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SDK Defects Fixed in 12.51

This section contains the following topics:

Incorrect Values in file of 64-bit Java SDK (165718)

Application Server Agent fails to Reconnect to Policy Server (167819)

Policy Management API Performance Issues (169497)

Running C Sample Program with a 4.x Agent Requires Setting an Environment Variable [156186]

Decoding SSO Token Degrades Performance (159533)

Error when Customizing Validity Duration of SAML Service Provide Object (153929)

smtest Tool Errors when Run from the bin64 Directory (CQ162346)

IdentityMinder and SiteMinder Policy Server Connection Issue (CQ158253)

Incorrect Values in file of 64-bit Java SDK (165718)


The file included with the 64-bit Java SDK had incorrect values for the following variables:


This issue is fixed.

STAR Issue # 21181913:01

Application Server Agent fails to Reconnect to Policy Server (167819)


After a network failure, an application agent fails to reconnect to the Policy Server.


The issue is fixed.

STAR issue: 20619959–1

Policy Management API Performance Issues (169497)


Custom applications experience poor performance when manipulating large numbers of policy objects using the Policy Management API.


This is no longer an issue.

STAR issue: 21359599-1

Running C Sample Program with a 4.x Agent Requires Setting an Environment Variable [156186]

Setting the environment variable for FIPs only is required for running the SmAgentAPI 'C' Samples for the 4x Agent connection to work. Make sure that this environment variable is set as follows:

export CA_SM_PS_FIPS140=ONLY.

After setting this environmental variable the SmAgentAPI 'C' Samples started working.

This setting is not required for 5.x agents.

Decoding SSO Token Degrades Performance (159533)


Expected behavior:

The decodeSSOToken method is to call the doManagement method every 30 seconds.

Actual behavior:

The decodeSSOToken method calls the doManagement method every time the SDK agent calls the decodeSSOToken method.


The issue is fixed. The expected behavior occurs.

STAR issue: 21052982–3

Error when Customizing Validity Duration of SAML Service Provide Object (153929)

Using the C API SDK application to complete the following items results in an error:

The error is as follows:


smtest Tool Errors when Run from the bin64 Directory (CQ162346)

Valid on Windows 2008


I installed the test tool and saw the following error message when I tried to run it from the bin64 directory:

libetpki2.dll not found


This issue is fixed.

STAR Issue # 20994844:01

IdentityMinder and SiteMinder Policy Server Connection Issue (CQ158253)

Valid on RedHat


I received the following error message:

WARN [org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.JBossManagedConnectionPool] (main) Throwable while attempting to get a new connection: null
javax.resource.spi.EISSystemException: Cannot connect to policy server: Failed to init Agent API: -


This issue is fixed.

STAR Issue # 20950919:01