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How to Install SiteMinder WSS Agents on z/OS Systems

To Install <agents> on the z/OS operating environments, perform the following process.

  1. Gather the information that the installation program requires.
  2. Run the SiteMinder WSS Agent installation program.
Gather the Information for the Installation

Gather the following information about your web server before running the installation program for the CA SiteMinder® agent:

Installation Directory

Specifies the location of the CA SiteMinder® agent binary files on your web server. The web_agent_home variable is set to this location.

Limit: CA SiteMinder® requires the name "webagent" for the bottom directory in the path.

Run the SiteMinder WSS Agent Installation Program on z/OS

The installation program for the CA SiteMinder® agent installs the agent on a single computer running the z/OS operating environment. This installation program can be run in wizard or console modes. The wizard and console-based installation program also creates a .properties file for subsequent installations and configurations using the unattended or silent method with the same settings.

For example, suppose the Agents in your environment use the same web server version, installation directory, Agent Configuration Object and Policy Servers. Use the installation wizard or console-based installation program for your first installation. Afterwards, you could create your own script to run the installation program with the .properties file the wizard or console-based installation program created.

You install the CA SiteMinder® agent using the installation media on the Technical Support site.

Note: Verify that you have executable permissions. To add executable permissions to the installation media, run the following command:

chmod +x installation_media

Specifies the SiteMinder WSS Agent installer executable.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in as a root user.
  2. Exit all applications that are running.
  3. Open a shell and navigate to the installation media.
  4. Run the installation program in GUI or console mode by entering one of the following commands:

    GUI Mode:

    java -jar  installation_media

    Console Mode:

    java -jar installation_media -i console
  5. Use gathered system and component information to install the SiteMinder WSS Agent. Consider the following when running the installer:
  6. Review the information presented on the Pre-Installation Summary page, then click Install.

    Note: If the installation program detects that newer versions of certain system libraries are installed on your system it asks if you want to overwrite these newer files with older files. Select No To All if you see this message.

    The SiteMinder WSS Agent files are copied to the specified location. Afterward, the CA CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security Configuration screen is displayed.

  7. Select one of the following options:
  8. Click Done.

    If you selected the option to configure SiteMinder WSS Agents now, the installation program prepares the CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security Configuration Wizard and begins the trusted host registration and configuration process.

    If you did not select the option to configure SiteMinder WSS Agents now or if you are required to reboot the system after installation you must start the configuration wizard manually later.

Installation Notes:

More information:

Web Agent Install Worksheet for the Windows Operating Environment