Previous Topic: Import Trusted Certificates and Key/Certificate PairsNext Topic: Certificate Authority (CA) Certificate Usage

Export Certificate and Key Data

You can export a private key/certificate pair and can send it to your federation partner. The partner can use the certificate to verify the digital signature created with the associated private key of the certificate.

Important! If you export the private key as part of a backup, never share it with anyone else.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Administrative UI.
  2. Select Infrastructure, X509 Certificate Management, Trusted Certificates and Private Keys.

    The Certificate and Private Key List displays.

  3. Select Action, Export for the entry you want to export.

    The Export Key Store Entry dialog appears.

  4. Select the format of the file you want to create from the exported data.

    Note: Click Help for a description of fields, controls, and their respective requirements.

  5. Select the file format.
  6. Click Export.

    You are prompted to open or save the file on the local system.

CA SiteMinder® generates the encoded file content representing the key or certificate.