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Final Steps

This section contains the following topics:

Restart WebSphere

Edit Deployment Descriptors of JAX-RPC Applications

Configure Policies for the SiteMinder WSS Agent

Restart WebSphere

After completing WebSphere-side configuration of the SiteMinder WSS Agent, you must restart WebSphere.

To restart IBM WebSphere

  1. Log out of the Integrated Solutions Console.
  2. From a command line or shell in the WAS_HOME/bin directory, stop and then restart the WebSphere Server.

    To stop the server, you will require the server user ID and Server user password you entered when configuring LDAP as a WebSphere user registry. The command is:

    stopServer server1 -username serveruserID -password serveruserpassword

    To start the server, you do not need a password:

    startServer server1
  3. To make sure everything is working as expected, view the SiteMinder WSS Agent and WebSphere (SystemOut.log, SystemErr.log) log files.

    WebSphere’s SystemOut.log and SystemErr.log file resides in:


    The logs indicate should indicate that everything is working correctly. If the logs indicate problems, you should troubleshoot your configuration.

More information:

Configure LDAP as a WebSphere User Registry

Edit Deployment Descriptors of JAX-RPC Applications

To protect a JAX-RPC web service you must edit its deployment descriptor to add the SiteMinder WSS Agent JAX-RPC Handler.

To edit a JAX-RPC web service deployment descriptor

  1. Unpack the enterprise archive (EAR) containing one or more web services.
  2. Examine the EAR to determine which of the modules within it contains a JAX-RPC web service.(A module that contains a JAX-RPC web service if it has a webservices.xml file in the META-INF folder for EJB endpoints, or the WEB-INF folder for servlet endpoints.)
  3. For each module in the EAR identified as a JAX-RPC web service:
    1. Unpack the archive containing the module. (The archive will be a JAR file for EJB endpoints and a WAR file for servlet endpoints.)
    2. Find the webservices.xml file.
    3. For each port-component element found in the webservices.xml file, add a handler element:
         <handler-name>SiteMinder WSS Agent Handler</handler-name>

      Note: The SiteMinder WSS Agent JAX-RPC handler must always be invoked first; If other handler elements are already present or subsequently added to the webservices.xml file, the SiteMinder WSS Agent JAX-RPC Handler element must placed before them.

  4. Repackage the module into the appropriate archive type (JAR or WAR).
  5. When all modules have been configured, repackage the EAR.
  6. Install or update the enterprise application.

Configure Policies for the SiteMinder WSS Agent

You create authentication and authorization policies to protect web service resources hosted on WebSphere from their associated WSDL files using the CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security Configuration User Interface. For more information, see the CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security Policy Configuration Guide.