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CA SiteMinder® Federation Java SDK Programming Interfaces

This section contains the following topics:

IFederationOpenIdentity Interface

FedSdkLogger Interface

IFederationOpenIdentity Interface

The IFederationOpenIdentity interface defines methods for manipulating the federation open format cookie. The interface supports the following tasks:

To obtain an implementation of the IFederationOpenIdentity interface, call one of the implementation methods defined in the IdentityFactory. These methods require specifying a string for the cryptographic transformation of the cookie.

The following password-based encryption combinations are available for standard installations:

Password-based encryption (PBE) combinations are not FIPS-compatible. Any of the FIPS-mode encryption combinations listed following requires using the Java SDK to operate properly.

The following encryption combinations are FIPS-compliant and also available for standard installations:

Note: All cryptographic strings and their corresponding constant names are listed in

Open Format Cookie

The federation open format cookie lets applications assert user attributes to CA SiteMinder® and consume user attributes encapsulated by CA SiteMinder®. The open format cookie has the following general characteristics:

Important! If the cookie contains any unsafe characters such as '=', enclose the value in double quotes. You can specify this option through the user interface, or through the SDK.

The open format cookie contains the following property information:

The following diagram shows the open format:

Illustration showsing which properties and attributes of open cookies are used.


The Backus-Naur Form (BNF) for this format is following (0* means 0 or more; 1* means at least 1).

FedSdkLogger Interface

The FedSdkLogger interface provides the following methods for specifying custom logging messages:

void logTrace (string fileName, string methodName, string msg)

Logs a trace message.

void logError (string fileName, string methodName, string msg)

Logs an error message.