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Reschedule CA SiteMinder® Policy Data Synchronization

CA SiteMinder® automatically synchronizes Policy Data using the XPSSweeper tool. You can change how often this tool runs by setting the following parameter:


Specifies the days and times (hour and minute) at which the XPSSweeper process runs.

Default: Mondays at 08:30

Limits: GMT Time zone using the 24-hour clock. Separate multiple entries with commas or spaces

Example: Mon@13:30,Tue@14:00

Note: If you do not have write access to the CA SiteMinder® binary files (XPS.dll,,, an Administrator must grant you permission to use the related XPS command line tools using the Administrative UI or the XPSSecurity tool.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open a command line on the Policy Server, and enter the following command:

    The tool starts and displays the name of the log file for this session, and a menu of choices opens.

  2. Enter the following:

    A list of options appears.

  3. Enter the following:
    8 (AutosweepSchedule)

    The current schedule for the XPSSweeper tool appears.

  4. Type C, and then enter the day and time you want. If you want to enter several days or times, separate them with commas or spaces. Use the following format:

    The new and old settings appear. The values you added are shown at the bottom of the settings as a "pending value."

  5. Do the following:
    1. Enter Q twice.
    2. Enter L.
    3. Enter Q to end your XPS session.

    Your changes are saved and the command prompt appears.