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Redirecting a User to the Target Application

The Target Application section in the Application Integration step lets you define how a user gets redirected to the target application. The redirection method that you select depends on the type of data you want to pass with the user to the target application.

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Application Integration step in the partnership wizard.
  2. Select a redirection method for the Redirect Mode field. Note the following information:

    Note: Click Help for a description of fields, controls, and their respective requirements.

  3. Enter the URL of the target application in the Target field.

    If a proxy sits in front of the server with the target resource, enter the URL for the proxy host. The proxy handles all federation requests locally. The proxy host can be any system that sits in front of the target server. The proxy host can also be CA SiteMinder® itself, provided it is being accessed directly from the Internet. Ultimately, when operating with a proxy, the URL you specify as the target must go through CA SiteMinder®. For example, if the base URL is and the back-end server resource is mytarget/target.jsp, the value for this field is

    For SAML 2.0, you can leave this field blank if you override it with the RelayState query parameter. The RelayState query parameter can part of the URL that triggers single sign-on. To enable this override, select the Relay state overrides target check box.

Setting up redirection to the target is complete.