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Email should always be sent using the language stored in the user's directory entry, if it is available, since 1) the email may not be going to the same user that is trying to authenticate (it could be a hacker) and 2) some mail originate offline, when a browser is not involved.

The easiest way to localize email is to store a copy of each email file for each language in a separate directory, much like the language files. Then, when you specify the Mail Directory in the APS Configuration File, include, as part of the path, the text {preferredLanguage}. APS will replace that text with the user's stored language, thus changing the actual directory that APS will look for the file on. The correct file will then be loaded.

Keep in mind that the Administrator's language will sometimes be different from the user's, so keep in mind who the intended recipient of each email is to be.

See Using Email for more information about handling email.