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Obtain the OID of Realms Protected Configured for OTP Authentication

Obtain the Object Identity (OID) of the realms that are configured with OTP authentication for which you are configuring Max Failures overrides.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Policy Server using an Administrator account with XPSexplorer rights.
  2. Open a command window and enter the following command:
  3. Type "42" and hit Enter to explore realms.
  4. Perform the following steps for each realm whose OID require:
    1. Type "s" and hit Enter to search all realms.
    2. Type "b" and hit Enter to build a filter to search for a specific realm.
    3. Type "5" and hit Enter to configure the filter to search for a realm Name attribute.
    4. Type "a" and hit Enter to specify the equals ("=") operation for the filter.
    5. Type the exact name of the realm and hit Enter twice.
    6. Type "f" and hit Enter to apply the filter.
    7. If you entered the realm name correctly, XPSexplorer displays information about the realm. For example:
    8. Note the realm ID, which is everything after the @ sign. In the previous example, the following string is the realm OID:
    9. Type "q".