Previous Topic: Single Sign-on ConfigurationNext Topic: Single Sign-on Configuration (Relying Party)

Single Sign-on Configuration (Asserting Party)

To specify how assertions are delivered to a relying party, configure single sign-on at the asserting party.

The procedure that follows offers the basic steps to enable single sign-on. Details about all the configurable features in the sign-on dialog are described in subsequent topics and in the Administrative UI help.

Follow these steps:

  1. Begin at the appropriate step in the partnership wizard.
    SAML 1.1

    Single Sign-On

    SAML 2.0

    SSO and SLO


    Single Sign-on and Sign-Out

    Any values that are defined during the creation or import of the remote relying party are filled in.

    Note: Click Help for a description of fields, controls, and their respective requirements.

  2. Complete the fields in the Authentication section, noting the following information:
  3. Complete the Authentication Class field (SAML 1.1 and 2.0 only). Supply a static URI for this field. Additionally, for SAML 2.0 only, the software can automatically detect an authentication class. The URI is placed in the AuthnContextClassRef element in the assertion to describe how a user is authenticated.
  4. Complete the fields in the SSO section. These settings let you control the following features:

    For SAML 2.0, you can configure these features:

    Note: Click Help for a description of fields, controls, and their respective requirements.

  5. Specify the URL for the assertion consumer service or security token service. This remote relying party service consumes and processes assertions.

    Your partner must supply this URL to you.

  6. If you selected HTTP-Artifact as the SAML binding, configure the back channel settings.
  7. (Optional). For SAML 2.0, you can do the following tasks:

More information:

Single Sign-on Initiation (SAML 2.0)

Status Redirects for HTTP Errors (SAML 2.0 IdP)

Legacy Artifact Protection Type for the HTTP-Artifact Back Channel

Authentication Mode for Partnership Federation

Partnership federation lets you define the authentication mode for federated single sign-on.

Legacy Artifact Protection Type for the HTTP-Artifact Back Channel

For HTTP-Artifact single sign-on, you can select the legacy option for the Artifact Protection Type field. The legacy option indicates that you are using the legacy method of protecting the back channel to the artifact service at the asserting party.

To implement the legacy method of protection:

Follow these steps: to add a web agent to an agent group

  1. Log in to the Administrative UI.
  2. Select Infrastructure, Agents, Create Agent.
  3. Specify the name of the Web Agent in your deployment. Click Submit.
  4. Select Infrastructure, Agent Groups.
  5. Select the FederationWebServicesAgentGroup entry.

    The Agent Groups dialog opens.

  6. Click Add/Remove and the Agent Group Members dialog opens.
  7. Move the web agent from the Available Members list to the Selected Members list.
  8. Click OK to return to the Agent Groups dialog.
  9. Click Submit then click Close to return to the main page.

Follow these steps: to enforce the policy that protects the retrieval service

  1. In the Administrative UI, configure the partnership using the legacy method for the artifact protection type.
  2. Activate this partnership.
  3. Select Policies, Domain, Domain Policies.

    A list of available domain policies displays.

  4. Edit the appropriate artifact service policy by selecting the pencil icon.
    SAML 1.1


    SAML 2.0


    Note: The supplied policies are default policies. You can use any policy that you created to protect the artifact service.

  5. Go to the Users tab.

    The federation custom user stores display in the User Directories section.

  6. Click Add Members for the user store you want to modify:
    SAML 1.1


    SAML 2.0


  7. Select the partnerships for which you configured legacy artifact protection.


  8. Click OK.

The partnership for HTTP-Artifact single sign-on now allows the access to the artifact service so the relying party can retrieve the assertion.