.conf file.
  3. Create a WebAgent.conf file.
  4. Modify the AffWebServices properties file.
  5. Deploy the FWS WAR file in the application server.

The following sections detail each step in the process.

Source the Environment Script on a UNIX Operating Environments

After you install the Web Agent Option Pack on a UNIX system, the installation program creates an environment script (

Source the environment script so the library path of the application server points to the location of the Web Agent Option Pack /bin directory.

Source the script by entering the following command at the command line:

. ./

Setting the correct library path lets the option pack and the web or application server to work together.

After you source the script, the library path is set. The variable name for the library path differs depending on the operating system. Example of several library paths:







Important! The application server startup script can reset the library path. Ensure that the path to the Web Agent Option Pack is the first entry in the path.

The path to the Web Agent Option Pack environment script points to one of the following locations:

Create an SmHost.conf File

The FWS application requires the SmHost.conf file. However, the Web Agent Option Pack does not install this file, so you must create it.

  1. Create an SmHost.conf file by running smreghost.exe, which is located in the following directory:


  2. Put the SmHost.conf file in the following directory on System 2 and System 5:


Create a WebAgent.conf File

The FWS application requires the WebAgent.conf file. However, the Web Agent Option Pack does not install this file, so you must create it.

  1. Copy the WebAgent.conf file from System 1 to the following directory on System 2 and System 5:




    Defines the installed location of the Web Agent Option Pack on System 2 and System 5.

  2. Modify the WebAgent.conf file as follows:
    1. Set the EnableWebAgent parameter to YES.
    2. Modify any other configuration parameters to suit the environment for the FWS application.

    The following sample shows a WebAgent.conf file for the FWS application:

    # WebAgent.conf - configuration file for the Federation Web Services Application
    #agentname="agent_name, IP_address"
Modify the FWS Properties File

The file contains all the initialization parameters for Federation Web Services. For deploying FWS, set only the parameter that specifies the location of the WebAgent.conf file.

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the file. Locate this file in the following directory:


  2. Set the AgentConfigLocation parameter to the location of the WebAgent.conf file at each partner site.
  3. Repeat this procedure for each application server where the Web Agent Option Pack is installed.
  4. Accept the default values for the rest of the settings in the properties file.