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CLI User Methods

DisableByAdmin Method—Sets or Retrieves Disabled-by-Administrator Flag

The DisableByAdmin method sets or retrieves the disabled-by-administrator flag which specifies whether the user account is disabled by the administrator.


The DisableByAdmin method has the following format:



The DisableByAdmin method accepts the following parameter:

disableFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the disabled-by-administrator flag.

Return Value

The DisableByAdmin method returns the new or existing value for the disabled-by-administrator flag:


User accounts can be disabled for one or more of the following reasons:

DisableInactive Method—Sets or Retrieves Disabled-by-Inactivity Flag

The DisableInactive method sets or retrieves the disabled-by-inactivity flag which specifies whether the user account is disabled because account inactivity exceeded the time allowed.


The DisableInactive method has the following format:



The DisableInactive method accepts the following parameter:

disableFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the disabled-by-inactivity flag.

Specifies that the user account is disabled because of inactivity.

Specifies that the user account is not disabled because of inactivity.

Note: The user account can be disabled for other reasons. For more information, see Remarks.

Return Value

The DisableInactive method returns the new or existing value for the disabled-by-inactivity flag:


User accounts can be disabled for one or more of the following reasons:

DisableMaxLoginFail Method—Sets or Retrieves Disabled-by-Max-Login-Failure Flag

The DisableMaxLoginFail method sets or retrieves the disabled-by-max-login-failure flag which specifies whether the user account is disabled because the number of login failures exceeded the maximum allowed.


The DisableMaxLoginFail method has the following format:



The DisableMaxLoginFail method accepts the following parameter:

disableFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the disabled-by-max-login-failure flag.

Return Value

The DisableMaxLoginFail method returns the new or existing value for the disabled-by-max-login-failure flag:


User accounts can be disabled for one or more of the following reasons:

DisablePwdExpired Method—Sets or Retrieves Disabled-by-Password-Expired Flag

The DisablePwdExpired method sets or retrieves the disabled-by-password-expired flag that specifies whether the user account is disabled because the password expired.


The DisablePwdExpired method has the following format:



The DisablePwdExpired method accepts the following parameter:

disableFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the disabled-by-password-expired flag.

Return Value

The DisablePwdExpired method returns the new or existing value for the disabled-by-password-expired flag:


User accounts can be disabled for one or more of the following reasons:

ForcePwdChange Method—Sets or Retrieves Force-Password-Change Flag

The ForcePwdChange method sets or retrieves the force-password-change flag that specifies whether to force a password change at the next user login.


The ForcePwdChange method has the following format:



The ForcePwdChange method accepts the following parameter:

forceFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to force a password change at the next user login.

Return Value

The ForcePwdChange method returns the new or existing value for the force-password-change flag.

GetClass Method—Retrieves User Class

The GetClass method retrieves the user class.


The GetClass method has the following format:



The GetClass method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetClass method returns one of the following values:

SetPassword Method—Sets a New Password

The SetPassword method sets a new password for the user.


The SetPassword method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtUser‑>SetPassword(newPwd[, oldPwd])


The SetPassword method accepts the following parameters:

newPwd (string)

Specifies the new password.

oldPwd (string)

(Optional) Specifies the old password to change.

Note: If provided, this value must match the existing password in the user directory.

Return Value

The SetPassword method returns one of the following values:

SetPath Method--Sets User Path


The SetPath method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtUser‑>SetPath(newPath, policy)


The SetPath method accepts the following parameters:


Specifies the new path.

policy(PolicyMgtPolicy object)

Specifies the policy object.

Return Values

The SetPath method returns one of the following values:

UserPasswordState Method—Sets or Retrieves Password State Object

The UserPasswordState method sets or retrieves the password state object for the current user. Setting a new password state object updates the object's attributes with any changes that have been made. This method also clears the password history if specified by the empty-history flag.


The UserPasswordState method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtUser‑>UserPasswordState([pPwState][, emptyHistoryFlag])


The UserPasswordState method accepts the following parameters:

pPwState (PolicyMgtUserPasswordState)

(Optional) Specifies the new password state object to set.

emptyHistoryFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to clear the password history.

Return Value

The UserPasswordState method returns one of the following values:

ValidatePassword Method—Validates Password

The ValidatePassword method determines whether the user's password conforms to the password policy. Call ValidatePassword before calling the method SetPassword.


The ValidatePassword method has the following format:



The ValidatePassword method accepts the following parameters:

password (string)

Specifies the password to validate.

Return Value

The ValidatePassword method returns one of the following values: