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SiteMinder Documentation

CA SiteMinder® documentation is available through a bookshelf. The CA SiteMinder® bookshelf lets you:

CA SiteMinder® product documentation continues to be available separately. This guide references other CA SiteMinder® guides. We recommend that you locate the documentation before beginning an upgrade.

More information:

Locate the Bookshelf

Component Versions in this Guide

This guide details the paths for upgrading a SOA Security Manager r12.1 SP3 environment to CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security 12.52.

The component versions in this guide include:

Policy Server and Policy Store Versions in this Guide

This guide details the considerations and migration paths for upgrading your CA SOA Security Manager Policy Server and policy store from CA SOA Security Manager r12.1 SP3 to CA SiteMinder® 12.52.

Note: The CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security r12.1 SP3 Policy Server is an extended version of the SiteMinder r12 SP3 Policy Server. The 6.0.6 CA SiteMinder® Policy Server includes the CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security extensions. Therefore, there is no CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security Policy Server in a CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security 12.52 environment — the CA SiteMinder® 12.52 Policy Server supports web service access control requests from SiteMinder WSS Agents (formerly SOA Agents).

Upgrade Paths

An upgrade consists of deploying 12.52 components to an existing CA SiteMinder® environment. Upgrading to 12.52 can be accomplished in two ways:


A migration is the process of upgrading individual CA SOA Security Manager components until your environment is operating at CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security 12.52. Upgrading individual components consists of one or more steps during which you:

You upgrade individual components over an extended period to maintain system availability. A key to maintaining system availability is the order in which you upgrade components. During a migration, specific components that have been upgraded can continue to communicate with prior versions. This type of communication is known as mixed-mode support.

The following illustrates the concept of a migration:

Diagram showing an overview of the first three migration stages

Parallel Upgrade

A parallel upgrade is the process of configuring a CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security 12.52 environment beside an existing r12.1 SP3 environment. Configuring a parallel upgrade consists of multiple steps during which you:

The following illustrates the concept of a parallel upgrade.

Diagram showing how a parallel upgrade works