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FPS Errors

FPS may encounter an unexpected error during processing. This may be a missing configuration setting (one of the ìexpected errorî pages is not configured), or it may be an error which occurred when communicating with the User Directory. This section defines how such errors are to be reported to the user. Note that all errors arealso written to the SiteMinder Authentication Console Log. In most cases, the Console Log will contain more detailed information about the error that is not useful to the user (or should not be revealed to the user).

All of the information that FPS needs to do this is defined in a section headed by a single line in the FPS configuration file containing the text:


Everything appearing after this line and before the start of another section is considered part of the errors section.

Prior to APS Version 4.0, this section was called [Errors]. In Version 4, this was renamed to [FPS-Errors]. The old name is still recognized and will be processed correctly, but a warning will be issued about the use of the deprecated name.


Value: URL

Default: none

Recommended: highly

Code Description: URL

Complexity Level: Basic

This is the page used to display errors. The error text will be in the query string (URL encoded).


Value: mail file(s)

Default: none

Recommended: highly

Complexity Level: Advanced

When such an error occurs, this setting indicates the file(s) to send via email. The actual error message can be included in the text using the message macro. Typically, this is used to notify an administrator that an error has occurred.