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Single Sign-on Token Methods

Decode Method—Decodes a Single Sign-on Token

The Decode method decodes a single sign-on token and returns a subset of its attributes. In addition, you have the option of updating the token's last-accessed timestamp by passing a non-zero value to this method. To retrieve the updated token in string format, call SSOToken‑>GetString and write the token string to the SMSESSION cookie.


The Decode method has the following format:



The Decode method accepts the following parameter:

update (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether an updated token is requested:

Return Value

The Decode method returns one of the following values:


To create a single sign-on object, call AgentUser‑>CreateSSOToken.

GetString Method—Retrieves String Representation of SSO Token Object

The GetString method retrieves the string representation of a single sign-on token object. After calling GetString, you can write the token string to the SMSESSION cookie.


The GetString method has the following format:



The GetString method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetString method returns the following value:


You can call GetString after creating a single sign-on token object with CreateSSOToken. You can also call GetString after updating the token's last-accessed timestamp with Decode.

GetVersion Method—Retrieves SiteMinder Version of SSO Token

The GetVersion method retrieves the SiteMinder version of the single sign-on token.


The GetVersion method has the following format:



The GetVersion method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetVersion method returns the following value:

IsThirdParty Method—Determines Whether the Token Is Custom

The IsThirdParty method determines whether the token was originally produced by a custom (or third-party) agent and has not yet been updated by a standard SiteMinder agent.


The IsThirdParty method has the following format:



The IsThirdParty method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The IsThirdParty method returns one of the following integer values: