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Agent Defects Fixed in 12.52 SP1

Apache Was Appending the Default Error Document When Accessing an FCC (177181)


Several customers upgrading to R12.51 reported the issue as the appended doc results in an HTTP packets with incorrect Content-Length header value. The HTTP packets were then rejected by stateful devices, or incorrectly rendered by browsers.


This problem has been corrected.

Star issue 21532133-1

SSO Did Not Work When Persistent Session Was Enabled (176883)


When a user session was moving from non-persist session to persist session, SSO was not working.


This problem has been corrected.

Star issue 21543316-1

DefaultAppPool Was Failing (176098)


Customer reported intermittent DefaultAppool failures in their corporate federation servers.
LLAWP stopped.


This problem has been corrected.

Star issue 21507797-1

SMRegHost Error Message for an Already Existing Trusted Host (174556)


While Running SMRegHost for Host Registration, if the trusted host name was already existing in the Policy Store, the Error message was as follows:


Registration failed (Unable to create trusted host).


The Message did not tell the reason for the failure, that is, that a TrustedHost with the same name already existed.


This problem has been corrected.

Star issue 21477725-4

Potential Opening in FORMS Authentication (173250)


When an agent was using FORMS authentication, and a user entered an invalid username, the status of the POST to the FCC request was a 200 OK, The user was again presented with
the login form. If the user enters a valid user name and a bad password, the status of the POST request to the FCC was a 302 redirect, back to the Login.FCC.

Based on this behavior, a nefarious user can determine that a user name was valid due to the 302 redirect, and then implement a Brute Force attack against the known good user name.


This problem has been corrected.

Star issue 21467829;1

Web Agent Was Not Encoding Curly Braces { } (176135)


Reproduction Steps
1. Configure Siteminder Web agent and Policy Server to protect any sample page.
2. Send any password change request and check the URL in the password change request.
NOTE- You can set the user must change password at next login in the Manage user accounts dialog on the Administrative UI.

RESULT: The URL contains curly braces {RC2} instead of encoding them.


This problem has been corrected.

Star issue 21536346-1

Host Registration Fails When the Administrator Password Contains a percent (%) character (177924)


When running the Web agent Configuration Wizard and trying to perform host registration, Host registration fails when administrator password contains a percent character.
The Web agent Configuration logs show that % is changed to %% in the password.


This problem has been corrected.

Star issue 21557461-1

Missing DLL Information in the Web Agent Option Pack Guide (98438)


The Web Agent Option Pack Guide does not mention all the DLLs that are required to set up WebSphere to work with Federation Web Services.


The documentation is updated.

STAR issue: 21848126-01

The AgentConfigLocation Parameter is Overwritten During Upgrade (55634)


During an upgrade, the Web Agent Option Pack installer is overwriting the value of the AgentConfigLocation parameter in the file.


This issue is fixed.

STAR isssue: 21700322-01

Response to a FCC Page Does not Contain X-Frame-Options Header (55354)


The response to the FCC pages does not contain the X-Frame-Options header.


This issue is fixed.

STAR issue: 21573717-1

Some OAuth Provider Files Missing in OAuth FCC File (54550)


The .gif and .ico files of OAuth providers Facebook and Google are missing in the oauth.fcc file that is included with the web agent installation.


This is no longer an issue.

STAR issue: 21390384-01

WWSI Integration Degrades Performance (54169)


The performance degrades when WWSI is integrated with a Web Agent on IIS Server.


This is no longer an issue.

STAR issue: 21460045-02

Web Agent Terminates Abruptly on iPlanet with Solaris 10 (54408)


Web agent on iPlanet with Solaris 10 terminates abruptly.


This issue is no longer valid.

STAR issue: 21578167-1

IIS Agent Fails to Log Host Registration Failure (54254)


The 64-bit IIS agent did not log specific error message in the agent config log when host registration failed.


This issue is fixed.

STAR issue: 21593387-01

LLAWP Process not Checking Group Ownership (54019)


LLAWP is unable to open the file which has group ownership even if the user is present in that particular group.


This is no longer an issue. Set the GUID of the user while spawning the LLAWP process.

STAR issue: 21236749-1

Custom Agent Fails to Decode SSO Token (53880)


SDK-based custom agent fails to decode SSO token intermittently.


This issue is no longer valid.

STAR issue: 21565062-1