This section contains the following topics:
Set the JRE in the PATH Variable
Apply the Unlimited Cryptography Patch to the JRE
Configure the JVM to Use the JSafeJCE Security Provider
Run the Installer to Install a SiteMinder WSS Agent Using a GUI
Run the Installer to Install a SiteMinder WSS Agent Using a UNIX Console
Install a SiteMinder WSS Agent Using the Unattended Installer
Installation and Configuration Log Files
How to Configure Agents and Register a System as a Trusted Host
Uninstall the SiteMinder WSS Agent
Set the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) in the UNIX system PATH variable.
To set the JRE in the PATH variable
Defines the location of your Java Runtime Environment bin directory.
Patch the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) used by the Agent to support unlimited key strength in the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) package. The patches for all supported platforms are available from the Oracle website.
The files that need to be patched are:
The local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar files can found be in the following locations:
Defines the location of your Java Runtime Environment installation.
Note: If WebLogic has been configured to use its own JRE then you must also patch the JRE used by WebLogic to support unlimited key strength in the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) package.
The SiteMinder WSS Agent XML encryption function requires that the JVM is configured to use the JSafeJCE security provider.
Follow these steps:
Is the installed location of the JVM used by the application server.
In the following example, the JSafeJCE security provider entry has been added as the second security provider: security.provider.2=com.rsa.jsafe.provider.JsafeJCE security.provider.5=com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE
Note: If using the IBM JRE, always configure the JSafeJCE security provider immediately after (that is with a security provider number one higher than) the IBMJCE security provider (
Note: The initial FIPS mode does not affect the final FIPS mode you select for the SiteMinder WSS Agent.
Install the SiteMinder WSS Agent using the CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security installation media on the Technical Support site. Consider the following:
chmod +x ca-sm-wss-<SVMVER>-cr-unix_version.bin
Specifies the cumulative release number. The base 12.52 release does not include a cumulative release number.
Specifies the UNIX version: sol or linux.
To install the SiteMinder WSS Agent
The CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security installer starts.
Note: If the installation program detects that newer versions of certain system libraries are installed on your system it asks if you want to overwrite these newer files with older files. Select No To All if you see this message.
The SiteMinder WSS Agent files are copied to the specified location. Afterward, the CA CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security Configuration screen is displayed.
If you selected the option to configure SiteMinder WSS Agents now, the installation program prepares the CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security Configuration Wizard and begins the trusted host registration and configuration process.
If you did not select the option to configure SiteMinder WSS Agents now or if you are required to reboot the system after installation you must start the configuration wizard manually later.
Installation Notes:
Specifies the path to where CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security is installed.
Specifies the date and time that the SiteMinder WSS Agent was installed.
Install the SiteMinder WSS Agent using the CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security installation media on the Technical Support site. Consider the following:
chmod +x ca-sm-wss-<SVMVER>-cr-unix_version.bin
Specifies the cumulative release number. The base 12.52 release does not include a cumulative release number.
Specifies the UNIX version: sol or linux..
To install the SiteMinder WSS Agent
./ca-sm-wss-<SVMVER>-cr-unix_version.bin -i console
The CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security installer starts.
Note: If the installation program detects that newer versions of certain system libraries are installed on your system it asks if you want to overwrite these newer files with older files. Select No To All if you see this message.
The SiteMinder WSS Agent files are copied to the specified location. Afterward, the CA CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security Configuration screen is displayed.
If you selected the option to configure SiteMinder WSS Agents now, the installation program prepares the CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security Configuration Wizard and begins the trusted host registration and configuration process.
If you did not select the option to configure SiteMinder WSS Agents now or if you are required to reboot the system after installation you must start the configuration wizard manually later.
Installation Notes:
Specifies the path to where CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security is installed.
Specifies the date and time that the SiteMinder WSS Agent was installed.
The Agent cannot communicate properly with the Policy Server until the trusted host is registered.
After you have installed one or more SiteMinder WSS Agents on one machine, you can reinstall those agents on the same machine or install them with the same options on another machine using an unattended installation mode. An unattended installation lets you install or uninstall SiteMinder WSS Agents without any user interaction
The unattended installation uses the file generated during the initial install from the information you specified to define the necessary installation parameters, passwords, paths, and so on.
The file is located in: WSS_Home/install_config_info
Specifies the path to where CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security is installed.
Default: C:\Program Files\CA\Web Services Security
To run the installer in the unattended installation mode
Specifies the cumulative release number. The base 12.52 release does not include a cumulative release number.
Specifies the UNIX version: sol or linux.
./ca-sm-wss-<SVMVER>-cr-unix_version -f -i silent
The -i silent setting instructs the installer to run in the unattended installation mode.
Note: If the file is not in the same directory as the installation program, use double quotes if the argument contains spaces.
./ca-sm-wss-<SVMVER>-cr-unix_version -f ~/CA/Web_Services_Security/install_config_info/" -i silent
An InstallAnywhere status bar appears, which shows that the unattended CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security installer has begun. The installer uses the parameters specified in the file.
Installation Notes:
Specifies the path to where CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security is installed.
Specifies the date and time that the SiteMinder WSS Agent was installed.
To check the results of the installation or review any specific problems during the installation or configuration of a SiteMinder WSS Agent, check the CA_SiteMinder_Web_Services_Security_Install_date-time_InstallLog.log file located in WSS_Home\install_config_info.
Specifies the date and time of the CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security installation.
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